Monday 26 July 2021

Message from the National Committee of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea on the 60th Birthday of Doctor Dermot Hudson.( July 20th 2021)

May we on the behalf of the membership of the Study Group convey our warmest fraternal greetings to Doctor Dermot Hudson, the Chairman of the Juche Idea Study Group of Britain and the President of the Association For the Study of Songun Politics of the UK, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. On this important milestone, it is vital to recall all the outstanding achievements of Comrade Dermot Hudson in the establishment, the expansion, and consolidation of the Juche Idea Study Group from very humble beginnings in 1985 to the present day, when the Group is in the forefront of Juche study, research and dissemination. Despite all the odds Comrade Dermot Hudson has remained true to his revolutionary principles throughout the entire of his activities to promote the Juche Idea, overcame the attacks and slanders of the reactionaries, modern revisionists, the ultra-left, and dogmatists. Comrade Dermot Hudson has made an immense contribution to the theory and practice of Juche with his numerous books and articles, and daily contributions on Facebook. The Kimilsungists-Kimjongilists of Britain and the Juche Adherents of the World salute the life and work of Doctor Dermot Hudson!

Long Life and Good Health to Comrade Chairman Dermot Hudson

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