Monday 13 August 2018

73 years of total independence , Juche independence -special article by Dr Dermot Hudson

On the the 15th of August it will be 73 years since Korea gained its independence from decadent, reactionary  and fascistic Japanese imperialism , the sworn enemy of the Korean people and enemy of the people's of Asia .The Korean people gained a new life that was so incredibly precious that it could be evaluated in mere material terms .The Korean people could now walk tall , they could speak in their own beautiful time honoured language .Independence was like fresh air rushing into the lungs after decades of being suffocated by the horrendously oppressive Japanese imperialist colonial rule .
   The liberation of Korea was not the gift of outside forces, big powers , nor was it the result of  chance or an accidental factor , it was the result of the 20 year long revolutionary anti Japanese  struggle under the banner of the  Juche idea and the  Songun idea which was led by the great leader President KIM IL SUNG, the sun of Juche, outstanding Korean patriot and hero. Some people like to portray Korea's liberation as being a result of the Second World War or as coming about as the result of outside support by a big power.
                        In fact the struggle for Korea's independence began and was being waged long before the Soviet Union declared war on Japan (the USSR had actually concluded a neutrality pact with Japan in 1940). The struggle for the independence and liberation of Korea started in earnest on the 17th of October 1926 when President KIM IL SUNG formed the Down With Imperialism Union (DIU), the first communist revolutionary organisation which aimed at achieving national liberation and independence by relying on the forces of the Korean people .The DIU was not based on the the tired old factional charlatans of the existing communist and nationalist movement in Korea but was based amongst the new generation of revolutionary youth and students. The great leader President KIM IL SUNG outlined the Juche-orientated path of the Korean revolution at the historic Kalun meeting held from the end of June 1930 to the beginning of July 1930. At the meeting he also put forward the Songun based line of revolution in the classic text "The Path of the Korean Revolution ". The Korean Revolutionary Army was founded in July 1930. President KIM IL SUNG stressed the need for self-reliance saying that "we fight the armed struggle with no state backing and no aid from outside"

   On the 25th of April 1932 President KIM IL SUNG founded the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army which was to become the Korean People's Revolutionary Army .Under the leadership of the great leader President KIM IL SUNG , an ever-victorious iron-willed brilliant commander and gifted military strategist , fought battle after battle , even marching in temperatures 40 degrees below
freezing . President KIM IL SUNG led the anti-Japanese guerrillas to struck decisive blows at the Japanese imperialists at Pochonbo, Musan ,and many other places in Korea .Under the leadership
of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG , the Association for the Restoration of the Fatherland
was formed in May 1936 and the Korean National Liberation Union set up in the Korean homeland.
   Although they faced  seemingly impossible odds the Korean people led by the great leader President  KIM IL SUNG finally triumphed on the 15th of August 1945 . The Korean people's victory was achieved thanks to the Juche idea and the Songun idea . It was a powerful inspiration to the oppressed peoples of the world in their struggle against imperialism and colonialism for
  In the liberated land of Korea  people's committees were set up  and far reaching radical democratic reforms such as land reform as well as the nationalisation of industries  and the emancipation of women were carried out. Since then the Korean people have travelled the road of independence, the road of total independence , basically independence based on the Juche idea or if you like Juche
independence . Today the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which will soon celebrate its
70th anniversary , stands tall and proud in East Asia being able to negotiate with any country on
equal terms. The DPRK is well known as the most independent state in the whole world , or as the former British conservative prime minister John Major put it 'undiluted sovereignty ' . It does not
have any foreign troops stationed its soil . This is a remarkable achievement . Over 100 countries in the world have a foreign military base on their territory , the US has the biggest number of overseas military bases but also Britain , France , Japan ,Russia and China also have military bases . The southern half of Korea is still occupied by the US which has numerous bases and a large number of
troops in south Korea . Much is made of the DPRK's nuclear deterrent and ICBMs by hostile reactionary imperialist forces but it is a fact that the DPRK has total control over them , no other country has the key to the DPRK's nuclear deterrent and the DPRK is resisting attempts to impose
one-sided , unilateral nuclear disarmament on it . The DPRK is not a NATO member and it was
never  in the Warsaw Pact . The DPRK did not join the CMEA and it is not a member of shackling economic bodies like the EU, IMF, World Bank , WTO and APEC .
  The creed of the DPRK is independence, independence and independence . This is the product of  the anti-Japanese armed struggle for independence that was waged by the Korean People's Revolutionary Army under the leadership of comrade KIM IL SUNG and also the the  Juche idea , the Songun idea. Today the torch of independence , total independence , Juche independence shines brightly in People's Korea under the wise leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN.
Dr Dermot Hudson
President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK
Chairman , Juche Idea Study Group of England
Official Delegate and Chairman , UK Korean Friendship Association
Chairman ,British Solidarity Committee for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula
hon sec gen International Central Committee for Songun Study

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