Friday 3 February 2017

ASSPUK, JISGE, UK KFA and UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu support calls for immediate return of DPRK waitresses



          London 3rd of February Juche 106(2017)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK),the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE),the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu issued the following joint statement in support of Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society:
   The  Central Committee of the DPRK Red Cross Society issued a statement drawing attention to the fact that it has been 10 months since the 12 DPRK waitresses were abducted from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province of China by agents of the south Korean puppet National Intelligence Service (NIS). The DPRK has repeatedly for their safe return , their repatriation to the DPRK but this has been ignored by the south Korean puppets. Worse still the south Korean puppets refused requests to allow the waitresses to meet their families . There is a lot of concern for their welfare as they have not been seen in public. The waitresses have been detained in solitary confinement.
  If this had been a "voluntary group defection" as propagandaised by the south Korean puppets then surely the waitresses would have been seen in public and would have given a press conference. As it was they were scheduled to appear in court but did not do so. Clearly something is very wrong  in this case.
 Our organisations are pleased to add our voice to the demands for the swift and unconditional repatriation of these young women to the DPRK and their families.
UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu

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