Tuesday 22 March 2022

United States-Breeding Ground for Racism



There is a growing social concern in the United States as the incidents inciting white supremacy take place on an extensive scale while all sorts of crimes rooted in racism are rampant.

After the outbreak of the pandemic, white supremacy and ideas of human hatred are sweeping across the U.S., and all sorts of abusive words and malicious accusation against the non-whites are running wild on SNS.

NPR of the U.S reported on March 4 that approximately 5,000 propaganda activities advocating white supremacy were conducted in the country last year, and it is tantamount to 13 activities a day on average.

Advertisements and propaganda literature inciting racism are widely disseminated in the U.S.

And criminal acts by the racists idealizing white supremacy continue unabated.

According to an annual report drafted by an American civil organization, the criminal cases related to white supremacy and racism amount to 5,125 cases in 2020 alone.

The media commented that this number covers only part of the total criminal cases as it only records the incidents happened in public places.

A person concerned said that the propaganda activities on white supremacy in the U.S. are much more organized than in the past and that it is quite frightening to see the white supremacists and anti-Semites attacking their neighbors by quickly rallying their supporters in several states.

This is the real human rights situation in the U.S. that mouths phrases about “racial equality” and “public welfare”. This is also the reality of the U.S. which professes itself to be an “exemplary state of human rights”.

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