Monday 8 October 2018

ASSPUK and JISGE on the 50th anniversary of the publication of "Great Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Cause of Asian, African and Latin American Peoples Is Invincible"


   London 8th   of October Juche 107(2018)
 The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK(ASSPUK) and the Juche Idea Study Group of England(JISGE),)  issued a joint statement  on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of the immortal classic work of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG  , the "Great Anti-Imperialist Revolutionary Cause of Asian, African and Latin American Peoples Is Invincible"
  50 years ago the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG published a treatise in the magazine Tricontinental, the theoretical Organ of the Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America to mark the 1st anniversary of the death of the Cuban and Argentinian revolutionary fight Che Ernesto Guevara .Tricontinental  magazine  was a very important and influential magazine that in many epitomized the revolutionary mood of the 1960s when revolution was the main trend .
 The great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG's treatise shows that the DPRK and Workers' Party of Korea far from indulging in narrow nationalism  paid a great concern to the questions of the world revolution and to fighting against imperialism . Comrade KIM IL SUNG had met Che Guevara and mourned his death greatly . This work is a most fitting tribute to the memory of the Major Ernesto Che Guevara.Korea and Cuba represent the outposts of socialism fighting against imperialism and it is reflected in this work .
   The work is written in the most beautiful and wonderful prose . In one passage comrade KIM IL SUNG sums up the essence of capitalism "Over a long period up to now since the curtain rose upon the prelude to the bloodstained history of modern bourgeoisie, in which the exploitation camouflaged by medieval religious and political illusions was replaced by a naked, shameless, direct and cruel one and man's dignity turned into an exchange value, numerous Communists and revolutionary fighters on the globe have shed their blood and laid down their lives in the midst of the revolutionary tempest to sweep away all that is obsolete and corrupt and reorganize the whole structure of society in a revolutionary way, to overthrow the upper strata of that cursed old society and prepare the cradle of free and happy, new society. Che Guevara dedicated his precious life to this sacred struggle and thus became an honourable member of the ranks of world revolutionary martyrs."
  In the work it clarifies the truth that the oppressed peoples can liberate themselves only through an unyielding struggle against imperialism.
  Comrade KIM IL SUNG  indicated the road ahead for the peoples of the newly independent countries. He said that those countries, even after they had achieved political independence from imperialist subordination, must continue revolution until they won the ultimate victory of the cause of national liberation and that peoples who won their independence must fight to smash the subversive activities of foreign imperialism and domestic reactionary forces, destroy their  economic strongholds, set up a progressive social system and build an independent national economy and national culture.
  Comrade KIM IL SUNG  also explained that international solidarity should be strengthened between the peoples of the countries where revolution had already triumphed, and the peoples of the countries where revolution was yet to triumph, and that the peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America should consolidate their militant unity.
   Comrade KIM IL SUNG explains how Juche is integral  to the world revolutionary struggle
 saying "To fight down U.S. imperialism, all countries, big and small, should strike blows at U.S. imperialism. Particularly important here is that small countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America should give up flunkeyism tended to rely on big powers and take an active part in the anti-U.S. struggle. It is wrong to think that U.S. imperialism cannot be beaten down unless big countries fight it. It would be better certainly if big countries join small countries in fighting against U.S. imperialism. That is why small countries should endeavour to unite with big countries. But, this is by no means to say that no country, unless it is big, can fight and defeat U.S. imperialism. It is too obvious that one cannot make revolution if he depends on big countries and sits idle and that others cannot make revolution for him. Even small countries can defeat big enemy, once they establish Juche, unite the masses of the people and valiantly rise in battle despite sacrifice. This is a very plain truth of our times which has been borne out by actual life."
    This work and a number of others were acclaimed by the revolutionary people's of the world fighting against imperialism .
  The work is worthy of intense study and we recommend it to readers.

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