Saturday, 15 August 2015

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA support DPRK NDC statement on Ulji Freedom Guardian

               London 15 August Juche 104(2015)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) and the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) today issued a joint statement in support of the statement  of the National Defence Commission (NDC)of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea issued  on the 15th of August concerning the intensification of the Ulji Freedom Guardian exercise by the US imperialists and south Korean puppets;

Firstly, it is our stand to totally oppose the holding of Ulji Freedom Guardian and to call for its cancellation. It is a complete disgrace that it is to be held  a mere 2 days after Korea celebrates it liberation from Japanese imperialist rule .

 The "Ulji Freedom Guardian " military exercise  will be staged with some 80,000 plus US and south Korean puppet troops.  Involved in the joint war drills were not only nuclear strike means and other latest war hardware but almost every commanding post of the U.S. units to be hurled into the war actions in contingency in Korea and commanding posts of above regiment level of the south Korean puppet ground, naval and air forces, central and local administrative organs in south Korea and even munitions and civilian enterprises. Consequently, the sky, land and seas of south Korea turned into theatres of DPRK-targetted drills.
                         A new sinister turn to these aggressive exercises has been added by the inclusion of the "south Korea-U.S. joint division" in the exercises. Moreover they even go to the extremes of  simulating the occupation of Pyongyang and eliminating the supreme headquarters of the Korean revolution. It is not possible for the DPRK to stand by with folded arms given these serious threats to the existence of the Korean revolution and the independence of the Korean nation.
                Ulji Freedom Guardian is a dry run for seizing the DPRK by force and effecting  "regime change" . It aims at achieving through military means what the US imperialists and their south Korean puppet dogs have failed to do through propaganda and psychological warfare. Ulji Freedom Guardian has nothing to do with freedom but everything to do with "regime change"  thereby extending the corrupt fascist rule of the south Korean puppets to the northern half of Korea and with establishing US imperialist colonial rule over the whole of the Korean peninsula and achieving the US domination of Asia and the Pacific.

      We support the resolute and decisive stand of the DPRK NDC . We support the call of the DPRK NDC for the US to make a switchover and end its hostile policy towards the DPRK otherwise it will face final doom. Ulji Freedom Guardian must be cancelled at once !



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