Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Statement of Swiss-Korea Committee and Juche Idea Study Group of Switzerland


the Swiss Korea Committee and the
Swiss Juche idea study group
the death of Kim Jong IL
21st December 2011

* * Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army (KPA), on 17 Died in December 2011.
With great sadness and dismay we heard this painful and incredible news that came as a shock to us. General Secretary Kim Jong Il * * was the beloved father of the nation and the People. The Korean people and all progressive humanity and all anti-imperialists to mourn him. His death is the largest and painful loss since the demise of President Kim Il Sung 17 years ago. General Secretary Kim Jong Il * * acquired by the loyal and unchanged continuation of the policy of President Kim Il Sung * * immortal merits. He fought tirelessly for the improvement of
Standards of the people, to build a strong and thriving socialist nation and for the independent and peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland.
With his Songun politics (army-first policy), he defended successful socialist Korea against all war and Aggressive plans of the U.S. imperialists and the pro-American South Korean warmongers. He protected and thus gained the peace on the Korean Peninsula and in the Asia-Pacific region
as well as world peace.
The Korean people turned his immense sadness and Pain in strength and confidence, it is by the General Kim Jong Un , the great successor and continuer of the revolutionary cause of the
Juche and wise leader of the party, the army and the people, rallying. Our two organizations mourn together with the Korean People and wish him the power and strength in this sad time.
The great leader Kim Jong Il * * lives eternally in our hearts!

Swiss Korea Committee
Swiss Juche idea study group

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