Sunday 15 September 2024

Report of 12th joint Songun-Juche study session and Q and A held on 14.09.2024.

The 12 joint Songun-Juche study session and Q and A was held on the 14th of September at 1500 hours BST via Skype .It was attended by members of the Korean Friendship Association UK (KFA UK) and the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea from London and different parts of the UK as well as by  KFA Andalusia (Spain ) KFA Bulgaria , the People’s Korea Initiative of Poland and a friend from Myanmar .

There were questions on travel and tourism to the DPRK and living standards as well as questions about the possibility to work or live in the DPRK and future delegations to the DPRK .

In answer to the question about visiting the DPRK as  a tourist Dr Dermot Hudson chairman of KFA UK and Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea said “when the borders are open you can visit the DPRK as a tourist and you may visit different areas outside of Pyongyang such as Samjiyon and Mt Paektu , also Nampho and Kaesong . Occasionally tourists may visit co-operative farms” . Dr Hudson said that he himself had visited co-operative farms in Sunan district and near to Sariwon city .

Responding to the question about living standards Dr Hudson explained that “Despite the sanctions , blockade and the global health pandemic, living standards in the DPRK are good because people have free housing , free health care and education and low cost food as well as cheap public transport .

Visiting the DPRK in April this year the people looked well fed and well dressed . I could not see anyone begging or poorly dressed . Moreover I witnessed huge new housing developments that were the size of small cities.

Dr Hudson added that the DPRK has embarked on a huge programme of rural housing construction as well as the 20 x 10 regional development policy .

Extracts from the books “JUCHE IDEA -ANSWERS TO A HUNDRED QUESTIONS” and “ Questions and Answers on the Songun Idea” were read out .

The event concluded at 16.40 hours BST

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