Monday 19 August 2019

Support People's Korea,defend the DPRK's independent right to test missiles


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) is to be congratulated  on the recent series of missile tests which aptly demonstrated the defence power of the country and were a just measure to defend the security of the DPRK as well as peace on the Korean peninsula . A missile test a day keeps the US imperialists away !
  Whilst overseeing the missile test on the 7th of August , respected Marshal Kim Jong Un , the supreme leader of the DPRK said that this ' military action would be an occasion to send an adequate warning to the joint military drill now underway by the U.S. and south Korean authorities.'
It is ignored by the mainstream media that the DPRK's missile tests are a self -defensive measure in response to aggressive military exercises being carried out by south Korea and the US against the DPRK. If the US and south Korea do not like the missile tests then the answer is a very simple one , cancel the military exercises and better still pull the US troops out of south Korea.
  Since the beginning of August the US and south Korea have been staging aggressive military exercises against the DPRK which are aimed at regime change . They have tried to hide the nature of the military exercises by changing the name but simply changing the label on a bottle of old wine does not make it new wine.! In fact the exercises actually run for a a longer period than the old Ulji Freedom Guardian exercises that they replace.
  The exercises are a violation of the June 12th 2018 DPRK-US statement and the pledges given by Trump and also a a violation of the inter-Korean agreements of April and September  2018 .
The liberal regime of south Korea has shown itself to be particularly two faced as it signed up to agreements committing itself to not holding military exercises but has held them anyway  (never trust a liberal !). Worse still the south Korean military is importing advanced F35-A fighter planes from the US and increasing military expenditure .
  Britain and the EU have pompously condemned the DPRK for missile tests but do not say one single word about south Korea and the US breaking agreements by holding military exercises !
  We must step up solidarity with People's Korea and support the activities of UK KFA

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