Tuesday 30 November 2021

' The Great Conspiracy Against People's Korea ', a new book by Dr Dermot Hudson now published


"We shall arm comedians with jokes that laugh out their present and future. Poison the soul of the youth with disbelief in their purpose in life, awaken their interest in sexual problems, bait them with such lures of the free world as fancy dances, pretty clothing, special records, verses, songs... Sow discord between the youth and the older generation  (words attributed to Allen Dulles , director of the US Central Intelligence Agency 1953 -1961)

'The Great Conspiracy Against People's Korea' - Dr. Dermot's new book is a pleasant surprise and another great literary proposition in the brilliant writing creativity of this extraordinary author.

The book talks about the great conspiratorial effort of the imperialist countries led by the US in producing false and slanderous news, a hostile and negative image of the DPRK on a large scale, and gives concrete examples of this.

Dr. Dermot exposes and shows in the light of the truth, all the lies conceived by the Western propaganda machine about the alleged threat posed by the DPRK, to international peace and security. It debunks the myths about the hostile attitude of Korean society determined to provoke a nuclear war. In economic matters, Dr Dermot, backed by his own experience of repeated trips to the DPRK, explains the absurdity of the Western imperialists' lies in claiming and spreading this view around - the world that years of 'economic mismanagement' - have brought DPRK to the 'brink of collapse' and its citizens, at best, to the role of prisoners, starved and persecuted by a 'ruthless dictator'. All these deceitful and slanderous propaganda lies do not stand up to the truth shown in this book, when confronted with the achievements and experience of Dr. Dermot's repeated trips to the DPRK and the observations and notes made on this basis.

A  book: 'The Great Conspiracy Against People's Korea' is a response to a disguised and hostile media propaganda attack against the DPRK. Attack provided by l rich owners of the big international corporations and privileged capitalist ruling class that dominate both over US and them alliances - puppets. It dominates foreign policy and the western mass media. They create  fake news  hostile to the DPRK in  newspapers and other media. Therefore they lie instead of teach because People’s Korea is against the interests of those who shape their content. The DPRK has implemented the slogan: 'Let us live our own way! That is, why enemies of the DPRK loudly shout lies and create false news.

But not only ... also the DPRK is an originally 'opposite' to the imperialist division of the world into spheres of influence, it is against and in opposition to be under US imperialists dominance. To be dependent on the US and their directions and policies. DPRK is being fully independent, self - sufficient and pursuing its own independent domestic and foreign policy constantly and strongly following the Juche and Songun Idea. This reason bothers their imperialist countries and is a reason to them hostility indeed. It is the true reason for the fake news and lies spread by them. Therefore, Western mainstream propaganda has not been, is not and will never be a source of reliable news about the DPRK, because spreading the truth is not their intent, it is not their goal. Moreover, the lie that the DPRK is a threat to world peace, is an extraordinarily disgusting insult, is intended to lay the foundations for the utterly preposterous claim that the DPRK is a danger to the world. It does not. The only threat that DPRK creates is a potential threat of self-defense against US long - term domination plans for the entire Korean peninsula - from north to south and other world countries.

The reader of this book, having read it, will easily understand the important fact that every government, which   truly challenges capitalism or imperialism will stand the subject of an uninterrupted campaign of slander and lies, run by 'reputable' and 'serious' commentators financed by US and their puppets as a few knows: 'NK News', television stations: BBC, CNN, ITN etc.  The DPRK is an example of this.

The proud Korean people, led by the Eternal Great Leaders: Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il, and Marshall Kim Jong Un, will never agree to any domination by imperialist world forces and never will be puppets like south Korea is. The revolutionary spirit of the Korean people, the same spirit that liberated the Korean nation from the Japanese occupation and led the Korean nation with wisdom and strength through difficult decades of years, the revolutionary spirit of Juche many times in the past, in many struggles, be it with the Japanese invader or during the disgraceful aggression of the American aggressors he always led the Koreans, and said that, it is better to die fighting than to live on your knees. 

People's Korea, guided by Juche orientated socialism, never lived on her knees and will never live. No difficulties, economic or social, caused by the deliberate isolation of this country in the international arena ( it is not the DPRK that isolates itself from the world! ), will not break this spirit of perseverance and militant awareness of the steadfast wisdom of its people, guided by the phenomenal of the Juche and Songun Philosophy.

This book  is highly  recommended to those who seek the truth and authentic image of this country. For those who know little about the DPRK or know as much as they are told by the enemy's Western media propaganda: a picture of a caricature from imperialist and hostile mass media of the mainstream, an image which, apart from being falsely distorted, is also often deliberately blurred and vague.

With the author, we express our hope and wish that reading this book serves to defend the truth, to show and consolidate the true image of People's Korea, as it is in reality, in its rich social life based on Juche man - centred and oriented socialism. A country where the masses of the people live a prosperous and creative life with a high degree of patriotism and social organization, against the nonsense and lies spread by Western imperialist propaganda.

                                                                                                                                     A l a n    B o l o n
Korean  Friendship  Association  UK  
                                                                                                                                                        Organisation  Secretary
  (From the Foreword to ' The Great Conspiracy Against People's Korea ") 

An exciting and explosive new book by Dr Dermot Hudson , the Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Chairman of KFA UK exposes the plans and strategies of the enemies of People's Korea to undermine and destroy it . A must read for all tru friends of People's Korea .

Order your copy here 

Remembering Comrade KIM JONG IL, great leader of the Korean people- Meeting Saturday 4th of December 2pm

Remembering Comrade KIM JONG IL, great leader of the Korean people- Meeting Saturday 4th of December 2pm 



On the 17th of December 2011 , comrade KIM JONG IL , who had led the Korean people and party for a long time suddenly passed away . Comrade KIM JONG IL had led the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea through very difficult periods and led the defence of independence and socialism with honour . The whole life of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL was devoted to the people and to building a new socialist society .

   Therefore we are holding this meeting to commemorate the passing away of comrade KIM JONG IL .

   Also we salute  the achievements made in the past  10 years under the leadership of the successor to the revolution, respected Marshal KIM JONG UN.

We will have speakers  and presentations on both subjects.

Light refreshments are planned and we are examining the possibility of a short film show .




Nearest tube Russell Square , also Euston and Kings Cross

Buses 188 , 68 , 168 ( 5 mins walk from stop)

Organised by the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK and supported by Friends of Korea UK.

Monday 29 November 2021

Grasswork in the DPRK

It is surprising that all these are made of straw. As they sustain natural and classical beauty and no chemicals were used in making them, the demand for them is quite high.

Carpet from the DPRK

Carpets made in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are drawing people’s attention for its high quality and elegant and delicate colours and shapes. What draws their special attention is the fact that they are made with natural resources produced in natural environment free from pollution

Traditional Embroidery of the DPRK

Embroidery in Korea, which has a long history, reflects the ennobling emotions and talents of the country’s women.

The Korean embroideries including the hand embroidery White Pheasant, which won gold medal at an international handicraft exhibition held in Bulgaria, are highly appreciated worldwide.

Kayagum, Traditional Musical Instrument of Korea



This is kayagum, a musical instrument of the Korean nation, invented 1 500 years ago.

As the sounds are elastic, soft and elegant, the structure is simple, the bridge is movable for adjusting sounds, the methods of its execution are varied and it is easy to learn, the Korean women still enjoy playing the instrument.

Saturday 27 November 2021

In demand of dissolution of the UN Forces Command

In demand of dissolution of the UN Forces Command


 The voices demanding to dissolve the UNFC are ringing out more loudly.

The UNFC is nothing but an allied forces command under control of the US and has been out of control of the UN, it is a ghost which has no connection with the UN, an expert on analyzing situation in Gyeonggi province exposed.

He went on to say that international society strongly demands dissolution of the UNFC.

The US organized the UNFC illegally to make illicit use of the UN's name for political and military purposes during Korean War, its intention to maintain the UNFC is to justify and perpetuate the US occupation of south Korea, a researcher in Seoul revealed.

Nonsensical situation which an individual state uses the name of the UN for evil purpose must be immediately removed, on the contrary, the US pursues the policy toward more strengthening of the UNFC, an expert on analyzing situation censured.

Broad segments of the people are growing vocal in demand of dissolution of the illegal and harmful UNFC for improvement of inter-Korean ties and, peace and security of the Korean peninsula.

In denunciation of attempt at involvement in the presidential election

In denunciation of attempt at involvement in the presidential election


Of late, broad strata of the people strongly denounce the US involvement in the presidential election.

The National Preparatory Committee for Independence, Democracy, Peace and Reunification, and the People's Sovereignty Solidarity, and the Progressive Federation of University Students of south Korea, held a rally.

Don't make an attempt at involving in the presidential election, this land is not a colony of the US, they raised their voices.

As the day of presidential election is now close at hand, the US casts blight over this land.

A few days ago, the US administration dispatched a high-ranking officer of the State Department and a Senator to Seoul to tap their "view of alliance" and "sense of direction" of the ins and the outs candidates for the presidency.

Directors of the main bureaus and the Asian general managers of the New York Times Company, too, who visited south Korea in profound secrecy had a closed interview with the candidates for the presidency to grip their ideas in dealing with tightening of south Korea-US alliance the other day.

Visits of the figures in the US politics to south Korea is not only a pressure that whoever a president is, he must be obedient to them, but also an open intervention giving a hint that whoever engages in realizing a policy of the US administration will be elected, the press criticized.

When the elections came up, the US has been proved to back its henchmen up actively after understanding of the tendencies of the candidates.

History shows that the US backed its henchmen up actively after understanding of the tendencies of the candidates when the elections came up.

As the people keenly feel that the US has taken an active hand in every aspect of politics of south Korea throughout history and reality, they wage a vigorous struggle against the US.

National Rally of Peasants held


In Seoul "Way of Peasant" composed of 8 organizations including the National Federation of Peasants Association, the National Federation of Women Peasants held the 2021 National Rally of Peasants on November 17.

             Its participants demanded for abolition of new liberalistic agricultural policy, establishment of peasant law, realization of provisions sovereignty and so forth.                  

Protestors headed by bier-carriers marching through the streets with the idea of passing a sentence of death upon the new liberalistic agricultural policy

Friday 26 November 2021

Speech of Alejandro Cao De Benos KFA President to the KFA International Meeting 'Korea Ever Victorious with Juche '


Dear comrades and friends,

Thank you very much for coming. Today we have comrades here who have been with us for 20 years and many new friends who have joined in the last two years. Welcome. It is a joy to be able to find ourselves again in this pandemic situation that is causing so much damage throughout the world.

On this KFA Anniversary we want to dedicate this day to the strength of the DPRK, for standing firm in the defense of sovereignty and the Juche Idea, Korean-style socialism created by the Great Leader President KIM IL SUNG and continued by our Generalissimo KIM JONG IL and our Marshal KIM JONG UN

Every day is a victory. Despite the fact that most socialist countries abandoned its principles, or diluted them with the market economy, Korea stands firm by safeguarding its sovereignty and popular ownership over the means of production.

Like a slave serving his master for a piece of bread that he himself has grown, a country loses its dignity and honor by begging from an empire and assimilating its political and economic concepts.

A few days ago, a friend of mine, a student in a socialist country with a private economy, told me how he sells sweet bread among his classmates. That way he could provide them with food and at the same time earn money to survive. The government not only does not provide them with a food stall, but also promotes private commerce.

To what extent can a country call itself socialist, when it not only fails in its responsibility to protect its population, but also encourages individualistic commercial interest and favors inequality of social classes?

Difficulties or sanctions can be understood as long as they apply to everyone, but when some suffer the sanctions of imperialism while an elite lives in a wealthy way, socialism is in mortal danger.

That is why Korea represents a light in the dark.

While kings, presidents and politicians rob the people and hide their great fortunes in tax havens, our beloved Marshal KIM JONG UN leads a humble life that he transmits to all officers. That worthy exemplarity that the Great Leader KIM IL SUNG taught us is the steel pillar that maintains the unity and trust between Leader and the people.

The state has the responsibility to guarantee the dignified life of citizens, and that is a fundamental concept in Korea that is transmitted in the phrases of "We are all one family." The relations between the people and the state are always two-way, and just as the peasant strives to carry out the objective of cereal to feed his comrades, the state gives him his home for free. This motto of "All for one and one for all", known in the West from a famous novel, becomes a tangible reality among the 27 million people who live in the DPRK.

The Juche Idea is and will be an immortal reference for all those peoples of the world who yearn for their liberation and equality.

In recent years the repression campaigns by imperialism against all friends of Korea have intensified. From New Zealand, through Japan, Denmark and Spain, certain espionage and repression organizations, such as MI5 and the BBC, have used all their means to try to defame and destroy us.

They have failed miserably in their attempt, and far from intimidating us they have multiplied the interest and the number of associates exponentially. After those attacks we have emerged stronger than ever.

The KFA is internationally consolidated as the place of contact and learning about the DPRK, and dozens of personalities, media, businessmen, students are willing to establish links with Korea through us. That is why it is very important to be aware of the responsibility that it entails, it is necessary to be honest and maintain regular communication with the International Organizing Committee.

The requests we receive from universities, associations, political parties and the media of all kinds that require interviews and conferences on Korea are multiplying. We need to have active and well-trained delegates who can meet those needs.

Currently the DPRK keeps the borders closed to prevent contagions, so next year we do not know if we will have the possibility of meeting personally with our comrades in Pyongyang. Either way and until we can travel, the KFA in 2022 will celebrate the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of the Great Leader and the 80th Anniversary of the Birth of the Great Leader. I look forward to the collaboration of all delegates and partners.

Thanks again to all the participants in this meeting, looking forward to your support and friendship in all future activities for the defense of the DPRK.

President KIM IL SUNG and Great Leader KIM JONG IL will always be with us!

Long life and good health  to our Marshal KIM JONG UN!

Long live the KFA!

-------------------------------------- Alejandro Cao de Benós

President of the KFA

Thursday 25 November 2021

Japan Is Chieftain of Destroying Peace: KCNA Commentary

Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Japan spurs turning the country into a war state.

Prime Minister Kishida recently revealed his intent to specify the possession of "ability to attack enemy bases" in the "state security strategy". In a press conference following the emergence of the new Cabinet he openly disclosed his ambition to revise the present Constitution and the "state security strategy".

The Defence Ministry at "a meeting for boosting defence capability" discussed the possession of the "ability to attack enemy bases".

This extremely dangerous move aimed to secure legal justifications for making preparations for a war of continental invasion and to secure ability for a preemptive attack beyond "exclusive defence" can never be tolerated.

Because of its aggression crimes in the past Japan is obliged to stop all acts violating the principle of "exclusive defence" in the light of international and national laws.

But Japan, harboring the grudge for its defeat in the war, has gone desperate to free itself from the restraints of the current Constitution and the international treaty that denies its right to belligerency and the right to take part in a war and specifies its non-possession of combat capability.

Japan fabricated "security-related law" with the shameful alteration in the interpretation of the Constitution, thus enabling the exercise of the "right to collective self-defence". It also built up public opinion about the possession of "ability to attack enemy bases" under absurd logic that the possession falls under the scope of conditional self-defence. It even tries to include this in the "state security strategy".

Through the fabrication of all sorts of war laws and regulations, it rendered Constitution Article 9 virtually defunct and expanded the "Self-Defense Forces" into world-level armed forces through ceaseless arms buildup in breach of the principle of "exclusive defence". If this country possesses even the capability of preemptive attack known as the "ability to attack enemy bases", it means change into a war state, and rounding off the preparations for reinvasion which it has pushed forward century after century.

Japan is a chieftain of harassing peace which runs headlong into reinvasion, bereft of discretion.

The primary object of reinvasion sought by the militarist Japan is none other than the Northeast Asian region including the DPRK.

Incumbent Prime Minister Kishida before his assumption of office in April said that "in case the emergency that can come due to the escalated conflict between China and Taiwan puts Japan's existence in danger, it would be natural to counter it while observing the security-related law", only disclosing the attempt to use the escalated tension in the surrounding areas as a pretext for launching the continental war of aggression.

There is no vouch that Japan won't repeat its blood-stained past history as it categorically shuns the apology and reparation for its past, while eulogizing the past war of massacre as a "liberation war" and colonial fascist rule as "contribution to modernization."

The international community must be vigilant against Japan's militarist moves for becoming a military power that threaten the future of mankind. -0-

Policy of the US toward the north must be changed!


The voices demanding change of policy of the US toward the north ring out more loudly at home and abroad.

The US government has to make strenuous efforts for the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, an imagination has not been seen in its solution until now, I am not satisfied with its state, the former US Ambassador to Korea censured the other day.

Owing to the US, the nuclear issue of the north has not been solved for more than 30 years and has become more difficult and manifold as times go by, new administration, too, remains utterly unchanged in attitude toward the north, it is important for the US to have new attitude toward the north in order to solve the nuclear issue, a former high officer of foreign affairs said.

Former high-ranking officials of the US and south Korea, and experts in the north Korean issue demand that the US must withdraw its failed hostile policy toward the north and establish the basis of confidence in each other to break the deadlock between the north and the US while paying attention to the north's demand of withdrawal of hostile policy and double-dealing attitude.

Struggle of the youth for justice


Some days ago, members of the Progressive Federation of University Students of south Korea held a press conference and one-man demo in demand of reform of the press and removal of evils outside the building of the People's Power Party.

Joseon Ilbo is a puppet being controlled by pro-Japanese and pro-American dictatorship straining the truth by offering unreasonable theory of color and engaging in distorting of report, it must be dissolved, they stressed.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Net of University Students appeals to the young people to turn out in a struggle for realizing the dreams of youth after holding a news conference in Seoul.



Wednesday 24 November 2021

ASSPUK , BGSJI , UK KFA and BSCPRKP on the 4th anniversary of the successful Hwasong 15 test fire


 email juche007@yahoo.co.uk

   London  24th of November Juche 110(2021)

The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK (ASSPUK),the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea(BGSJI, the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification (BSCPRKP)  issued a joint statement on the 4th anniversary of the successful Hwasong -15 test fire :

On  the 29th of November  it will be  four years sincethe successful test fire of the Hwasong 15 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile by the DPRK in the presence of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN .

   The Hwasong 15 test signified that the task of completing the state nuclear force of the DPRK had been completed and that the DPRK was entering a new stage of the revolution in which it could concentrate efforts on economic construction and improving people's living standards.

The Hwasong 15 launch  showed the advance of the DPRK in nuclear and missile technology was unstoppable no matter what sanctions the hostile forces imposed. Secondly , it demonstrated the correctness of the line of building the economy and nuclear force in parallel. Thirdly, it was testimony to the vitality f the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance and the self-development first idea .  Fourthly, it was a manifestation of the validity and vitality of the Juche Idea and Songun Idea. Some  reactionaries and revisionists like to pour cold water on the Juche Idea but the success of the Hwasong 15  proved them wrong.

 Thanks to the completion of building the state nuclear force the DPRK was able to negotiate 

  We salute the 4th anniversary of the Hwasong 15 ICBM launch ,  great victory for independence , peace , progress and Juche-based socialism. Peace has been secured by the DPRK ICBMs !





Fiery action against war and for peace

Fiery action against war and for peace


In opposition to war and introduction of weapon made in USA


In opposition to arms buildup and an increase in the national defense budget for the interest of the US


Stop arms buildup! Remove the budget for introduction of weapon!


People from all walks of life turning out in the struggle against arms buildup


What we want is peace, not confrontation!


In opposition to deployment of THAAD


In opposition to the People﹊s Power Party, the enemy of the people

Broad strata of the south Korean people stage the intense action against the PPP and its candidate for the presidency.

In denunciation of the PPP denying democracy and distorting history

Gwangju citizens censuring fraudulent acts of candidate of the PPP for the presidency covering the main culprit of Gwangju massacre




Struggle against the US and War


Broad segments of the south Korean people carry out the intense action against the US and war.



 In denunciation of south Korea-US joint military drill





 Halt to south Korea-US joint military exercise!

Dissolve triple alliance of south Korea, the US and Japan threatening peace of the Korean peninsula and escalating the tense in Northeast Asia!



Pull out the troops of the US out of south Korea!

Peace Treaty Right Now!



USFK, get out of south Korea at once!


In denunciation of the US meddling in internal affairs of another and forcing subordinate position




Tuesday 23 November 2021

In the cause of justice


A few days ago, 59 organizations of broad strata and the Candlelight Action Solidarity for Reforming the Prosecution and the Press made up of 28 YouTubers held a press conference to appeal to stage one-million candlelight rally in demand of reform of the prosecution and the press.

The cruel and corrupt conservatives aim at the race for the presidency again, the prosecution and the press, tools of the People's Power Party must be immediately reformed to remove evils and bring about a large reform of society, its participants stated.


Protesters appealing to hold one-million candlelight rally

Ulsa(1905) Five-point Treaty is null and void -The New York Times unveiled-

Ulsa(1905) Five-point Treaty is null and void

-The New York Times unveiled-


Recently two articles of the New York Times published on December 13, 1905 were opened to the public to reveal that null and void is "Ulsa(1905) Five-point Treaty" faked by Japan in the early part of the 20th century.

The article says that Korea repudiates treaty and the Emperor of Korea wires to Mr. Hulbert that Japan obtained it by force.

On December 12 Homer B. Hulbert, the special messenger from the Emperor of Korea, is in receipt of a cablegram from Korea in which the Emperor declares that the agreement between Korea and Japan is null and void because it obtained by force, he also declares that he will never sign this agreement in its present form, it tells.

It goes on to say that this is the first genuine word that has been received from Korea giving the real attitude of that Government toward the treacherous act of the Japanese,  for several weeks the Emperor was practically in confinement, and Japan gave out the false statement that an amicable agreement had been made, and the agreement was made under duress and at the point of the sword, but the Emperor has at last succeeded in piercing the cordon of Japanese and getting information to the outer world.



5th Conference of Frontrunners in Three Revolutions Calls for Building Comprehensively Developed Powerful Socialist Nation Upholding Banner of Three Revolution

Pyongyang, November 22 (KCNA) -- The 5th Conference of the Frontrunners in the Three Revolutions adopted an appeal to the three-revolution standard-bearers, three-revolution team members and other working people across the country.

The appeal ardently calls upon the three-revolution standard-bearers, three-revolution team members and other working people across the country to glorify the great era of Kim Jong Un as a golden age of the three revolutions and the era of overall development of socialist construction, upholding the slogan of "Let Us Transform All Our Revolutionary Positions in Line with the Demands of the Three Revolutions!".

It is the feelings and aspiration of all the Korean people who live in the glorious era and the solemn call of the revolution to transform and change the whole society in line with the revolutionary idea and will of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the appeal said, and went on:

The core issue and top-priority task of the ideological revolution at present is to dye the entire Party and the whole society with the revolutionary idea of Kim Jong Un.

Let us become genuine revolutionary soldiers who embody the revolutionary idea of the respected General Secretary and take after his thought, practice, pluck and courage.

Let us form a harmonious whole, one single organism in which all the people of the country from the northernmost tip to the remote island village breathe and act true to the idea and intention of the Party Central Committee.

Let all people prepare to be those strong in idea and faith, ardent patriots and communists.

Saying that the faith in socialism is the mental pillar and might of our people, the appeal called upon all the people to prepare themselves to be absolute defenders of socialism and personifiers of our state-first principle who cherish the faith that they cannot live apart from the socialist system and the determination to defend this social system at the cost of their lives.

Love and affection for human and the fine traits of dedicating to the society and collective is the true picture and nature of our own-style socialism, the appeal said, and added:

Let us make all the units and working places overflow with the warm affections to share sweets and bitters with each other despite difficulties, so as to turn our society into a large harmonious family full of virtue and affection.

Let us make it the tendency of our society to eradicate individualism and egoism, to overcome things negative by dint of things positive and to make a model person lead a person left behind forward through the vigorous campaign for collectivism emphasizing one for all and all for one.

Let us intensify the society-wide and all-people ideological offensive, ideological struggle, in order to root out anti-socialist and non-socialist practices and prevent the corrupt capitalist ideology and culture from degenerating our inner side.

The appeal called for making great achievements in the economic construction through the great advance in the technical revolution, and for upholding our revolution on the strength of science and industry, saying:

Scientists and technicians, pathfinders and feelers of technical revolution, be genuine patriotic scientists who take upon themselves research tasks, the country wishes to be carried out and which would bring benefits to the people, and set urgent scientific and technological issues conducive to the development of units as themes and devote themselves to their settlement.

When all the people become the master of steed of science and technology, we can bring the bright future 50 or 100 years earlier, not just 10 or 20 years.

Let all the people become men of idea raising and inventors who contribute a large share to the technical updating by taking an active part in a mass technological innovation movement, whether they are workers or farmers.

Let us become searchers and practical doers and enrich our life with our own efforts while sharing advanced technology and learning things we do not know.

The appeal said that it is the target of the cultural revolution to be attained by us to let all the people have noble morality and high cultural attainments corresponding to the prestige and appearance of our great state.

It noted that the national prosperity and mightiness depend on the development of education, calling for turning our country into a country full of talents and a talent power envied by the world.

It called upon medical workers in the field of public health to become genuine health workers possessed of boundless love for human and high medical qualifications just like those medical officers who devotedly struggled for the people's lives on the front under a rain of bullets, shells and germ bombs during the war, and become warm blood vessels that convey the loving care of the mother Party and benefits of the socialist system to the hearts of people.

It also called upon officials, creators and artistes in the field of literature and art to make the inexhaustible enthusiasm for revolution and struggle run high across society by creating masterpieces of the times and grand art performances of great appeal and influence, and appealed to make all units replete with the revolutionary spirit and optimism by conducting a brisk mass sports and mass-based art and cultural activities.

It said that we should spruce up our streets, villages, dwelling houses and worksites and conserve mountains and rivers of the country, keeping in mind warm patriotism, and hand them down to the posterity.

The appeal called for thoroughly implementing the Party's grand programme on socialist rural construction and opening up the new era in which rural and local areas undergo drastic changes.

It appealed to all people to arm with transparent anti-imperialist and class awareness and sincerely take part in civil defence trainings to reinforce native homes, villages and worksites as fortresses of all-people resistance and bulwarks for safeguarding the country, unperturbed by any sudden invasion by enemies.

The appeal said that the three-revolution red flags are not exhibits in the rooms dedicated to the history of units but the banners of struggle and advance which must flutter always in the hearts of the masses.

If officials and working people in all sectors and units transcend the limit of potentiality and ability and display indomitable perseverance hundred-fold and thousand-fold in every workplace of the three revolutions, our country will be brilliantly transformed and the great historic cause of building a powerful socialist country be accelerated so much.

Let us make uninterrupted revolution and steady advance by overcoming all difficulties to greet the day when honorable flags of the three revolutions would cover the whole country, to realize our dream and ideal and to pass a developed powerful socialist country on to our beloved future generations.

Let all the people unite firmly behind the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and vigorously open up the period of great upsurge of the three revolutions, the period of overall development of our style socialist construction. -0-

ASSPUK and BGSI on the 11th anniverary of the victorious Yongphyong Island battle


 email juche007@yahoo.co.uk


 London 23rd  of November Juche 109 (2020)

 The Association for the Study of Songun Politics and the Brittish Group for the Study of the Juche Idea issued the following joint statement on the occasion of the 11h anniversary of the victorious Yongphyong island shelling incident  ;

  11 years ago today on the  23rd of November 2010 the south Korean fascist puppets provoked the Yongphyong Island shelling by firing shells into the territory of the DPRK despite repeated warnings not to do so . This was done to try and enforce the illusory and bogus "northern limit line " , which is illegal and is rejected by the DPRK. The Korean People's Army (KPA), the revolutionary armed force of Juche, retaliated by shelling the source of the firing, Yongphyong island ,turning it into a sea of fire. Thus the south Korean puppets paid a high price for their stupidity The south Korean puppets and their US imperialist masters run about in fear and panic.The then puppet boss Lee Myung Bak and his cohorts taking refuge in an underground bunker. Indeed the south Korean puppets were like naughty children running home to their parents (in this case the US imperialists) crying because someone had chastised  them for wrongdoing.

 The south Korea side and mainstream media falsely claim that it was a 'provocation ' by the DPRK or 'an attack on south Korea' by the DPRK but it was nothing of the sort . It was a self-defensive and just retaliatory  action of the DPRK to counter the shelling of the territory of the DPRK. 

    The Yongphyong Island shelling was a   historic event that demonstrated the spirit, mettle and invincible might of the KPA, which has been trained into an a powerful Juche-orienated  army  of Mt Paektu under the care of Generalissimo KIM JONG IL and Marshal KIM JONG UN.  Dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN skilfully commanded the KPA to win a great victory during the Yonphyong island incident. The south Korean authorities should draw a due lesson from the incident and act accordingly.

  Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK

 British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Monday 22 November 2021

From the Stoke On Branch of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea- a review of the work of the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL "On The Reactionary Nature Of Modern Revisionism And Our Party's Revolutionary Stand Against Revisionism"


Having studied "On The Reactionary Nature Of Modern Revisionism And Our Party's Revolutionary Stand Against Revisionism"(Talk to Students at Kim IL Sung University, December 29th, 1962 - Vol 1 Selected Works Kim Jong IL), one can see the creative but principled stand taken against the onset of modern revisionism in the early 1960s by the WPK. The Workers' Party of Korea never took a dogmatic or leftist sectarian stance in regrard to modern revisionism but constantly struggled against the revisionists and kept their influence out of the internal structure of the WPK. Kim Jong IL in this work does analyse the history of old-style revisionism and the evolution of modern revisionism, takes apart the revisionist assertions about the "all people party" and "the state of all the people" The work looks at the at how the rejection by modern revisionism of proletarian dictatorship was extremely harmful to the cause of socialism. Kim Jong IL addresses the issues of how "peaceful coexistence" was made by the Modern Revisionists into the general line of some socialist countries, did not take into consideration the reality of the continual aggressive nature o imperialism. In this talk of Kim Jong IL the need is expressed to combat the ideological influence of modern revisionism in culture and the arts. Overall, the work demonstrates the Juche approach to the struggle against revisionism.

Annoucement from the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and Korean Friendship Association of the UK


The Korean Friendship Association (UK) and the British Group For the Study of the Juche Idea have declared the period from November 20th to December 17th a time for reflection on the life and work of the Great Leader Chairman Kim Jong IL on the 10th anniversary of the passing away of the Respected Kim Jong IL. We urge all friends of Korea and Juche Idea followers to study the biography and the theoretical work of Kim Jong IL!

KFA Serbia greetings for the international meeting of KFA

Dear Comrades of delegations of KFA in your respective countries, dear Comrade Secretaries of the KFA and dear Comrade Alejandro Cao de Benos, President of the KFA,

I send you all my warmest familiar greetings from the delegation of KFA in Serbia. Although circumstances have not yet even this year permitted our delegation from attending the meeting in person i ask you to please understand that we are as militant as ever and that as soon as circumstances allow we are more than happy and enthused with anticipation of participation in the meeting of people we consider family.

Dear Comrades,

Since my appointment as the delegate of KFA in Serbia we have been through a lot together. Slander and attacks against our organization as well as against the DPRK. But it was not all negative, as we have got the great honor and chance in our lifetimes to meet like minded individuals and organize to achieve our goals, and also to witness the wonders of Korean-style socialism. The rebuilding after the natural devastation, the modernization of the military, the advancement of the defense missile program, the great congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea and many more things which i am sure filled your hearts full as they did mine.

Dear Comrades,

Under the leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Un the DPRK shines as ever as a torch of hope for humankind all over the world. Continuing the causes of the President and Chairman, General Secretary Kim Jong Un develops further the ideals of Juche socialism, and forever gives us a reason to fight for what is just in the world. When my father passed away earlier in this year, the thought of the General Secretary’s care for his people and the strength of People’s Korea gave me courage to move on, which is why i decided to dedicate my life to defending the General Secretary with my life at the same time as Socialist Patriotic Youth League gave their vows at their congress. Defense of the People’s Korea is something which grew to become very personal to me over these few years, and the fact that there are people like you comrades, who share my thoughts and feelings in single-hearted unity is what gives me strength and courage to fight further for the fulfillment of our goals.

Dear Comrades,

This year we had the chance to establish finally a deeper relation with the embassy of the DPRK for my country, the ambassador and the embassy staff, as well as with CCRFC and work on projects together. We have a lot planned for the future, and fulfilled as many of plans as we had the chance to per circumstances allowed. Besides guarding the dignity of the DPRK we also guarded the dignity of the KFA as we have taken upon ourselves to be the best role models in our community in Serbia that we could. With the policy of quality over quantity of our membership we have always taken care that in the world which is hostile to the DPRK no infiltrators and ill-intentioned people join and try and destroy the supreme dignity of the DPRK, however that does not mean we do not work to expand, as we are and are actively seeking new active members.

Dear Comrades,

I want to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to demonstrate our love and friendship for the DPRK. Our cause and goals are just, we will from now on as until now show the reality of the DPRK, defend independence and socialist construction in the DPRK, learn and show our fellow countrymen the culture and history of the Korean People and work for the peaceful and independent reunification of the Korean Peninsula, the goal we consider the most sacred.

Long live the KFA and friendship with the DPR of Korea !

KFA Serbia 

For the People’s Life in Good Health and Free from Illness

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea exerts great efforts in further developing the universal free medical care system, regarding public health service as an image of its  system and a major symbol which demonstrates the tangible benefits of the

system enjoyed by its people. 

This is inconceivable separated from the devoted and tireless efforts made by Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs, who prioritizes the protection of the people’s lives and their health promotion over anything else. 

Since he began to lead the country and people, he paid close attention to public health.

In summer 2012 he visited the construction site of the Breast Tumour Institute of the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital. Despite sultry weather, he looked around it in detail and said: It is pointless to build a fancy building if the patients fail to get proper treatment; what counts more than the construction is to appoint competent doctors and researchers with rich clinical experience in mastopathy and breast cancer and to equip the institute with state-of-the-art facilities. Thanks to the meticulous care of the state leader, the institute was built on the Taedong riverside in the capital city of Pyongyang as a centre of medical service and scientific research that specializes in the prevention and treatment of mammary gland diseases including mastopathy and breast cancer and is equipped with modern medical equipment for galactography, ablation of mammary gland tissues, and even for multifunctional X-ray, CT, ultrasonographic and, electrocardiographic examinations, which can be seen only in some developed countries.

The Ryugyong Dental Hospital, inaugurated in October 2013, also tells a moving story of Kim Jong Un’s devotion.

In March the following year he visited the hospital and looked around the examination room and several treatment rooms, giving detailed guidance over the management and operation of the hospital. He felt very pleased, saying that a great number of people visiting the hospital meant that the medical service was briskly underway, and that the new hospital proved its worth. Then he continued: Construction of the hospital was not aimed at giving publicity to the fact that we were building a world-class dental hospital, but at ensuring that the people can enjoy all the benefits of socialism in good health; the hospital should not become a site for visit but a site of devoted service for the people through effective treatment.

The Okryu Children’s Hospital, which was named by Kim Jong Un, also embodies his scrupulous care. 

It is a characteristic hospital that combines healthcare service and education. It is equipped with all the facilities for the treatment and health promotion of children of different ages–treatment rooms of different purposes, surgical procedure rooms, operating theatres, in-patient rooms and even a helipad. The artworks inside, which cater to the juvenile psychology, are associated with Kim Jong Un’s considerate measure to relieve the children of pain while under treatment. The classrooms here give the young in-patients lessons, which are missing. 

n 2016 the Ryugyong General Ophthalmic Hospital opened to the public in the hospital village on the Taedong riverside of Pyongyang.

 With a site area of over 5 950 sq m and a total floor space of 11 800 sq m, the hospital is made up of a four-storeyed out-patient ward and an eight-storeyed in-patient ward. It is a multi-functional and comprehensive medical care facility with a shop that calibrates and manufactures various kinds of spectacles.

 It has more than ten out-patient treatment rooms, 13 optometry rooms, 5 operating theatres, 27 in-patient rooms and up-to-date equipment for excimer laser treatment, vitrectomy, laser-scanning tomography, cornal endothelial examination and so on. 

Kim Jong Un, who proposed its construction and designated its site, gave his opinions on its design several times and paid close attention to its construction, personally visiting the construction site. During his on-site guidance, he said: The rumour must have spread that a general ophthalmic hospital is under construction here; the people prefer the construction of hospitals to the construction of theatres; many more hospitals should be built so that the people can enjoy the substantial benefits of the socialist public health system. 

When he visited the completed hospital, he expressed his satisfaction, saying that it was really what he had wanted to do for the people. Such stories are not confined to the hospitals in the capital city. In October 2020, the Samjiyon City People’s Hospital in Ryanggang Province in the northernmost part of the country was newly built into a model of the regional hospitals. While looking around the construction sites in Samjiyon, Kim Jong Un acquainted himself with the conditions of the hospital’s staff and saw to it that the green area was increased, trees of fine species were planted around the hospital and resting areas were laid out properly for the patients. 

Samjiyon is a city in the mountainous area, 1 300 metres above sea level. But the local People’s Hospital is very modern and has specialist departments such as emergency, internal, surgical, pediatric, obstetrical and gynecological ones and a dental branch hospital which are well-appointed with state-of-the-art equipment and appliances. Multifunctional telemedicine system is established and the healthcare service is put on a high level of IT basis. It also has well-furnished in-patient rooms, physical exercise room, rehabilitation room, children’s playing area and indoor park. Kim Jong Un paid close attention to strengthening the material and technical foundations of the public health sector, too. 

In 2019 while on a visit to the Myohyangsan Medical Appliances Factory, he said that in order for people to enjoy sufficient and modern healthcare service, it was necessary to radically improve the material and technical foundations of the public health sector, and took highly significant measures aimed at renovating the factory into a model and iconic factory that would play the vanguard role in the medical appliances industry. When he visited the renovated factory, he highly praised it for having developed into a cutting-edge one capable of mass-producing modern operating tables, delivery beds, examination tables, hospital trolleys, universal chairs for ENT treatment, multifunctional dentist’s chairs and other quality medical appliances. 

Under his wise leadership, over the past ten years medical oxygen factories in the capital city and provinces, the Pyongyang Dental Hygiene Goods Factory and Huichon Hospital Beds Factory have been built in a modern style, further consolidating the material and technical foundations of the public health sector.

 In October last year a grand military parade was held in Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the WPK. In his speech Kim Jong Un warmly thanked the people across the country for being healthy and free from illness, without a single person having fallen victim to the malignant virus.