Thursday 19 March 2020

Western media is wrong -No Covid 19 in the DPRK!


The reactionary mainstream media is trying to make people believe that there is Covid 19 in the DPRK despite the fact that the World Health Organisation has not yet confirmed a single case of Covid 19 in the DPRK .
It would appear that the Western mainstream media are sour and bitter that there are no Covid 19 cases in the DPRK whilst is sweeping Western countries such as the UK which has 2642 cases and 104 dead and also south Korea which has 8143 cases and 91 dead . Covid 19 is spreading in many Western countries due to the incompetence of their rulers . Indeed Covid 19 may be an indirect by product of globalisation .
So called 'experts ' who have never set foot in the DPRK are wheeled out to prove that the DPRK has Covid 19 .
In fact there are a number of reasons why Covid 19 has not spread to the DPRK .Firstly , it took early measures such as shutting the border which other countries did not ( even now in the UK Heathrow airport is still open and flights are still arriving ) . Secondly , DPRK has taken measures such as disinfecting areas and getting people to wear masks. Thirdly , the DPRK is carrying out heath education and hygienic propaganda . Fourthly , the DPRK has a free health service unlike south Korea and the US . Moreover there are no cutbacks to the DPRK heath service , spending on health care was increased by 5.8 per cent in the last state budget . Fifthly , the DPRK is based on single hearted unity and can mobilise people to fight the infiltration of Covid 19 , unlike Western countries which are rent by disunity and contradictions .
It is not rocket science that there is no Covid 19 in the DPRK.

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