Monday 29 July 2019

From Voice of Korea website We Will Win Victory by Dint of Self-Reliance

From Voice of Korea website

We Will Win Victory by Dint of Self-Reliance

The Fatherland Liberation War against the invasion of the imperialist allied forces in the past 1950s was beyond the power of the Korean people just liberated from the colonial yoke of the Japanese imperialists and that of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea which was less than two years after its foundation.
But the Korean people turned out to defend the country with firm belief in their strength, firmly united around the great leader Kim Il Sung.
The People's Army soldiers won victory in every battle by displaying their unparalleled bravery and self-sacrificing spirit and the people in the rear performed feats in the wartime production.
When the electric power supply was suspended, workers of the munitions industry turned the belt with bare hands and filed to make submachine guns and made gunstocks with wood rich at home and sent more weapons to the front.
The victory in the Fatherland Liberation War is so precious as it was achieved by the Korean people themselves under the leadership of Kim Il Sung.
In the flames of the severe Fatherland Liberation War the Korean people more deeply felt the truth that their own strength is the best and self-reliance is the only way out.
In the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance fully displayed during the war the Korean people finished the postwar rehabilitation and construction in a short time and completed the socialist industrialization in 14 years.
In the severe trials of the 1990s they could defend socialism and provide a solid foothold for the building of a powerful country as they had firm belief in their strength.
Indeed, self-reliance has always served as the banner of struggle and the driving force of rapid progress in the whole course of the Korean revolution.
Today, too, the Korean people are bringing about a great upsurge in socialist construction with self-reliance as a treasured sword of prosperity.
Though they had no a design or experiences, they have wonderfully built a railway bridge on the rough sea and are producing a lot of Juche iron with their own strength, technology and materials.
They are working incessant miracles, creating from nothing in all fields of socialist construction.
We will win victory by dint of self-reliance forever. This is the unshakable faith and will of the Korean people

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