Saturday 11 February 2023

About the US Congress Resolution on Socialism and the DPRK

On the 2nd of February the US House of representatives passed a resolution titled “Denouncing the horrors of socialism” which needless to say reiterated the US’s opposition to socialism, this is not a surprise. A number of socialist countries were attacked and slandered in the resolution. In particular,the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK) is specifically mentioned and Chairman KIM JONG IL and Marshal KIM JONG UN are specifically mentioned by name.

One would think that the US House of Representatives would turn its attention to issues at home rather than criticising the DPRK. Official US government statistics showed that 37 million Americans actually live in poverty. In the US gun crime is rampant; in 2020 19,000 US citizens died from gun crime. Racism and police violence is endemic but the US Congress did not bother to look at these but instead decided to spend time and money on passing a resolution to denounce the DPRK and some countries that no longer exist.

A member of the US House of Representatives has a salary of $174,000 ( £143619)per year which is even more than British Members of Parliament who get £80,000 per year in salary. In People's Korea, deputies from the Supreme People's Assembly just receive their normal salary from their workplace and no additional salary for being a deputy to the Supreme People's Assembly . The US House of Representatives represents the capitalist elite, not the ordinary people. It is very telling that both Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives voted for the resolution, it shows that the two parties are the same, same ideology just a different label so there is no choice in US elections.

The resolution falsely claims that  “3,500,000 starved to death ‘ in the DPRK. This is a lie and a falsehood.It would have meant that more than 10 per cent of the DPRK population starved to death in the 1990s which is simply not true The DPRK's population was 20,194,354 in 1990, 21,763,670 in 1995 and 22,840,218 in 2000. So the DPRK's population actually increased by over 1 million between 1995 and 2000 and for the decade 1990 to 2000, it increased by 2,645,864. There was no ‘famine ‘ in the DPRK and no mass starvation. The US Congress is basing its policies on blatant lies, myths and deceptions.

In fact in the DPRK people are supplied with food at a low cost by the state and also enjoy virtually free housing, free health care and free education.

The US House of Representatives Resolution ‘ on denouncing the horrors of socialism' is not only a slander on Juche-based socialism but also is interference in the internal affairs of the DPRK and a motion for regime change and the invasion of the DPRK.

KFA UK denounces the US House of Representatives Resolution.

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