Tuesday 2 May 2017

SPEECH TO NEW COMMUNIST PARTY DAY SCHOOL 08.04.2017 on the Juche Idea and People's Korea

Comrades today I am going to speak about the Juche Idea and the achievements of People’s Korea . Obviously the two are very closely linked because People’s Korea would not exist without the Juche idea and the leadership of comrades Kim Il Sung , Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un and the achievements of People’s Korea are inseparable from the Juche Idea . I am hoping that my humble talk will explain what Juche is and what means in practice.
Although Juche is a simple yet varied philosophical concept , the basic core principle idea that is that man is master and decides everything . Juche defines man as possessing  independence, creativity and consciousness. As comrade KIM JONG IL said in his historic treatise “ON THE JUCHE IDEA “The Juche idea raised the
fundamental question of philosophy by regarding man as the main factor, and elucidated the philosophical principle that man is the master of everything and decides everything.
That man is the master of everything means that he is the master of the world and of his own destiny; that man decides everything means that he plays the decisive role in transforming the world and in shaping his destiny.
The philosophical principle of the Juche idea is the principle of man-centred philosophy which explains man’s ̄s position and role in the world. “
The Juche idea is a new and original philosophical idea that clarifies the man-centred philosophical principle.

However it does not mean that the Juche idea has nothing common with Marxism-Leninism or the former denies the latter.

The basic principles of Marxism-Leninism are the truth. The Juche idea has a close connection with Marxism-Leninism with commonness in its mission and class ideal.

In other words, the Juche idea inherits the mission and class principle of Marxism-Leninism. The Juche idea approves the truthfulness of Marxism-Leninism and regards it as its presupposition. The Juche idea is a theory founded, developed and enriched in the course of applying and developing it creatively in accordance with requirements of the revolutionary practice in the present era.
However, the historical exploit of the Juche idea is not to have developed Marxism-Leninism but to have clarified a new man-centred philosophical principle.
In a word, there is inheritance between the Juche idea and Marxism-Leninism, but the main is the originality of the Juche idea. The Juche idea approves historical exploits of Marxism-Leninism, but does not consider it as a complete revolutionary idea of the working class.
As a matter of fact the young general KIM IL SUNG took Marxism-Leninism and his fathers, Kim Hyong Jik , idea of Chiwon or Aim High as the basic sources for the Juche idea. It is complete nonsense to assert as some irrational dogmatists do that Juche is opposed to Marxism Leninism.
Juche is not opposed to materialism or dialectics. Indeed Juche is fully in accord with materialism as it stresses that man is the master rather than any supernatural being or force existing outside of nature and matter. Man is the highest and most developed form of matter therefore man is the master of the world.
The word Juche was first by the great leader President Kim Il Sung in a speech titled “ On eliminating dogmatism and formalism and establishing Juche in ideological work” which was made to propagandaists and agitators of the Workers Party of Korea in December 1955. However it goes back much further than that. President Kim Il Sung first elaborated the Juche idea on the historical Kalun meeting of leading personnel of the Young Communist League of Korea and Anti-Imperialist Youth League in June 1930.
Comrade Kim Il Sung whilst waging the revolutionary struggle in his early years became acutely aware of the need to establish Juche and rely on the forces of the Korean people to liberate Korea. Factionalists and bourgeois nationalists believed in relying on outside forces to secure Korea's independence. The term flunkeyism is used to denote those who fawn on big powers and try to depend on them . This has a very long and unfortunate history in Korea . The feudal ruling class did not believe in making an efforts to either defend the country or to develop the country . Around the turn of the 19th century and the 1900s different factions of the ruling class believed in relying on different outside powers . There was pro-Russia faction , a pro Chinese faction and a pro Japanese faction . None of them believed in relying on the Korean people or the resources of the country but instead placed big hopes on outside powers . When the pro-Russian faction was in power Russian troops guarded the Royal Palace and when the pro-Chinese faction was in power Chinese troops guarded the Royal Palace . Various big powers competed between each other in Korea : namely Japan, the US , Tsarist Russia, China and even Britain and France .
Basically Korea lost independence completely by 1910 due the sycophancy or flunkeyism of the feudal ruling class, the Ri dynasty, and to the competition amongst big powers.
When comrade KIM IL SUNG began his revolutionary struggle he found that the bourgeois nationalists did not believe in relying on the people but instead despite Korea's bitter experience turned to big powers .Some taken in by Wilson's preaching of 'self-determination' thought of the US as their saviour ,others thought China could help them and others still thought if they submitted a petition to Japan that this would secure independence somehow. There was also talk about non-violence and self-cultivation and self-education. The bourgeois nationalists were split into factions. They all had several things in common: they did not rely on the people , they believed that an outside power could do the job for them and avoided direct struggle against Japanese imperialism.
The existing communist movement in Korea at the time was no better. It was split into 3 or 4 factions. Their membership was drawn from the middle class, the bourgeoisie and the ruined aristocracy , a bit like the CPGBML these days I suppose !. These factions just believed in debating amongst themselves and sending representatives to the COMINTERN to get recognition but like the bourgeois nationalists did believe in carrying out active struggle .

How is Juche expressed in bread and butter terms ? What does in mean in terms of immediate day to day policies. Chairman
KIM JONG IL in his work “On the Juche Idea “ said “If the revolution and construction are to be carried out as required by the Juche idea, independence must be maintained and realized in Party and state activities.
  The leader laid down the principles of Juche in ideology, independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy, and self-reliance in defense as the principles of realizing independence. The principles of Juche, independence, self-sufficiency and self-reliant defense are the guiding principles of realizing independence in the
spheres of ideology, politics, the economy and defense”
   So Juche can be defined  in terms of its practical application as  having three core principles namely independence, self sustenance and self-defence. Of course this is not to reduce Juche as simply meaning self-reliance.
The DPRK has always proudly maintained political independence . It is known is today as the most independent and anti-American country on the face of the earth. Socialism in the DPRK is not a copy of another country but is Korean style socialism. The DPRK pursued a unique and original path to socialism finding creative solutions to issues like industrialisation , agricultural co-operativisation and the socialist transformation of private trade and industry . Of course this was not smooth as big power chauvinists tried to manipulated and instigated factionalists and revisionists within the WPK to try and overthrow the leadership but this was defeated in August 1956 , it should be noted that it was not just pro-Soviet factionalists who were defeated but also pro Chinese factionalists as well. In recent the DPRK defeated an attempt by the modern factionalist group to seize power and make the DPRK dependent on a neighbouring big power.
Juche correctly stresses independence . I think we have all seen the pitfalls of relying on other countries . Many in the communist movement had illusions about the Soviet Union and ended up in despair when it collapsed in 1991. Some big countries have chopped and changed their policies at random. For example we saw how a certain country was waving Little Red Books and shouting about world revolution but nowadays that country gets on very well with US imperialism . There are also many examples of big power sacrificing the interests of smaller countries such as Cuba in 1962.
Political independence is underpinned by the independent national economy .
In the late 1950 when the DPRK was just recovering from the severe destruction caused by the US imperialists during the Fatherland Liberation War
the modern revisionists and great power chauvinists tried to put pressure on the DPRK to join the CMEA but it refused to do so maintaining the line of economic independence. The great leader President Kim Il Sung defined the independent national economy as follows ;
building an independent national economy means building a diversified economy equipping it with up-to date technology and creating our solid bases of raw materials,thereby building up an all embracing economic system in which every branch is structurally interrelated so as to provide domestically most of the products of heavy and light industry and the agricultural produce needed to
make the country wealthy and powerful and to improve the people's living condition"
The Soviet big-power chauvinists and modern revisionists tried to subordinate the DPRK economy to their own but President KIM IL SUNG was having none of it and adhered to the line of economic independence .The big power chauvinists tried to induce the DPRK to join the CMEA by offering electricity from the Lake Baikal power station.
At that time President KIM II SUNG told them: “We will not use electricity generated by the power station; if we become de­pendent on electricity from you and then you fail to supply it, then we would suffer greatly; if we have funds for transmis­sion cables from the power station to our country, it would be more effective for us to use these funds to build another hydroelectric power station in our country. It has become more clear today that our decision to build socialism by our own efforts on the principle of self-reliance and not enter the CMEA was quite correct"
The DPRK put self-reliance into effect in many fields. It achieved self-sufficiency in grain in the early 1960s. The DPRK produced its own "Juche Fibre " Vinalon which was invented by a south Korean scientist Dr Ri . Vinalon is fibre producedfrom limestone abundant in the DPRK.
Todayy dear respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  who stressed the idea of self -development saying that
Worship of big countries and dependence on foreign forces is the road to national ruin; self-development alone is the road to sustaining the dignity of our country and our nation and to paving a broad avenue for the revolution and construction

DPRK in the 1990s and shopping it was sometimes difficult to find DPRK made products but in October 2015 the Koryo Hotel shop had few non DPRK products in it as did the Airport shop .
This bring me on to the subject on what Juche has achieved in terms of building socialism .The DPRK led by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG upholding the banner of self-reliance was able to carry out socialist industrialisation at a rapid pace . Between 1957 and 1970 industrial output value increased by 19.1 per cent per year . In the late 50s the growth of industrial output value hit 36 per cent per year. It was no wonder that the famous British economist Professor Joan V Robinson of Cambridge University issued the term “Korean miracle” to refer to the DPRK after visiting in 1964. A high level of growth continued in the 70s with the yearly growth rate in industrial output value being 16 per cent.
The DPRK has provided people with the right to work,housing is provided at a very low cost or even totally free(one could only sigh when you contrast this to the recent headline about house prices in London going up even faster).Education is also free up to all levels which include university and post graduate study. School clothes and other things for children are either free or sold at 50% of cost price. Mothers with more than 3 children can work a 6 hour day but be paid for 8 hours. The retirement age is 60 for men and 55 for women. Free medical care was introduced in 1953 and buttressed by further legalisation in 1960 and 1980 .All treatment is including medicine is free and the state even pays travelling expenses to the sanatorium!Taxation including local autonomy tax was abolished in 1974.
Such measures have not been taken in all socialist countries nor in rich countries but have been taken in the DPRK because of the profound concern of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung for the people and the belief that the country should shoulder full responsibility for the destiny and well-being of the people.
The DPRK now has nuclear weapons including the H bomb as well as ballistic missiles. In the past Korea under feudal Ri dynasty could even produce the simplest weapons except for very crude matchlock rifles. The feudal rulers looked to Russia and China for defence instead of mobilising the Korean people . Korea was caught up in the contention between rival imperialist powers such as Japan, US , Russia , China , Britain and France . Eventually it lost its independence.
This proves the validity and accuracy of the Juche idea .

Thank you for listening
Further Reading
Modern Korea: The Socialist North, Revolutionary Perspectives in the South, and Unification by Kim Byong Sik International Publishers 1970


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Appreciate especially the historical background Vs. foreign powers. It explains quite a lot for the development of Juche.