Wednesday 29 August 2018

70 years along the victorious road of anti-imperialist independence and Juche !-special article for the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea by Dr Dermot Hudson


    " Our Republic, which has developed under the banner of the Juche idea, is demonstrating its pride in being a people-centered socialist country that fully embodies class and revolutionary principles, and at the same time, a socialist State, independent, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in defence, strong in the Juche character and national identity, and the genuine motherland of the whole nation. Our Juche-oriented socialist motherland has stood firm amid the worldwide great political cataclysms, and will win victory after victory by following the road of development, the road of Juche, as ever"        
                                               KIM JONG IL ,2008
On September the 9th  1948 , a new country , a new state of Juche proclaimed its existence , the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK )  founded and led by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG , the hero of the anti-Japanese war and liberator of the Korean nation . The DPRK was and is the creation of the Korean  people , the proud fruit that had grown and ripened on the tree of Juche. Cheers of Manse ,Manse ! echoed up and down the land of the Morning Calm from Mt Paektu in the north to Mt Halla in the south , to greet the foundation of the new state which represented the interests and aspirations of the entire Korean people both north and south .

   For centuries the Korean people had endured the dark and oppressive rule of feudalism.The Korean farmers worked hard day and night but the fruits of their labour were stolen by greedy  parasitic feudal landlords. Worse still thanks to the flunkeyism of the incompetent and corrupt feudal rulers , . Korea became a colony of Japan in 1910 and the Korean people suffered the worst ever oppression under the darkest and barbaric rule of Japanese imperialism. It is worth remembering that imperialist Japan was an axis power, an ally of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.After liberation in 1945 people's committees were set up and important democratic reforms such as a thoroughgoing land reform which gave land to the hard-working , toil-hardened , honest farmers free of charge. It became the demand of the times to found a Democratic People's Republic to represent the aspirations of the Korean people and build socialism.

  The DPRK did not copy other models but ploughed ahead along the path of Juche , the path of independence  defying all those who either wanted  to crush the new state or to impose their will on it. The very name Democratic People's Republic itself showed the independence of Juche Korea. Some had insisted on the title of "People's Republic " and others "Democratic Republic " but the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG said that the new country should be called the Democratic People#s Republic .Some crazy factionalists tried to insist that the new Korea should be a republic of the USSR but comrade KIM IL SUNG swept this nonsense aside .The DPRK resolved to be independent  and voted for both US and Soviet troops to be withdrawn from Korea . So in 1948 the Soviet troops withdrew  but the US troops in south Korea have stayed in south Korea to this very day. The US troops have been in south Korea  73 years now which is 73 years too long !
   President KIM IL SUNG made sure that independence , independence and independence was the creed and motto of the new Juche Korea . Independent and original policies were pursued  in all fields of activity .The DPRK transformed production relations according to its own Juche-based theories and worked out many original policies such as the Taean work system and the Chongsan-ri method . The DPRK rejected membership of the old Council For Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA or COMECON as it is known in the West ), which had been set up by the old Soviet union , and membership of the Warsaw Pact .Not one soldier from another country is stationed on the land of the DPRK and no other country can control the DPRK's ICBMs.
    Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN pointed that  ""Our socialism is an independent socialism strong in the Juche character and national identity.
The Juche character is the nature of socialism, and independence in politics, self-sufficiency in the economy and self-reliance in national defence are the road to achieving the eternal victory and prosperity of our style of socialism. Independent politics makes it possible to formulate lines and policies in keeping with the fundamental principles of the revolution and the people’s demand for and interests in independence and consistently implement them however difficult and complicated the situation may be, so as to lead the revolution and construction to victory, and to exercise complete sovereignty and equal rights in the external relations so as to exalt the dignity and might of the country. The self-supporting national economy and Juche-oriented national culture enable us to break through the cutting edge and build a scientific and technological power, a knowledge-based economic power, in the 21st century by dint of our strength, technology and resources, and to usher in a new golden age of culture and the arts. The self-reliant defence capabilities with the Korean People’s Army as the core reliably defend the socialist motherland from imperialist aggression, provide a definite military guarantee for the building of a thriving nation and ensure peace and security of the Korean peninsula and the rest of Asia."

   Because the DPRK is not shacked to another country and follows the road of Juche  great achievements have been made. For example  Between 1946 and 1984 industrial output value increased by 431 times,. In the same period per capita national income increased by 65 times .Grain production increased by 5,3 times.  Today the DPRK can make anything from a tin of iced coffee to
an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile  !
   Combined with the idea of stouthearted independence  based on the Juche idea authored by comrade KIM IL SUNG  the DPRK also travelled the road of anti-imperialism . It defeated the US imperialists in the Fatherland Liberation War(Korean War ) inthe 1950s . In the showdown with the US after the Korean War , the DPRK upholding independence , anti-imperialism and Juche won victory after victory against the  US such as the "Pueblo" affair 1968 , EC121 shoot down and many other instances . The DPRK faced down the US in the nuclear crisis .
  The DPRK throughout its existence always supported anti-imperialist struggles throughout the world giving internationalist assistance to the people's of Vietnam , the middle east , Cuba, Africa and many lands throughout the world.
  Thanks the inspired leadership of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG , the great leader comrade KIM JONG IL and the dear respected leader Marshal KIM JONG UN , the DPRK has travelled the road of Juche ,anti-imperialism and independence for 70 years  !

  Glory to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea , land of Juche and anti-imperialism !

 Long live the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea !

Dr Dermot Hudson
President Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK
Chairman Juche Idea Study Group of England
Official Delegate UK Korean Friendship Association
Chairman British Solidarity Committee For Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula 
Member International Committee For the Study of Songun Politics

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