Tuesday 30 June 2015

US Imperialism’s Thrice-cursed Atrocities against Korean People- from the book "The US Imperialists Started the Korean War"

US Imperialism’s Thrice-cursed Atrocities against Korean People
1) Atrocity of Mass Murder Committed by US Imperialism against the Korean People

From the first days of their provocation of the Korean war, the US rulers used all the methods of war, coupling the numerical and technical superiority with American-style brutality and inhumanity. They had a delusion that they could frighten the Korean people and easily subdue them.
Speaking of the tactics to be employed by the US army right after the out­break of war by US imperialism, the US war maniac, Dens, raved: "I am in favour of the use of germ warfare, gas, atomic and hydrogen bombs. I cannot take a sympathetic attitude towards hospitals, churches, schools or any group of inhabitants. Charity toward any group will be nothing more than hypocrisy."*
*Pravda, August 6, 1950.
The US aggressors, as befitting such brutal nature of fascist hangmen, committed atrocities of mass slaughter against the Korean people from the first days of war.
While taking flight to the south in face of the heroic counteroffensive of the Korean People’s Army, they perpetrated all sorts of atrocities such as mur­der, incendiarism, plunder and destruction everywhere in south Korea.
Even according to the data confirmed by the initial investigation, the US aggressors murdered innumerable patriots and other people in large and small towns and villages of south Korea-1,146 in Suwon, over 2,060 in Chungju, more than 600 in Kongju and Phyongthaek respectively, over 2,000 in Puyo and Chongju respectively, 8,644 in Taejon, over 4,000 in Jonju, more than 500 in Ansong, over 400 in Kunsan and Anyang respectively, 158 in Jochiwon and
more than 800 in Thongyong, to cite some examples.*
*  "The Report of the Investigation Commission of the Democratic Front for the Reunifi­cation of the Fatherland on the Atrocities Committed by the US Armed Interventionists and Syngman Rhee Clique," No. 2, September 16, 1950. (Documents on the Atrocities of US Aggressors in Korea, Pyongyang, p. 38.)
Even according to a UP report, the number of inhabitants murdered in south Korea by the fleeing US imperialists and Syngman Rhee puppet clique ran into no less than one million.*
*  UP, September 15, 1951.
The US imperialists and the Syngman Rhee puppet clique thus murdered south Korean people en masse while fleeing southward, but they could neither subdue the Korean people nor escape the fate of defeat.
The US aggressors, who were faced with the danger of being plunged into the sea off Pusan, made desperate efforts to hold on to the bridgehead of Pusan at all costs, instead of learning a due lesson from the defeat.
With a view to saving the 8th Army from imminent annihilation and besieging reversely the Korean People’s Army’s main force on the Raktong-gang line, the US imperialists carried out a large-scale landing operation at Inchon in the middle of September 1950 by mobilizing over 50,000 troops, more than 300 warships and other vessels and over 1,000 planes.
To cope with the obtaining military and political situations, President Kim II Sung, the ever-victorious, iron-willed brilliant commander and gifted military strategist, put forward a new strategic policy for preparing a new, deci­sive blow at the enemy and turning the war situation in our favour, and orga­nized and directed the strategic retreat of the People’s Army. Thus the Korean war entered its second stage.
The US aggressors, again burning with the wild ambition of swallowing the whole of Korea at a gulp, perpetrated atrocities of mass murder which were beyond human imagination and unprecedented in world history in those areas which they had managed to occupy with the retreat of the People’s Army.
President Kim II Sung taught:
"Engels once called the British army the most brutal army. During World War II. the German fascist army outdid the British army in its savagery. The
human brain could not imagine more diabolical and horrible barbarities than those committed by the Hitlerite villains.
"But in Korea, the Yankees surpassed the Hitlerites by far."
In the Korean war the US imperialists, who had long been trained on mis­anthropy and racism, revealed their barbarity and brutality to the whole world far exceeding those of the preceding imperialists.
"Retake Seoul! There are girls and women. For three days the city will be yours. You will have girls and women in Seoul." This is the "special order" MacArthur, Commander of the "UN Forces", issued in September 1950 to US men and officers making a landing at Inchon.
As seen in this "special order" of MacArthur, the US imperialists did not hesitate in the least to throw off their masks of the so-called "civilization" and "humanism" and reveal their wolfish nature in order to retrieve themselves from their defeat in the Korean war.
In the wake of MacArthur. the commander of the 8th Army instigated his mercenary troops participating in the Korean war to the mass slaughter of the inhabitants in the areas under their temporary occupation. He said: "The sol­diers of the UN Forces!... Don’t let your hands tremble even when those who appear before you are children or old people. Kill them! In doing so you will be saving yourselves from catastrophe and fulfilling your duty as the soldiers of the UN Forces."
The US murderous leaders, man haters and racists to the marrow, gave an order for human slaughter: "The Koreans are different from Americans. So, there should be no sympathy for them. Be merciless and merciless!" Acting upon this order, the US aggressors perpetrated genocidal atrocities from the moment they crossed the 38th parallel in early October 1950 and set their foot of aggression on the northern half of the Republic. Everywhere they set foot, not a single day passed without the cursed reports of their shooting Korean people.
At that time, the murder of Koreans was encouraged among the US sol­diers as a "merit" worthy of commendation.
In his diary, Edward Lich, officer of the US 3rd Infantry Division, who fell in the Korean war, wrote:
"On the eve of Christmas our company killed 18 Korean communists.... The divisional commander promised to award a prize...."
This diary is only a fragmentary record of numerous atrocities which lays bare as it is the cannibalistic brutality and barbarity committed in Korea by the
US aggressors, the ringleader of modern imperialism, that inherited the brutal traditions of their Yankee ancestors who from the first days of their birth set up a country of robbers on a sea of blood shed by the American natives, estab­lished a "special fund" for the skins of the heads of Indians, encouraged their brutal murder with "prizes" and thus exterminated their race.
From such a racial point of view and in the Yankee way of doing things, the US aggressors carried out mass slaughter of Koreans during their tempo­rary occupation of the areas of the northern half of the Republic.
Massacre of Korean people was committed, above all, by the US troops and, under the direction of the US army and the "CIC" (the counterintelligence corps), by the puppet gendarmerie and various reactionary terrorist organiza­tions such as the "Peace Maintenance Corps", "Destroy-Communists Corps", "Police Force", "Skull and Crossbones Unit", "Young Men’s Association from the Northwest" and "Taehan Young Men’s Association", which were orga­nized with pro-Japanese and pro-US elements, liquidated landlords, comprador capitalists, renegades and the like.
They perpetrated the largest-scale and most brutal slaughter of people ever known in human history in the temporarily occupied areas of the northern half of the Republic.
The atrocity of mass murder committed by the US aggressors in Sinchon County, Hwanghae Province, affords the most typical example of their innu­merable murderous atrocities in the areas of the northern half of the Republic.
This massacre in Sinchon County, Hwanghae Province, was committed under the direct command of Lieut. Harrison, commander of the US occupa-tionist troops in the county.
The US aggressive army occupied the district of Sinchon on October 17, 1950. On the first date of their occupation, Harrison declared: "My orders are the law and he who ever violates them shall be shot unconditionally." He assembled the overthrown reactionary landlords, wicked religious men, usurers, scamps and other human scum and egged them on to murderous atroc­ities. And an unheard-of atrocious massacre took place in Sinchon, and the area was soon turned into a shambles of horrible human slaughter.
On October 18, the following day of their occupation of Sinchon, the aggressors locked up over 900 people including 300 children and women in the air-raid shelter of the Sinchon County Party Committee and burned them to death by setting fire to it after pouring gasoline over them. On the 19th and the 23rd they buried alive or burned to death as many as 650 people in the trenches
near the above-mentioned air-raid shelter. The number of people massacred during those three times, in the air-raid shelter and the trenches nearby it, reached more than 1,550.
On October 20, on the order of Harrison they herded more than 500 inhabitants including over 150 women and children into the air-raid shelter of the former Sinchon County Militia Station, blocked its entrance and blew it up with a pre-installed explosive to murder them all.
When all the air-raid shelters were filled with the corpses of people, the cutthroats worked out a new plan for massacre. On October 21, they drove five US army trucks with a full load of people to the Nambu Reservoir (present Sowon Reservoir) and threw them into it to be drowned to death. Between the latter part of October and the end of November they mercilessly murdered more than 1,600 people in the Nambu Reservoir and the Ryongmun Reservoir (present Sinchon Reservoir).
Around mid-November, to vent their anger on the inhabitants after losing a battle in a "punitive" operation against the Kuwolsan People’s Guerillas, the US aggressors arrested all the inhabitants of a village at the foot of the moun­tain and massacred over 500 people collectively at Minchon-ri on their way to Sinchon.
The desperation of the aggressors reached its zenith towards the end of November 1950, when they were compelled to flee from the northern half of the Republic in the face of the counteroffensive of the heroic Korean People’s Army.
On December 7, just before they were driven out of Sinchon, the US imperialists murdered several hundred women and children in a mass in the powder magazine in Wonam-ri, Sinchon Sub-County. Harrison, commander of the US troops occupying the area, appeared in front of the powder magazine.
Looking at the babies nestling at their mothers’ bosoms, he roared: "It is too happy for the mothers and babies to be together. Tear the babies off at once and lock them separately! Let the mothers die in their anxiety about their babies, and let the babies die while crying for their mothers!"
This was the order for a human butchery which fully revealed the canni­balistic nature of the US mercenary troops who had been thoroughly trained in fascist misanthropy by the US ruling circles and who rejoiced over manslaugh­ter.
The US mercenary troops, on the order of Harrison, tore the babies away from the bosoms of their desperately resisting mothers and locked them up in
another warehouse. The hills and air of Sinchon reverberated with the babies’ cries for their mothers and the screams of the mothers calling their darlings. The US cutthroats gave gasoline to those innocent babies crying for water to burn their hearts to death. They starved and froze them to death. They threw rice straw over the heads of the mothers and children, poured gasoline over it and set fire to it. Not satisfied with this, they threw more than 100 hand grenades into the warehouse through the window to murder the detainees cold­bloodedly. As a result, over 910 people including 400 mothers and 102 child­ren were killed together in the two warehouses.*
* Immediately after Sinchon County was liberated from the temporary occupation of US imperialism, the person who took part in the exhumation of corpses in this "warehouse of death" told about the horrible scene of that time as follows: "Opening the door of the warehouse we first saw piles of children’s corpses right behind it, which evidenced their struggling to get out. There were many bodies of people who had been frozen, starved or burned to death. Nails of most of the children were missing and their fingertips were smeared with blood, a clear evidence of the desperate efforts they had made to get out of the place to the moment of their lives." (Documents on the Atrocities of the US Aggres­sors in Korea. Pyongyang, p. 94.)
The Sinchon Museum and the graves for 400 mothers and 102 children in Sinchon Coun­ty, South Hwanghae Province can today be seen. They show the real facts of the thrice-cursed atrocities of mass murder committed by the US aggressors during the war.
In addition to mass murder of innocent people in Sinchon, the US aggres­sors killed numerous people individually. In this case, the methods of murder were so cruel to make even beasts turn away the sight.
On October 18, 1950, in Wolsan-ri, Chori Sub-County, Sinchon County, the US mercenaries killed a model peasant after dragging him round the village with his nose and ears run through with wire, his hands pierced through with bayonets and the letter of commendation nailed on his forehead, which he had been awarded as a model peasant.
These facts are nothing more than extremely fragmentary examples of the bestial atrocities of murder committed by US imperialism in Sinchon County.
The number of people murdered collectively and individually during the temporary occupation of Sinchon County by the US aggressors reached 35,383 or a quarter of the total population of the county. Among them, 16,234 were children, old people and women.
Eighty-seven per cent of the population of Mangung-ri, Kunghung Sub-County, Sinchon County, and 68 per cent of the population of Ryongdang-ri, Onchon Sub-County of the same county, were murdered mercilessly at the blood-stained hands of the US murderers. In Ryangjang-ri, Sinchon County, 100 per cent of the male inhabitants were slaughtered.
All this was the misery caused in a single county with a population of 142,788 (as of October 10, 1950), and the atrocity was committed in a little over one month of occupation by the US aggressor troops.
"I like to shoot straight at the face.... I feel a real sense of self-confidence when pointing my gun at the wounded looking up at me .... I come to know I am a matchless crack shot when the skull is broken to pieces, the eyeballs dropping out of the eyeholes, as a result of my correct aiming and shooting at the temple...." This is a US aggressor soldier’s "narrative of experiences" in the Korean war published in Daily Advocate. To the US cutthroats, human-slaugh­ter was an amusement and a kind of hunting.
The tragic scene of human butchery took place not only in Sinchon County but also in all other places where the US mercenary army had set foot on.
On October 23, 1950, the US aggressor troops came to the Unryul Mine, ran a wire through the bellies of every ten of over 2,000 workers and their fam­ily members in the mine, threw them into the pits and covered them with ore to die there. They also murdered more than 300 inhabitants by cutting their bod­ies to pieces with a fodder-cutter. In November that year, the US aggressor troops who had landed on Jang Island in Rimpho Sub-County, Jongju County, North Phyongan Province, slaughtered all the population or more than 580 inhabitants of the island. In mid-November, in Pongmyong-ri, Sangjoyang Sub-County, Hamju County, South Hamgyong Province, the enemy arrested over 20 family members of Workers’ Party members, chopped them with an ax and burned their bodies. On November 23, at Haksong Sub-County, Haksong County, North Hamgyong Province, they dragged 28 people to a mountain, poured gasoline over them and burned them to death.
The blood-thirsty US aggressors committed such brutal atrocities of murder in many other large and small towns and villages under their occu­pation.
The following table shows part of the bestial atrocities of murder committed by the US aggressors in the areas under their temporary occu­pation.
Locality    Number of the Murdered    Locality    Number of the Murdered   
Pyongyang         Over           15,000     Songrim     Over        1 ,000    
Sinchon                    35,383     Sari won     Over        950    
Anak                    19,072     Anju     Over        5,000    
Unryul         Over           13,000     Kangso                     1,561    
Haeju         Over           6,000     Nampho                     1,511    
Pyoksong                    5,998     Kaechon                     1,342    
Songhwa                    5,545     Sunchon     Over        1,200    
Onchon                    5,131     Pake ho n     Over        1,400    
Thaethan                    3,429     Sonchon     Over        1,400    
Phyongchon                    3,040     Jongju     Over        800    
Yonan                    2,450     Chosan     Over        900    
Jaeryong         Over           1,400     Huichon     Over        850    
Jangyon                    1,199     Yangyang     Over        25,300    
Ragyon                    802     Cholwon     Over        1,560    
Phyongsan         Over           5,290     Wonsan                     630    
Thosan                    1,385     Hamju                     648    
Pongsan                    1,293     Tanchon                     532    

The US aggressors killed these hundreds of thousands of innocent people by shooting, hanging, beating, and burying alive. Not only that. They resorted to the most horrible, brutal methods: they killed people after dragging them with their noses and ears run through with wire, scooping out their eyeballs and cutting off nipples, skinning off their heads and bodies, cutting off their lips and tongues, dismembering their limbs, cutting their bodies to pieces with saws, burning them to death on heaps of chopped firewood, boiling them in hot water, crucifying them and rolling tanks over them. The US homicides had no scruples even of committing such an atrocity as skinning the heads of patriots and taking them away as "souvenirs", following the examples of their Yankee ancestors.
These are the real facts of the so-called "police action" committed in the Korean war in the name of the "UN Forces" by the US aggressors who had
grown fat on the graves of the American Indians. They are the pride of soldiers of the "civilized country" in the fifties of the 20th century which advocates "democracy" and "humanism" and poses as their "defender".
The brutality and cruelty of the US aggressors gained great notoriety in the world as their hereditary traditions, and they reached their zenith during the Korean war.
As the US aggressor troops were taking to flight from their temporarily occupied areas when the heroic Korean People’s Army went over to counterof-fensive, Truman was very flurried. On November 30, 1950, he declared: "The use of any kinds of weapons including atomic bombs on Korea is under con­sideration." By this atomic blackmail policy he wanted to retrieve their defeat.
Acting upon the instruction of their master, the US aggressors in flight threatened many peaceful inhabitants with the "dropping of atomic bombs". They took them away and murdered them en masse on the way to commit dia­bolical atrocities.
On December 4 and 5, 1950, fleeing from Pyongyang, the US aggressors forced citizens, by threats, to cross the bridge over the Taedong River. When the people were in the middle of the bridge, they blew it up to kill more than 4,000 innocent people in cold blood. According to an eyewitness of the scene, on December 4 the Taedong River was covered with a mass of people and its water was dyed with the blood of the people killed by the explosion. In January 1951 when they were again driven out of Seoul, the US aggressors took over 30,000 patriots from Seoul prisons to the south on the pretext of "transfer" and killed more than 10,000 of them en masse on the way. Besides, they committed atrocities of mass murder in Yangyang of Kangwon Province and many other districts.
The brutal atrocities of murder perpetrated by the US aggressors in the areas under their temporary occupation and at the time of their southward flight were without precedent, as the Report of the Commission of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers says: "The evidence of mass murders, individual murders and bestialities committed by the military forces of the USA against Korean civilians including women and children is overwhelming both in quantity of the crimes committed and in the variety of methods employed."*
* "Report of the Commission of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers on US Crimes in Korea." (March 31,1952.) (Documents on the Atrocities of the US Aggres-
sors in Korea , Pyongyang, p. 369.)
The report of the Investigation Commission of the International Demo­cratic Women’s Federation dated May 28, 1951, says: "In the areas under the temporary occupation of the US and Syngman Rhee troops, hundreds of thou­sands of peaceful inhabitants, together with their families, were tortured, burned to death and buried alive, irrespective of the old and young. Thousands of other people were dying with cold and hunger in narrow prisons without any reason, trial and sentence.
"These mass tortures and mass murders...surpass the crimes committed by Hitler Nazis in temporarily occupied Europe."*
*Jbid., p. 357.
During the Korean war the United States also committed dreadful atroci­ties against the Republic’s POWs.
In flagrant violation of the international agreement on the POWs, the United States murdered the Republic’s POWs by medieval methods. It even slaughtered them, using them as objects of experiment for bacteriological weapons and chemical warfare, as targets of ball firing and objects of the effi­ciency test of arms.
The bestial atrocities of murder committed by the US army against the Republic’s POWs at the camps in the islands of Koje, Jeju and Pongam have already been widely known to the world.
On June 15, 1951, at Compound No. 62 in Koje Island more than one hundred POWs were killed in cold blood as targets of the machine-gun ball fir­ing of the US troops, and 80 per cent of the entire POWs were used as objects for bacteriological weapon tests and their lives were threatened with various germ-diseases. As the Egyptian paper Al Jumhuria Vyisuri laid bare, over 1,400 POWs from camps in different places in south Korea were taken to the Pacific and killed en masse as objects of A-bomb tests of the United States.
In particular, in order to break up the armistice negotiations, the US impe­rialists tried hard to enforce their nonsensical claim for the so-called "voluntary repatriation" of POWs which they had fabricated for the purpose. They perpe­trated unprecedented bestial atrocities against the Republic’s POWs. The mur­derous atrocities committed by US imperialism at the camp in Koje Island in February and May 1952 are one of such examples.*
*The appeal signed by more than 6,200 of the Republic’s POWs in the Kojedo Camp on May 23, 1952, reads in part: "On May 19. 1952, in POW Compound No. 66, the Ameri­can devils ... falsely announced that all the POWs willing to return to north Korea should assemble before their own barracks by 7 p.m. ready to embark.... While we were getting into line, American soldiers opened fire with machine guns and flamethrowers and used even tanks, killing 127 of our comrades and wounding many more. On two successive days. May 20 and 21, in the four divisions of our camp, more than 1,000 of our comrades were summoned to the offices of the American military police and the POW Camp Com­mandant to be subjected to the so-called ‘voluntary repatriation’ questionings. 422 of our comrades have not returned till now, while more than 100 returned bleeding all over with fractured arms and dagger wounds in their breasts, with their backs, wrists and breasts branded with disgraceful characters.... There is no limit to the brutality of the American murderers.... They ... have beaten us with iron rods and leather whips. They have kicked us and set their fierce dogs on us. In steam chambers they have suffocated our comrades to death. They have strangled them and quartered them. The cannibals in American mili­tary uniforms are using our patriots barbarously in the bacteriological, chemical and atom­ic weapon tests." (Korean Central Yearbook, 1953, Pyongyang, p. 174.)
As this account of POWs smuggled out of the Kojedo POW Camp tells, the US troops perpetrated brutal massacre beyond human imagination: they shot gas shells and machine guns to murder en masse those empty-handed pris-oners-of-war who refused to obey their demand to reject the repatriation to the Republic, buried them alive, burned, starved and froze them to death, or set dogs on them to tear them to death. They exhausted every means of atrocity against the women prisoners of war before killing them.
Due to such bestial atrocities of murder committed by the US imperialists, during the war a large number of Republic’s POWs were mercilessly slaugh­tered. Many were wounded or maimed for life.
No period throughout human history, in all ages and countries, be it a period of the worse despotic rule or a period of darkness overridden by fascist • hangmen, and no bloody war of aggression, has ever seen such a record of bar­barities that could surpass, in brutality and bestiality, the atrocities of murder committed by the US murderers in the Korean war.
Such was the very showcase of "democracy" and "humanism" of the United States which poses as a "civilized nation" of the 20th century and such was part of the cold-blooded murder committed by the advocates of "peace". In the Korean war the United States fully revealed to the whole world its true
colour as a "civilized nation".
The US imperialists had dreamed of bringing the Korean people to their knees by means of horrible bestial atrocities, but could never subjugate the Korean people who were determined to defend the freedom and happiness of their fatherland at the cost of their lives. On the contrary, the murderous atroci­ties they had committed in Korea stirred up the Korean people’s national resentment and strong feeling of hostility all the more. The Korean people fought with increasing persistency in order to avenge the massacre of their par­ents, brothers and sisters on the US aggressors, to wreak vengeance upon the enemy a thousand and one times.

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