Monday 21 September 2020

On the 75th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers' Party of Korea- from Korean Associations for friendship with European nations& DPRK Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries

 Dear Comrades and friends,

Warm greetings from Pyongyang.

Soon we are to mark the 75th Founding Anniversary of the Workers' Party of Korea in great significance.

Greeting this day, all the Korean people are cherishing the belief in their hearts that the Party is the genuine mother's bosom and holding fast to their conviction to follow the Party to the end.

Since the first day of its birth (10th Oct. 1945), WPK has shared life and death with its peoples and enjoyed absolute support and trust among its people for its peculiar mode of existence in responsible attitude of assuming the fate of its people and in fully devoting selflessly for its people.

WPK carried out the agrarian reform while considering the age-old dream of the peasants who cherished to having their own lands. It also enforced the democratic Labor Law and abandonment of the juvenile labor including the 8-hour working system and set up the workers as masters of the factories by nationalizing the key industries.

The Universal Free Medical Care System, Universal Compulsory Free Education System, Abolition of  the Taxation, providing houses for free of charge... These are the policies carried out for the welfare of its people and WPK maintained these policies even in the severe economic circumstances caused by the sanctions and stifle maneuvers of the allied imperialist forces.

Today the Respected Supreme Leader Comrade Kim Jong Un regards people as the sky just like the Respect Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il and is upholding the people as the supreme. Thanks to his wise leadership and noble spirit of loving the people, WPK is felt as benevolent mother among its people.

It is vividly seen only with this fact.

Recent floods and typhoons hit several territories of the country and caused severe damage to many houses and families. But it was not hopeless and pessimistic miseries but the voices of full conviction that shouted the people living in the suffered areas.

Upon the report on the suffering people in the flood-hit areas, the Respected Supreme Leader felt heartbreaking and said that we cannot leave over the people to stay homeless even though we have many difficulties and the time is urgently limited. He instructed that the reconstruction struggle of disaster areas are the fore front where the Party should exert all its efforts to.

Now WPK is unfolding a grand plan to offer better housing and better livelihoods endurable to any natural effects and wisely leading the struggle for it.

It is the demand of the Party to fully guarantee the quality of the reconstruction by meeting the need and perspective of the people and giving full priority to the safety and the convenience of the people even if there are a lot of works to do and it takes tens of millions of values.

Thanks to the warm maternal love of the Party, another legend is born on this land in turning misfortune into blessing and, by the on-going struggle for eradicating the aftermath of the natural disaster, the Socialist fairy villages spring up like mushrooms after rain.

Today many of the world peoples suffer from the natural disasters. But it is only the DPRK that attach bigger importance to the suffering of the people than to the economic loss and exert all wealth of the country for it.

Thus, in boundless thankfulness, Korean people are singing songs that their house is the bosom of the Party and thus they are swearing in full conviction to follow the great Party to the end.

With the all-out struggle to significantly greet the birthday of the WPK, October Festival, this year will be glorified as the great victory with the 75th Founding Anniversary of the WPK.

Yours sincerely,


On behalf of Korean Associations for friendship with European nations


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