Sunday 16 August 2020

Glory to the 75 years of Korea’s Liberation from Japanese Imperialism! - contribution of the Brazilian Centre for the Study of Songun Politics to the online meeting

Today, we celebrate one of the most important days for all Korean people. The Korean Peninsula was under the tyrannical domain of the Japanese Empire, that enslaved Korean people, treated them as sub citizens and sub humans, turned the women into sexual slaves, forbid people of speaking their language and living their own culture. Even some peoples’ names were changed! We cannot imagine ourselves in this kind of situation, where all our world if being changed by force into an invader’s appendix inside our own land. This is certainly the worst violent act someone can commit to each other.

Although, Korean people always showed impressive strength and resilience, and started making their own efforts to free themselves from this criminal empire that devastated their land. We should always remember a great person, that is Comrade Kim Il Sung. He was the most important leader inside this war. Because of his great efforts on organizing troops to fight against imperialism in Korea, it was possible to finally free Korean people from the despotic Japanese. The struggles won by the anti- Japanese army and led by General Kim Il Sung, made all the nation see that is was possible to free themselves and finally decide their own destiny and future. After freeing the Korean Peninsula from the imperialist tyrants, it was time to free it from another imperialist threat: the Yankees. They succeeded, and since then, Korea is free and still fighting to surpass American imperialist domain in the peninsula, by conducting their own people to be masters of their own destiny, under the Juche Flag. 

Today, we remember all the war heroes that died fighting for their own country and nation in this war. Today, we remember comrade Kim Il Sung, with his great leadership, that was and still is a model to several countries and people all around the world. Today, we remember that imperialism should be defeated, for people to be self reliant. Today, we glorify Juche and the Songun politics!

Long live the 75th anniversary of Korea’s Liberation! Long live Juche, Songun and the DPRK!

Raphael Puig – Member of the Songun Politics’ Studies Center Brazil

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