Friday, 10 June 2016

ASSPUK, JISGE , UK KFA and UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu support open letter "U.S. Urged to Make Bold Decision, Facing Up to Trend of Times "

                   10th of June Juche 105(2016)
The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK), the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE) ,the UK Korean Friendship Association(UK KFA) and the UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu issued a joint statement in support of the open letter sent to the United States by the participants in the joint conference of the DPRK government, political parties and organizations:
 Believing that the only way to achieve the reunification of Korea and make a meaningful contribution to world peace and security is for the US imperialists to withdraw from Korea , our organistions , the ASSPUK, JISGE , UK KFA and  the UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu, fully support the open letter to the United States.
   The open letter states that the US should roll back its hostile anti-DPRK policy ,that the US should discontinue all war exercises against the DPRK and end the the miltiary build-up , and that the US should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Korea by stoking hostitlity between the north and the south.
 The US is the author of Korea's division and must face up to its responsiblity to end that division and start again with a clean slate. It was the US that caused the Korean war and today is relentless;y staging war moves against the DPRK such as Foal Eagle. Key Resolve , Ulji Freedom Guardian and the forthcoming RIMPAC exercise. The US must squarely face up to its defeat in the Korean War .
  The time for the US to finally withdraw from Korea is long overdue . Thus our organisations support the  open letter of the DPRK government , parties and organisations . We believe that there must be a strong campaign to secure the withdrawal of US troops from south Korea and an end to US interference in the the
Korean nation.
UK Preparatory Committee For the 2017 Gathering to Praise the Great Persons Born of Mt Paektu

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