Monday 24 January 2022

Appellation Unique to the Workers’ Party of Korea

The first word everyone learns at the start of his or her life is mother. 

The people in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea call the Workers’ Party of Korea motherly party. Why do they do that?

It is the motto of the WPK that for it the people are the most valuable, their interest is the most sacred and its existence is solely for their good.  

From the earliest days of its founding (October 10, 1945), the WPK, regarding it as its mission to take full responsibility for the destiny of the people, has served them for over 70 years. 

That is the reason why the people call the WPK motherly party. 

Recently, the Korean people have suffered a series of natural disasters like typhoon and flooding. Many people lost their houses.  

But they did not lose heart or feel hopeless because they were well aware that the WPK would take care of them as it had done before.

Actually the WPK went closer to them to relieve them of sufferings just like a mother would not turn away from the misfortune of her children. 

The WPK saw to it that all the country’s resources—human, material and technical—were mobilized for and focused on the building of new houses for the victims. 

While the houses were under construction, the offices of county Party committees were offered to the victims and the officials worked in makeshift tents. 

True to the will of the WPK that there is no issue more pressing than removing the pain of the people and more important than relieving them of misfortune, the builders erected new houses for the victims in a short time. Thus the victims could move to the new houses which were far better than their previous ones and fully furnished.   

This fact alone is sufficient to show why the Korean people call the WPK motherly party. 

Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the WPK, once said: Whether in times of happiness or of difficulty, our people invariably follow our Party, calling it motherly party; the motherly party are not words coined by a thinker, a politician or a leader of the working class but an honorary title and appellation our people gave to the WPK; our Party must, at all costs, prove itself worthy of the great trust of the people who unreservedly address it as “mother” and, to this end, it must become a genuine “servant” party for the people.

He regards becoming a servant for the people not as any duty, responsibility or obligation, but as the requirement of his life and the most worthwhile and happy right. 

Many political parties existed in the history of mankind but none of them have been called motherly party and become a servant party. 

True to his pledge that he would respect the people and remain faithful to the revolution at any time and at any place even though he were to be torn to pieces, Kim Jong Un devotes himself to the good of the people day and night. 

With a view to supplying a sufficient amount of fish to orphans, he visited a windy port on the east coast and initiated the establishment of a fishery station solely dedicated to this end. And he took the responsibility for the work of baby homes, orphanages and old people’s rest homes across the country.

On a stormy day he looked round the streets of the capital city out of his concern for the citizens. When a region of the country was severely hit by flooding and typhoon, he, saying that the victims who had lost their homes were eagerly waiting for him outdoors, continued a risky trip along muddy roads and dangerous sodden railway embankments which might collapse any moment after the flood.

Yangdok Hot Spring Resort, a comprehensive spa therapy base and a multi-functional sports and cultural centre built in the central part of the DPRK, is also permeated with Kim Jong Un’s benevolence.

Always paying close attention to developing the rich spa resources of the country, he travelled to the Yangdok area and looked round the area, crossing rugged mountains and acquainting himself in detail with the amount of water gushing from the spa and its surrounding environment. 

Then he proposed developing this area into a modern spa resort and guided the entire process of its construction. He examined more than 2 000 designs for it. And one day just before its inauguration he visited it and personally took the cable car to the top of the ski route, saying that he thought that his ride was better than ten times of test run and the people would feel safe if they were told that he himself had taken the cable car.

The city of Samjiyon in the northern part of the DPRK is also associated with the devotion of Kim Jong Un to the people. 

In order to build it into a model of a mountain town Kim Jong Un visited construction sites several times in spite of midsummer heat and intensive cold of midwinter and meticulously led the entire process of the project.

It was reported that he examined about 8 800 detail designs for the city.

The project for building 10 000 flats which would transform the area of Songsin and Songhwa in Pyongyang in a year’s time in 2021 was not an easy decision to make. 

It was a very difficult project several times bigger than the construction of Ryomyong Street in Pyongyang which had attracted the attention of the world several years before. Moreover it was executed when the border was sealed owing to the worldwide public health crisis.  

However, the difficult condition could not daunt Kim Jong Un. Regarding the project not as a work for economic profit, but as an ennobling undertaking for making all the wealth of the state and the result of the creative labour of the working people serve the people themselves, he personally participated in the ground breaking ceremony for the project and energetically led the entire process of  the construction. 

See what I do to serve the people, and you will know what my idea is—this is his innermost feeling. 

True to his lofty intention and spirit of devoted service for the people that it should be the servant of the people, the WPK is continuing its sacred march to prove itself worthy of its appellation, motherly party.


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