Wednesday 19 August 2020


In July, Nina Andreeva, the teacher of Leningrad, author of the letter ′′ We can give up our principles′′ passed away in July 1988, which challenged Gorbachev's Perestroika and then secretary general of the new Bolshevik part. the All Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks

Not everyone knows that in April 1992 he went to Pyongyang to witness the great leader's 80th birthday celebrations and on October 6, 1992 he lectured at Kim Il Sung University on the causes of the fall of socialism in USSR.

These were his advice to the Korean people: ′′ History's lessons show that if we don't appreciate what we have (often we have done that) and lose it, we will regret it.

We Soviets have turned a blind eye to opportunism and counter-revolution in our country and now we are paying the consequences.

Dear brothers of Korea, we speak to you.

Appreciate your great socialist country. Strengthen the unity of leader, party and people. Make a strong blow to the septic trends, however minimal, to attempts to undermine political and moral unity in your country.

Treasure our bitter experience.

Korea has chosen its path towards tomorrow, towards socialism and communism. She chose the goal on her own and sticks to it firmly. Korea advances with confidence and speed, without being affected by other people's sermons. Korea advances under the leadership of the Workers Party of Korea and President Kim Il Sung, great leader, and companion Kim Jong Il, dear leader, inspired by the eternal ideas of Juché and with his gaze towards the destination.

The Juche Idea  and it principles are recognized by the general public in the world. They are embraced by a growing number of people. Revolutionary parties draw on these ideas and principles, because revolutionary evidence in the DPRK - proof of the rapid development of a socialist country, achieved despite isolation conditioned by imperialists and created with the assistance of Soviet opportunists - have demonstrated the immense potential of the DPRK socialism in Korea ′′ (N. Andreeva, The Cause of Socialism is invincible, Foreign Language Editions, Pyongyang 1992, pp. 20-21).

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