Monday 16 September 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK on the 75th anniversary of the passing away of Madame KIM JONG SUK , the anti-Japanese heroine and indomitable communist revolutionary fighter






16th of September Juche 113 (2024)

 The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and  the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK  KFA  UK )  , issued a joint statement on the 75th anniversary of the passing away of the immortal anti-Japanese heroine and Mother of Korea Madame Kim Jong Suk

On the 22nd of September  1949 , some 75 years ago , Madame Kim Jong Suk the heroine of the anti-Japanese war passed away at the early age of 32 years after a life of arduous revolutionary struggle for the emancipation of women and the independence of the Korean people. We recall her great exploits .



 Madame Kim Jong Suk was born into a humble working family in Hoeryong but took the road of revolution at the early age joining the struggle for the  independence of Korea from Japanese imperialism. Madame Kim Jong Suk became an ardent communist revolutionary and anti- imperialist fighter  in her youth. She joined the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army, commanded by the great leader generalissimo Kim Il Sung throwing herself into the sacred struggle for the liberation of Korea from the iron heel of Japanese imperialism.

  During the anti-Japanese armed struggle Madame Kim Jong Suk distinguished herself as a great partisan and crack-shot . She was also the bodyguard of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung. She was a paragon, a role model of loyalty .

    Madam Kim Jong Suk  was the pioneer of the communist revolutionary women's movement. Her teachings  offer profound inspiration and guidance  for the progressive and revolutionary women of the world.  Kim Jong Suk was a shining example of communist womanhood. After liberation Madame Kim Jong Suk built up the Democratic Women's Union of Korea, struggling against opportunism and factionalism. She led the work of freeing women from the shackles of feudalism.

Madame Kim Jong Suk made a profound contribution to the building of a new democratic Korea after liberation in 1945 . She worked hard to build a new Korea of Juche, without rest or let-up. She took part in the building of the people's armed forces of People's Korea , thus enriching the Songun revolutionary cause. Her life was most exemplary.

  Madame Kim Jong Suk gave a revolutionary upbringing to the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il  so that he would become a future great leader and great commander of Songun.

   The life of Madame Kim Jong Suk is an example to revolutionary and progressive women of the world . She was a role model for true proletarian feminism and Juche-orientated women's liberation.

   Despite the passing of time , the memory of Madame Kim Jong Suk , the mother of Korea, burns brightly in the hearts of Juche Idea and Songun Idea followers  and true friends of People's Korea.



Child Prodigy Grows Up to Be Full-fledged Artist


O Un Byol, an artist at the Korean painting production company of the Mansudae Art Studio, gained prominence at the 12th World Festival of Youth and Students in 1985. She won the first and special prizes at international prize contests of children’s paintings in 1987 and 1989. She was honoured to show her drawings to President Kim Il Sung at the schoolchildren’s New Year celebration on December 31, 1989.

Her paintings drawn by a single stroke, one of the techniques of the Korean painting, were well received at home and abroad.

Over the decades, she got married and has become a prestigious artist. But she is still better known as a child prodigy.


Educator Good at Training Music Prodigies


Taedongmun Kindergarten in Central District of Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is well-known for excellent early music education.

Its teacher Ri Ok Ryon is good at training promising kayagum players.

Her disciples are stealing the limelight as competent kayagum players at major art troupes in the country or playing a leading role in training musical talents at several art educational institutions.

Kayagum is one of the Korean traditional musical instruments.


Decision on Convening SPA of DPRK

Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The 11th Session of 14th Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea will be convened in Pyongyang on October 7, Juche 113 (2024).

A SPA Standing Committee's decision in this regard was announced on Sunday. -0- (Juche113.9.16.)

Plenary Meeting of DPRK SPA Standing Committee Held

Pyongyang, September 16 (KCNA) -- The 32nd Plenary Meeting of the 14th Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall on Sunday.

Choe Ryong Hae, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the SPA Standing Committee, presided over the plenary meeting.

Present at the plenary meeting were vice-chairmen Kang Yun Sok and Kim Ho Chol, Secretary General Ko Kil Son, and other members of the SPA Standing Committee.

Officials concerned of the SPA Standing Committee, the Secretariat of the Cabinet, ministries and national agencies were on hand as observers.

The plenary meeting discussed as its agenda items the issue of convening the SPA of the DPRK, the issue of deliberating and adopting the law on socialist exchange of materials and the law on maintenance of public buildings, the issue of deliberating and adopting the amendments to the law on road traffic and the law on external economic arbitration and the issue of examining and approving the amended master plan for land development in Pyongyang-Nampho area

First, the plenary meeting adopted a SPA Standing Committee's decision on convening the 11th Session of the 14th SPA of the DPRK with unanimous approval.

Then, there was a report on the main contents of relevant draft laws and amendments deliberated at the SPA Legislation Committee.

On the basis of study and discussion on the proposed bills, the plenary meeting adopted with unanimous approval a decree of the SPA Standing Committee "On adopting the Law of the DPRK on Socialist Exchange of Materials", "On adopting the Law of the DPRK on Maintenance of Public Buildings", "On amending and supplementing the Law of the DPRK on Road Traffic" and "On amending and supplementing the Law of the DPRK on External Economic Arbitration".

It also deliberated and approved the amended master plan for land development in Pyongyang-Nampho area. -0-

Sunday 15 September 2024

Answers from Dr Dermot Hudson to the 12th Joint Songun-Juche Idea Study Session 14.09.2024

 From Alan Bolon

Question: In my conversations with colleagues at work, I am often asked whether it is possible to travel to the DPRK on your own for tourist purposes and visit the villages and mountain rural areas of the DPRK while talking to ordinary people?

Firstly , when the borders are open you can visit the DPRK as a tourist and you may visit different areas outside of Pyongyang such as Samjiyon and Mt Paektu , also Nampho and Kaesong . Occasionally tourists may visit co-operative farms.

As for talking to ordinary people , it is far better to visit the DPRK as part of an official delegation either invited by the DPRK Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries or by the Korean Association of Social Scientists. If you visit as part of a delegation you are treated as a guest of the Korean people and as a friend . There may be the opportunities to negotiate your itinerary which you would not have as a tourist. If you visit the DPRK as a tourist it is seen as a commercial translation by the DPRK and there have been instances of tourists engaging in espionage or hostile acts against the DPRK .

I myself have visited farming families in the DPRK in 1993, 1996 and in April 2017 . When I visited the Sunan Co -Operative Farm in 1993 I recall having a long conversation with the ‘lady of the house ‘ about what they watched on TV . I also remember visiting a farmhouse on the Migok Co-Operative Farm near Sariwon city in 2017 and meeting a farmer .

From R Lyman

How are living standards in DPR Korea, how are they changing, and is the government working towards any goals in that regard?

Despite the sanctions , blockade and the global health pandemic, living standards in the DPRK are good because people have free housing , free health care and education and low cost food as well as cheap public transport .

Visiting the DPRK in April this year the people looked well fed and well dressed . I could not see anyone begging or poorly dressed . Moreover I witnessed huge new housing developments that were the size of small cities.

With regards to the goals for living standards the DPRK is pursuing the people-oriented policy .At the 8th Congress of the Workers Party of Korea held in January 2021 respected Marshal KIM JONG UN said that “The independent, planned and people-oriented characters of the national economy should be strengthened. To this end, it is necessary to raise the functions of the state that organizes economic affairs, and ensure unified management of products on the principle of making sure that the fruition of the economic activities is channelled into promoting the well-being of the people."

At the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea held at the end of December 2021 , a programme of comprehensive rural  housing construction was put forward . Many homes have been built in the rural areas . Literally tens of thousands of new homes have been built with new housewarming ceremonies taking place almost every second day .

At the 9th Enlarged Plenum of the Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea held in January 2024 the  regional development 20×10 policy was put forward . This means 20 counties and cities of the DPRK building 10 local industry factories each .It envisages not just building new homes in the regions of the DPRK but also local industrial factories and general hospitals . The aim is not just to improve living standards but to make the regions of the DPRK self-sustaining .

In his recent speech on DPRK national day, titled “ "Let Us Further Strive for the Prosperity of Our Great State"respected Marshal KIM JONG UN said Like the principles of architectural engineering and structural mechanics, which high-rise and super-high-rise buildings need firm foundations, if the socialist system is to be consolidated under any circumstances, the foundation of the people’s mind for its advantages should be solid, and all the people should actively sympathize with it through their actual life, and the social system should be based on the desire of all the people to share their destiny with socialism to the last and defend it through generations.

He also stressedIt is very important for each city and county to create their reserves in translating the Regional Development 20×10 Policy into reality and making it substantially contribute to improving the living standard of the regional people.”

Thus People’s Korea under the leadership of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is making great efforts to improve people’s living standards.

Report of 12th joint Songun-Juche study session and Q and A held on 14.09.2024.

The 12 joint Songun-Juche study session and Q and A was held on the 14th of September at 1500 hours BST via Skype .It was attended by members of the Korean Friendship Association UK (KFA UK) and the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea from London and different parts of the UK as well as by  KFA Andalusia (Spain ) KFA Bulgaria , the People’s Korea Initiative of Poland and a friend from Myanmar .

There were questions on travel and tourism to the DPRK and living standards as well as questions about the possibility to work or live in the DPRK and future delegations to the DPRK .

In answer to the question about visiting the DPRK as  a tourist Dr Dermot Hudson chairman of KFA UK and Chairman of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea said “when the borders are open you can visit the DPRK as a tourist and you may visit different areas outside of Pyongyang such as Samjiyon and Mt Paektu , also Nampho and Kaesong . Occasionally tourists may visit co-operative farms” . Dr Hudson said that he himself had visited co-operative farms in Sunan district and near to Sariwon city .

Responding to the question about living standards Dr Hudson explained that “Despite the sanctions , blockade and the global health pandemic, living standards in the DPRK are good because people have free housing , free health care and education and low cost food as well as cheap public transport .

Visiting the DPRK in April this year the people looked well fed and well dressed . I could not see anyone begging or poorly dressed . Moreover I witnessed huge new housing developments that were the size of small cities.

Dr Hudson added that the DPRK has embarked on a huge programme of rural housing construction as well as the 20 x 10 regional development policy .

Extracts from the books “JUCHE IDEA -ANSWERS TO A HUNDRED QUESTIONS” and “ Questions and Answers on the Songun Idea” were read out .

The event concluded at 16.40 hours BST

Mirae Nursery in Pyongchon District , Pyongyang DPRK.



Saturday 14 September 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement " The collective confrontational cooperation against the DPRK will be accompanied by the strengthened formation of strategic axis for improving the security environment of the region"



           14th of September   Juche 113 (2024)

 The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK(KFA UK )  issued a joint support in support of the press statement titled  "The collective confrontational cooperation against the DPRK will be accompanied by the strengthened formation of strategic axis for improving the security environment of the region" issued by a spokesperson for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday 13th of September;

The US imperialists called a 'defense authority ' meeting of the so-called UN Command in south Korea on the 10th of September in Seoul , the capital of the puppet ROK. The UN Command  or UNC in south Korea is a ghost like structure which the US imperialists are trying to revive and breathe life into for the purpose of fanning confrontation against the DPRK. 16 vassal and lackey states including the UK , Canada , Australia and New Zealand were involved in the meeting which was falsely held under the auspices of the UN despite a UN resolution decades ago dismantling the UN Command . So in essence the meeting was a gathering of the US and its puppets.

The  spokesperson for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the  DPRK Foreign Ministry correctly terms the moves of the US and its puppets as an "extremely dangerous political and military provocation that causes security imbalance and escalates the danger of war in the Korean peninsula and the region, we resolutely denounce and reject it."

The apparent revival of the UN Command in south Korea is an attempt to create a NATO type structure in Asia and also brings the danger of war even closer.

As the press statement of the spokesperson of the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea declares "The DPRK will steadily take a new strategic counteraction to contain and frustrate the reckless confrontation moves of the hostile forces to disturb peace and stability in the Korean peninsula by mobilizing the illegal war organization.".

We support the just stand of the DPRK and call for the dissolution of the UNC in south Korea !'




BGSJI and KFA UK support press statement "The U.S. instigating NATO and agents to confrontation with Russia is a serious threat to Europe"



           14th of September   Juche 113 (2024)

 The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK(KFA UK )  issued a joint support in support of the press statement titled   "The U.S. instigating NATO and agents to confrontation with Russia is a serious threat to Europe"   issued by the  head of the External Policy Office of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) which was released on the 13th of September ;

Recently the US top bureaucrat Blinken claimed that mutually beneficial co-operation the Russian Federation and independent sovereign states such as the DPRK. Blinken falsely claims that this is a threat to security in Europe.

As the press statement of the head of the external policy office of the Foreign Ministry of the DPRK says " It is none other than the U.S. which caused the Ukrainian crisis by inciting the reckless advance of NATO towards the east in disregard of the legitimate security interests of Russia and its territorial integrity, with the wild dream to establish unipolar supremacy."

It is actually the US that have handed over to Ukraine huge amounts of military hardware such as Abrams tanks, F-16 fighters and ATACMS long-range missiles. Spurred on by the US imperialists the Ukrainian fascist reactionaries have carried out missile and drone attacks against the Russian Federation and invaded the territory of Russia .

The DPRK will as always remain the side of the Russian people in their struggle against US imperialism . We support the stance of the DPRK.




BGSJI and KFA UK positively appraise the speech of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN titled ""Let Us Further Strive for the Prosperity of Our Great State"




     14th of September   Juche 113 (2024)

 The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea and the Korean Friendship Association of the UK(KFA UK )    issued a joint statement in support of the speech of respected comrade KIM JONG UN  titled  "Let Us Further Strive for the Prosperity of Our Great State" which was made on the occasion of the national day of  the Democratic People's Republic of Korea  on the 9th of September ;

Addressing the 76th anniversary of the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK) , respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , the supreme leader of the DPRK made a most profound and militant speech in which he set forth important tasks.

Comrade KIM JONG UN began his speech by stressing the importance of the anniversary of the foundation of the DPRK and the superiority of the socialist system based on Juche saying that :

"Whenever we see with pride our national flags fluttering everywhere on this land invariably and more brilliantly and greet our national day every year, we naturally realize keenly that no country in the world is as great, wonderful and glorious as our Republic....

When the DPRK was beating back the aggression of the imperialist allied forces which were incomparably superior in number, to say nothing of the time when our people were building a genuine people’s country free from the vicious colonial rule, miracles unheard-of in other parts of the world were performed in the DPRK, and the historic course of Chollima Korea, which had made leaps forward to build a socialist nation on the ruins, and of Juche Korea was always full of miracles, too"

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN expounded the need to fully expedite the people-oriented policies of the people's government and Workers Party of Korea ,including the 20 x10 regional development programme . Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN said that “Like the principles of architectural engineering and structural mechanics, which high-rise and super-high-rise buildings need firm foundations, if the socialist system is to be consolidated under any circumstances, the foundation of the people’s mind for its advantages should be solid, and all the people should actively sympathize with it through their actual life, and the social system should be based on the desire of all the people to share their destiny with socialism to the last and defend it through generations."
These words express the truth and contain a valuable guideline for building people-centred socialism .

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN draw attention to the threats against People's Korea posed by US imperialism and its lackey  .Whilst stressing that the DPRK nuclear weapons are purely for self-defence and that the DPRK is a responsible nuclear weapons state , respected Marshal KIM JONG UN declared that "The DPRK will steadily strengthen its nuclear force capable of fully coping with any threatening acts imposed by its nuclear-armed rival states and redouble its measures and efforts to make all the armed forces of the state including the nuclear force fully ready for combat."

To conclude the speech of respected Marshal KIM JONG UN is a valuable guideline for building a people-centred socialist state in the conditions of the 21st century. We recommend a deep study of the speech.



Article of International Affairs Analyst

Pyongyang, September 14 (KCNA) -- The full text of an article contributed by Kim Myong Chol, an international affairs analyst, titled "The exclusive expansion of bloc will only accelerate the U.S. strategic defeat" says:

Three years have passed since the U.S. cooked up the exclusive nuclear security technology alliance system AUKUS with Britain and Australia.

The past three years are the period in which the true colors of AUKUS have been clearly proved as a serious threat to the nuclear non-proliferation system, a propellant of arms race and a disturber of the regional strategic balance.

The U.S. is insisting that AUKUS is not targeting any specific country and has no effect on the nuclear non-proliferation system. But it is nothing but flowery words to patronize its exclusive policy on strengthening the alliance.

The Korean peninsula and the Asia-Pacific region are plunged into a more unstable situation due to the confrontational behavior of the U.S. that is resorting to the Cold War way of thinking and inter-camp confrontation which are totally opposed to the desire of mankind for global peace and stability.


U.S. which thrust dagger onto its ally's back


As regards AUKUS, fabricated on September 15, 2021, the French foreign minister strongly denounced it as an act of thrusting a dagger onto the ally’s back, not a matter of scrapping the submarine contract which had been pushed forward between France and Australia.

The Biden administration had been advertising the "importance of alliance and the strengthened alliance", arguing that "the U.S. has come back". But the fact that it suddenly betrayed its ally in Europe is still now sparking off great shock and doubts of the international community.

However, the appearance of Australia changing as an outpost for the U.S. and the move of AUKUS widening its fence give an answer to a question why the U.S. thrust a dagger onto the back of France.

Firstly, the U.S. is turning Australia into a powerful military ally capable of containing independent and sovereign states in the Asia-Pacific region through the transfer of nuclear-powered submarine technology.

The U.S., together with the UK, is taking the lead in helping Australia possess a fleet composed of eight nuclear-powered submarines by 2055 and has expanded the ultra-modern military technology cooperation among three countries into the development of hypersonic weapons, eased the restrictions of military technology and arms export and built on an extensive scale facilities for operating its nuclear strategic assets and ultra-modern military hardware in Australia from 2022.

It has systematically delivered weapons and equipment such as Tomahawk cruise missiles, ship-to-air interceptor missiles and attack helicopters to Australia and supported the manufacture and export of missiles in Australia.

Secondly, the U.S. is trying to develop AUKUS into a multilateral military bloc in which more allies are involved.

Now, the officials concerned of the U.S. administration, whenever they have the opportunity, repeatedly claim that the door to AUKUS is open to the partners if they judge it is proper for them to join it.

The U.S.-Britain-Australia tripartite defense authority talks in April made public a "joint statement" on examining a proposal for promoting cooperation between AUKUS and Japan in the field of ultra-modern technology. And the U.S.-Japan summit held in Washington agreed on the issue on the cooperation between AUKUS and Japan in eight fields of core defence technology including artificial intelligence and cyber.

The U.S. is also mulling involving the ROK, New Zealand, Canada and other allies into AUKUS in the capacity of "partners", saying that it is necessary for AUKUS to cooperate more closely with such countries as the ROK in the Indo-Pacific region.

All facts go to prove that the U.S. thrust a dagger onto the back of its ally, proceeding from a politically-motivated calculation to expand relations of alliance with its vassal forces into a multilateral military bloc based on nuclear weapons and secure a strategic superior in the region.


AUKUS arousing backlash from international community


As soon as AUKUS made its ill-natured appearance, it has been the target of denunciation and rejection by many countries.

Russia denounced the U.S. and its allies for pursuing a long-term confrontation in the region, terming AUKUS "NATO of Asian version". China censured AUKUS for threatening a regional peace and stability and sparking arms race as a security mechanism acting according the baton of the U.S.

Meanwhile, the Southeast Asian countries neighboring Australia asserted that big powers should not do an act of infringing upon the interests of other countries with high-handed practice, saying that the Australian government is playing a “role of the police” of the U.S. in the region.

Many media and experts on security are expressing the concerns that the fabrication of AUKUS is little short of opening the "nuclear box of Pandora".

The assertion of regional countries and experts is by no means groundless.

The fact that 160 nuclear warheads can be manufactured with highly enriched uranium, the fuel for the nuclear-powered submarines to be transferred to Australia, shows that the activities of AUKUS are very likely to lead to Australia's nuclear armament.

And the reality proves that the U.S. is further inciting the wild ambition of the regional allies including Japan and the ROK for nuclear weaponization as it is transferring nuclear-powered submarines and their technology to Australia.

The “desire for joining” AUKUS is growing with each passing day among Japan, ROK and other satellites of the U.S. and it predicts that the international nuclear non-proliferation system will be hardly hit in succession.

The exclusive and confrontational nature of AUKUS targeting a third country is further arousing the caution of regional countries.

The U.S. claimed that AUKUS does not target a special state in an early period but, recently, is not hiding the fact that AUKUS targets the independent and sovereign states in the region.

High-ranking officials of the U.S. administration said that AUKUS regards China, Russia and the DPRK as the "threats" to the India-Pacific region, revealing the black-hearted intention of the U.S. to contain sovereign states through AUKUS.

Viewing the reality in which the U.S. is resorting to its "lattice-like fence alliance" policy on organically combining its allies across the world, it is a matter of time for AUKUS to merge with the U.S.-led political and military blocs including the U.S.-Japan-ROK triangular military bloc, SQUAD and QUAD. And it will further fix the structure of the new Cold War in the region.

This is a clear reason why the international community is expressing strong repugnance and caution against AUKUS.


Washington's policy on expanding blocs accelerates its strategic defeat


The present U.S. administration is loudly advertising the fabrication and expansion of various blocs like AUKUS as its "diplomatic achievements", claiming that it is promoting the U.S. strategic value and interests.

But if anyone with an elementary understanding of the external crisis facing the U.S., he will know with ease that the above-said claim is very cross-sectional.

In January this year, the U.S. magazine National Interest said that the U.S. is being put in a dilemma for its excessive interference in various regional issues and the expanded friction of regional countries resulted from it. It raised the question "Still is the U.S. the only superpower in the world?"

As a matter of fact, the U.S. policy on expanding its alliance, which is being enforced worldwide, is further weakening its strength and exposing it to a more critical situation.

First of all, the debt crisis of the U.S. is getting more serious day by day as the present U.S. administration is spending an astronomical amount of money on the arms buildup for maintenance and expansion of blocs and on the operation of overseas military bases and is running high fever in the military support for pro-U.S. states including Israel and Ukraine.

The U.S. impudent patronage for its allies, which are resorting to military confrontation and massacre of civilians, is leading to the decline in its influence in the region and serving as a catalyst for inciting anti-U.S. sentiments across the world.

In particular, the U.S. moves for the confrontation between camps to encircle and contain independent and sovereign states through the establishment of the global military alliance are compelling sovereign states to bolster up their self-defensive strength in every way and form and strengthen the just strategic axis for suppressing and foiling the aggressive military blocs.

This predicts that the more desperately the U.S. resorts to its policy on expanding blocs, the more it will plunge into an inescapable strategic maze.

The appearance of the U.S. seeking the confrontation between camps reminds one of the old Roman Empire which had been doomed to ruin, not the "only superpower".

The just international community will never tolerate the U.S. confrontation moves of violating peace and stability in the region and the rest of the world through its reckless policy for hegemony and bloc expansion but will counter them with strong strength.

Washington’s exclusive bloc expansion will be a decisive factor in accelerating the U.S. strategic defeat. -0- (Juche113.9.14.)


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Sergei Shoigu, Secretary of Security Council of Russian Federation

Pyongyang, September 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on September 13 met Sergei Shoigu, secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, who was on a visit to the DPRK. 

Kim Jong Un gladly received Sergei Shoigu and shared with him the joy of meeting again after the lapse of one year. Then he had a talk with the Russian guest in a friendly, trustworthy and warm atmosphere. 

Sergei Shoigu courteously conveyed the friendly greetings from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, to the DPRK leader. 

Kim Jong Un expressed his thanks for it and conveyed his warm greetings to the respected Russian president. 

At the talk, there was a wide-ranging exchange of views on the issues of steadily deepening the strategic dialogue between the two countries and strengthening cooperation to defend the mutual security interests and on the regional and international situations. The talk reached a satisfactory consensus of opinions on the presented issues.

Appreciating the dynamic development of the bilateral relations in all fields including politics, the economy and culture according to the agreement reached at the DPRK-Russia Pyongyang summit held last June, Kim Jong Un affirmed that the DPRK government would further expand cooperation and collaboration with the Russian Federation true to the spirit of the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in the future, too. 

That evening Kim Jong Un met Sergei Shoigu again, and continued the constructive talk. 

Seeing Sergei Shoigu off, he exchanged warm farewells with him and asked him to convey his greetings, wishing President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin of the Russian Federation good health and success in his work. And he wished the Russian people victory, prosperity, happiness and peace. -0- (Juche113.9.14.)


Friday 13 September 2024

Press Statement by Spokesperson for Disarmament and Peace Institute of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday released the following press statement "The collective confrontational cooperation against the DPRK will be accompanied by the strengthened formation of strategic axis for improving the security environment of the region":

The U.S. and its vassal forces held the second defense authority meeting between the ROK and member nations of the "UN Command" on September 10.

Their moves to revitalize a tool for war and confrontation, which usurped the signboard of the UN, on the Korean peninsula are arousing a serious concern of the international community.

Another anti-DPRK confrontation confab was held in the name of the "UN Command" whose dismantlement was declared by the international community decades ago. This is an insult to the inviolable UN and the UN Charter and one more important occasion judging who is the illegal force inciting military conflict in the Korean peninsula.

A "joint statement" adopted after the meeting shows that the U.S. is buckling down to drawing member states of the "UN Command" into different joint military drills of aggressive nature to make them proficient in its-led war scenario and substantially enhance their capabilities to fight a war.

Terming the U.S. and its vassal forces' confrontational movement an extremely dangerous political and military provocation that causes security imbalance and escalates the danger of war in the Korean peninsula and the region, we resolutely denounce and reject it.

The expansion of the "UN Command" is a prelude to the establishment of "NATO of Asian version" which will result in pushing the Asia-Pacific region deeper into the structure of new cold war, not easing the military tensions in the Korean peninsula and the region.

When taking into consideration the fact that the revival of the "UN Command" is further increasing the possibility of military conflict in the Korean peninsula by stirring up the war hysteria of the ROK military gangsters running amuck in the military confrontation with the DPRK, the danger of such moves can never be overlooked.

Moreover, if countries in different regions take part in the moves to revive the "UN Command", blindly following the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK, military conflict in the Korean peninsula will not be confined to the one between the DPRK and the U.S. but will inevitably lead to the start of a new world war.

It is an essential requirement for the national security and the region's peaceful development to steadily improve the strategic force capable of deterring and weakening the hostile countries' will for war provocation.

The U.S. and its vassal countries' collective military confrontation against the DPRK will serve as a motive and catalyst for accelerating the formation and development of a just strategic axis that thoroughly disallows the imbalance of power in the Korean peninsula and the region.

The DPRK will steadily take a new strategic counteraction to contain and frustrate the reckless confrontation moves of the hostile forces to disturb peace and stability in the Korean peninsula by mobilizing the illegal war organization. -0- (Juche113.9.13.)

Press Statement of Head of External Policy Office of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- The head of the External Policy Office of the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea released the following press statement "The U.S. instigating NATO and agents to confrontation with Russia is a serious threat to Europe" on September 13:

Recently, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken groundlessly slandered the cooperation based on mutual benefit and equality between the Russian Federation and other sovereign states, and committed a political provocation terming it a "threat" to Europe.

This clearly shows the U.S. sinister intention to overstate the "security crisis" of European countries and shift the blame for the present Ukrainian situation on to a third party and thus more firmly rally its followers on the anti-Russian front and give "legality" and continuity to its confrontation moves.

The DPRK Foreign Ministry expresses strong regret over the fact that the U.S. top diplomat slandered independent sovereign states while distorting the essence of the Ukrainian situation with extremely irresponsible and improper words, and categorically rejects this.

The U.S. secretary of State is trying to deceive the international community, turning black into white, but such attempt can neither cover up nor deny the fact that the U.S. is the root cause of the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis and its prolongation and instability of the situation in Europe.

It is none other than the U.S. which caused the Ukrainian crisis by inciting the reckless advance of NATO towards the east in disregard of the legitimate security interests of Russia and its territorial integrity, with the wild dream to establish unipolar supremacy.

The U.S. is also the arch criminal as it has systematically handed over to Ukraine such lethal weapons and equipment as Abrams tanks, F-16 fighters and ATACMS long-range missiles in a bid to bring a strategic defeat to Russia, in disregard of the unanimous demand and aspiration of the international community for the early peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian situation, and caused innocent civilian damage and long-term catastrophe.

It is also the U.S. which committed to deploying in Europe long-range missiles targeting Russia and has staged NATO-led war drills against Russia one after another and brought a horrible war to the whole of Europe, revealing its intention to lift a ban for Ukraine on the use of long-range weapons toward the depth area of Russia.

All facts go to prove that the U.S. is a real threat facing Europe and the international community as it is inciting conflict and confrontation, instigating NATO and agents to the confrontation with Russia and fostering the permanent war.

The Ukrainian crisis will never be an opportunity to revive the weakened position of the United States, and the Russian people will surely and triumphantly achieve their just aim.

The international community should not tolerate the reckless acts of the U.S., which is getting frantic with the moves for military confrontation after mortgaging the security of Europe in a bid to realize its hegemonic interests, but should defend the regional peace and stability by its concerted efforts.

We will as ever invariably support the just cause of the Russian people who are striving to defend sovereignty and build a fair and multipolar world, smashing the imperialists' hegemonic policy and high-handed practices. -0- (Juche113.9.13.)

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Training Base for Special Operation Armed Force of KPA

Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected the training base of the special operation armed force of the Korean People's Army (KPA) to guide the drill of combatants on September 11.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was accompanied by Marshal Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Ri Yong Gil, chief of the KPA General Staff, Ri Chang Ho, deputy chief of the General Staff and director of the General Reconnaissance Bureau of the KPA, Kim Yong Bok, deputy chief of the KPA General Staff, and other commanding officers in the field of operation and training of the KPA General Staff.

Kim Jong Un went round various facilities of the training base to learn in detail about the situation.

Highly appreciating the fact that all the facilities and training grounds of the base are effectively arranged to practically conduct simulated drills for real war so as to train strictly the combatants to be all-purpose ones, he stressed the need for the Ministry of National Defence and the General Staff to pay positive attention to providing conditions for further updating training facilities and putting their operation on a scientific basis in the future.

He mounted the observation post to watch the scout and raid drills being conducted by the combatants according to their training programme.

All the combatants have shed their sweat of loyalty and feats at training grounds with the firm readiness to make a sudden attack on the hearts of the enemies and open up the road of advance of the attacking units at a go when the moment of a stern decisive battle comes. They fully demonstrated the fighting mettle and spirit of the invincible revolutionary armed forces that are able to really fight and surely win victory if they fight in the training conducted in the presence of Kim Jong Un.

Watching with satisfaction the soldiers who are fully versed in the Juche-based and modern combat methods and are sweeping the training ground like lightning, he highly praised all the combatants for growing up to be stout and brave one-match-for-a-hundred combatants with the revolutionary and strong training enthusiasm and thoroughly maintaining the sure war posture.

Saying that he felt assured and proud to see the soldiers prepared as brave fighters like bullets, he encouraged the combatants who have grown up to be reliable guards and passionate warriors of the KPA which is demonstrating only victory, and had a photo session with them.

The combatants were full of boundless emotion, joy, great pride and self-esteem, turning into enthusiastic cheers like thunder, as they received high appreciation and great honor under the warm loving care of the invincible and iron-willed brilliant commander.

Saying that as seen in today’s training, such competent and stalwart fighters are needed in the KPA, he gave important instructions calling for more firmly building up the special operation armed force of the KPA by training possessors of a-match-for-a-hundred spirit and core combatants capable of wiping out the enemy while courageously sweeping the battlefield where bullets and shells rain thick and fast without an inch of hesitation in case of emergency.

When considering the mood and character of a modern war, to put forward the well-trained and prepared special operation armed force as the main combat force in the battlefield has an important influence on victory and defeat, and the building of special operation armed force is an important component in building the armed forces of the DPRK, he said, and set forth the militant task to put main efforts into strengthening the elite Korean-style special operation armed force by firmly holding fast to the revolution in training, ideas and equipment.

Noting that the first task is to continue to intensify the drills for real war, he said that as emphasized always, a lot of sweat in training is the way to shed less blood in a war, war is not a premeditated one and, therefore, the KPA should be fully ready to check the enemy at once and mercilessly and completely repress them even if a war breaks out at once today, and it is the first patriotism and loyalty to the state and people and the foremost revolutionary duty for the soldiers to devote their all to the intensive drills for a real war.

He said with decision that it is necessary to continue to make strict demands in training, steadily improve the contents and methods of Korean-style training and make full preparations for war so as to make the enemies shed blood when they encounter with the KPA in an emergency.

Saying that it is impossible to think about the victory of the army which is not possessed of the might of ideology and the well-prepared army with no ideology is nothing but undisciplined army and when soldiers become true patriotic soldiers who know the Party, the country and the people before learning about battles, victory always comes to their side, he called for more wonderfully cultivating and giving full play to the political and ideological advantages peculiar to the KPA and thus preparing the soldiers more firmly as the strongest in mental power.

Saying that in intensifying the ideological education among the service personnel, class education is an important task which can never be neglected even a moment, he called for intensifying the education in an offensive way to make all the service personnel cherish the transparent sense of the enemy and their outlook on the arch enemy as their faith.

The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK in which the whole ranks were prevailed by the indomitable heroic spirit and fighting spirit that no army in the world can imitate will grow stronger in the future, too and will become war deterrents making the enemy not dare to provoke, being afraid of its prestige and entity alone, he stressed.

All the combatants were filled with revolutionary enthusiasm and high spirit to become the best standard-bearers who defend our state and people most honorably and most reliably in the vanguard of the advance always by striving to build more perfect capability for real war with a firm patriotic spirit, bearing in mind the great trust and expectation of Kim Jong Un who visited their training ground and gave them the ever-victorious war method and militant encouragement. -0- (Juche113.9.13.)