Thursday 26 March 2020

Reflections on the 38th anniversary of the publication of ON THE JUCHE IDEA -short essay by Dr Dermot Hudson

There is no doubt that the publication of "ON THE JUCHE IDEA "by  comrade KIM JONG IL  some 38 years ago  was a great event in the annals of the movement for the study of the Juche idea because it was the first time that the Juche idea was explained in a systematic and in depth form .  The publication of "ON THE JUCHE IDEA '  in 1982 evoked a great response from the progressive peoples of the world . Seminars were held on in different countries and the work was translated into many different languages.
The anniversary of the publication of " ON THE JUCHE IDEA " caused me to deeply reflect deeply on the Juche idea , its correctness and vitality.
 I read ON THE JUCHE IDEA in the late 1980s for the first time. I got a fresh new copy of the work from the old Mosquito Press in north London. Reading  "ON THE JUCHE IDEA " was  a real
 breath of fresh air for me . Since then I have read and re read "ON THE JUCHE IDEA " many times.
. In fact I can say that it was an important part of a process that opened up a new path in life for me .
In the early 1980s whilst I was a history student and a youthful member of the Communist Party of Great Britain. I resolved to combat the bourgeois ideology of the university I was at (the University of Winchester ) by  studying Marxist ideology intensively so I read "About Marxism " the introductory course of the CPGB ,  Emile Burns's famous "Introduction to Marxism " and Maurice Cornforth 's  "Historical Materialism ".However I was not satisfied reading these works . They came across as dry and wooden in places . According to these books the revolutions happen when the development of the productive forces comes into conflict with the relations of production . Emile Burn's book" Introduction to Marxism " even talked of the "the natural laws which run through all human history'. Of course such works did a great service in exposing the contradictions of capitalism and the exploitative nature but nevertheless showed limitations . It did not explain why capitalism remained in existence despite the fact the conditions for its overthrow and replacement by a new socialist order  were long overripe . Indeed in imperialist countries like Britain capitalist ideology seemed to have a strong grip on the minds of even working class people and there seemed little support for communist and socialist parties .     

However comrade KIM JONG IL  instead of talking about 'natural laws '  instead proclaimed the basic truth that  "That man is the master of everything means that he is the master of the world and of his own destiny; that man decides everything means that he plays the decisive role in transforming the world and in shaping his destiny." This was in contrast to the 'material first ' and 'economy first ' doctrines of some dogmatists who reduced Marxism into determinism . Of course Juche does not deny
materialism nor does it set man apart from the material world. Comrade KIM JONG IL wrote in "ON THE JUCHE IDEA " that  " The Juche idea uniquely defined the domination of the world by man who is the highest-developed product in the material world, as well as the principles of its transformation and progress, thus shedding a new light on the foundation of the world outlook. The world outlook based on the philosophical principle of Juche is a world outlook which is centred on man."
   This put man in the context of the material world rather than outside it . Moreover man has the attributes of independence , creativity and consciousness which are not inborn attributes but are socially acquired .
    In the work comrade KIM JONG IL stressed the role of ideology both in the revolutionary struggle and the work of socialist construction.   He wrote that " The will and fighting power of people demonstrated in the evolutionary movement are also determined by their ideological consciousness. The level of the willpower and strength demonstrated by the people is determined by their ideology. Only those who have a firm consciousness of independence will be able to take an indomitable attitude towards the revolution, actively participate in it with a strong will, and struggle to the end, overcoming all difficulties and trials"
  This teaching is like a secret weapon fore revolutionaries  Society will not change of its own accord . No matter how many people there are unemployed and homeless  if the working class is not equipped with socialist ideology and class consciousness and worse still have their heads full of capitalist ideology such as individualism and consumerism then there will no revolution . Similarly if in a socialist country people do not have the consciousness that they are the masters of society and worse still have no faith in the superiority of socialism  , then people will not work properly,there will be losses in socialist construction and the eventual collapse of socialism .This has been proven in practice by the
traumatic events of 1989 to 1991.
 "ON THE JUCHE IDEA " is a powerful work that cuts through dogmatism , revisionism and the idea of relying on big powers . It is a new "Communist Manifesto ' of the times. I strongly recommend everyone to read and re read it.
Dr Dermot Hudson
Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea
President Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK
Official Delegate Korean Friendship Association UK

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