Monday, 23 January 2017

50 Paper Bags of Venison Meal

This is the story in the period of anti-Japanese armed struggle organized and led by President Kim Il Sung.
He had bad nights by being apprehensive for the safety of small units acting in several places.
So he had his members bury food and new winter clothes under the place of campfire for the members of small unit that would be come to there whenever shifting into the camping site.
One day they caught a big deer on the way of marching.
That evening they prepared venison soup and he said to his members to dry left venison and grind into meal.
Also he said not to put all venison meal into a sack, but to divide into 50 portions and put into paper bags.
Then he wrote the names of his members lost contact every paper bags one by one.
After a while he called an orderly and said that they kept these bags well and gave them when meeting the small unit.
The anecdote about 50 paper bags of venison meal came into being like this.
It was associated with warm affection of President Kim Il Sung who thought first revolutionary comrades under adverse conditions.

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