Tuesday 10 September 2024

Why there are no riots in People’s Korea(article originally published in the September issue of "People's Korea Today "

 Why there are no riots in People’s Korea(updated article )

Recently , the UK was rocked by riots , firstly in the Harehills district of Leeds and then later there were riots in many cities and towns such as Liverpool , Middlesbrough , Liverpool and elsewhere .Britain ,of course has a history of rioting  the most recent riots being the August 2011 which saw 5 deaths and over 3,000 arrested and jailed. Previously in the 1980s there had been riots in Brixton, Tottenham ,Liverpool and many other places. Other capitalist countries such as the US have been swept by riots notably in 2020 over the killing of a black citizen George Floyd and in January 2021 at the Capitol in Washington .


    Such occurrences would be impossible in the DPRK where the people are fully united around the leader and party and form a harmonious integral whole.             



The situation in the so-called “advanced” capitalist countries is in contrast to the Juche socialist Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The DPRK is one of the most stable countries on earth, in fact probably the most stable country in the world. Young people there do not riot but instead act as the shock brigade in socialist construction and take part with vigour in the defence of the country.  The DPRK is based on the socialist ownership of the means of production so there is no social inequality . There are no social contradictions and no racial discrimination. In the DPRK there is   no unemployment , there are no spending cuts and taxation was abolished in 1974 .


             The DPRK is based on the Juche Idea , the philosophical principle of which is that man is the master . Thus because of the socialist ownership of the means of production which is both underpinned and enhanced by the Juche Idea , people in the DPRK have a high sense of ‘taking ownership’ of ‘stakeholding’ which does not exist in any capitalist country. Moreover politics in the DPRK are based on benevolence and trust , the supreme principle of the party and the state is to improve living standards.


Under the banner of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism  and the leadership of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un , the people are united and all share the same goal of advancing towards a thriving socialist country  .

If you visit People Korea , as I have 19 times , you will see a united society with no social contradictions and no disorder ,vandalism , graffiti or lumpens.

(Dr Dermot Hudson (General Chairman KFA UK  and deputy editor /reviewer PKT)

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