Friday 6 September 2024

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea -land of single hearted unity ! Special article by Dr Dermot Hudson.


On the 9th of September ,the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), the homeland of the great and immortal Juche idea will celebrate its 76th foundation anniversary , having celebrated its 75th anniversary last year . The past 76 years of the DPRK have been years of growth ,development and prosperity .

When President KIM IL SUNG first founded the DPRK in 1948 it had only tommy guns and a few other simple weapons , now the DPRK has the H bomb and also ICBMs.

Recently rioting took place in the UK , first in the Harehills district of Leeds and then later there were far right riots across the country which saw the destruction of a public library. These unpleasant  events made me reflect on how solid the DPRK  is . Such riots would be unthinkable in the DPRK . In the past some socialist countries were affected by unrest ,strikes and disturbances. In recent years a country building socialism ,which is highly regarded by some as a model , was affected by riots staged by anti-socialist lumpens .

When I first visited the DPRK in 1992 after a few days I realised that socialism in the DPRK unlike in former socialist countries such as the USSR and Hungary was solid and would last for a 1,000 years .

President KIM IL SUNG once said “The ideological state of our people today is impeccable. The ideological preparedness of the intellectuals and youths and students, not to speak of that of the workers and farmers, is also very good. When Poland was socialist, the students often staged demonstrations against their party and government. Probably for that reason, the leader of that country once asked me during his visit to our country if it was not dangerous to have Kim II Sung University near the Kumsusan Assembly Hall. I told him that since in our country excellent young people were selected for universities, the ideological state of the students was as good as that of the soldiers of the People’s Army."

 In the DPRK there is no unemployment or poverty or homelessness  so there is no reason for people to riot but a more important reason is that the DPRK is also based on single-hearted unity . People in the DPRK are united around a single ideology , the Juche idea . The Juche idea represents the aspirations of the people to live as masters of their fate so it is an idea that accords with their interests and can be readily accepted by all the people .

Moreover , people in the DPRK have a high sense of ‘taking ownership’ of ‘stakeholding’ which does not exist in any capitalist country. The DPRK is 100 percent socialist ;there is the socialist ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange .  There is no rich and poor in the DPRK , income differentials are low. This is the secret of the DPRK's single-hearted unity. As President KIM IL SUNG said in his speech to the 35th anniversary celebrations of the DPRK in 1983 “ The DPRK represents genuine people’s power and is a banner of the unity and solidarity of the masses.

The Government of the Republic has served the people faithfully, regarding the protection of their interests as the basic principle guid­ing its activities. It has carried out all its policies to meet the will and demands of the people and has striven to guarantee a happy life for them. For its devoted service to them the Government of the Repub­lic enjoys the unreserved support and confidence of all the Korean people today.

”Our people have always loved the Republic dearly and actively supported and defended it; they have devoted their all to the struggle for the Republic. Through their own experience our people have become fully convinced that the state power of the Republic represents genuine people’s power fighting for the interests of the popular masses and that only when the Republic is firmly safeguarded and constantly strengthened and developed can they enjoy a happy life and eternal prosperity. Today our people entrust their destiny entirely to our Party and the Government of the Republic and are solidly unit­ed with one idea and will around them” .


The single-hearted unity of the DPRK  based on the Juche idea is a mighty force stronger than an atomic bomb which is propelling the victories of Juche-based socialism .

Guided by the Juche idea and led by the  respected Marshal KIM JONG UN the DPRK will march on to more anniversaries and greater victories .

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

Vice-Chair OCIFPGPP 

Secretary General European Regional Committee For Friendship with the Korean People

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