Thursday 21 May 2020

Reflections on the Kwangju Uprising and the nature of south Korea


The 40th anniversary of the Kwangju uprising in south Korea and the subsequent massacre of the uprisers by the south Korean puppet regime and US imperialists causes deep reflection. The mainstream media like to tell us daily , in fact sometimes it seems every hour and even every minute about so -called 'human rights' abuses in People's Korea and parade treacherous scum to denounce their socialist motherland .Yet the same mainstream media were silent about the anniversary of the Kwangju massacre , totally silent . Few people know that it was in south Korea in May 1980 that 5,000 people died at the hands of south Korean and US forces , it did not happen in the DPRK.
Really since the end of the 1980s a massive propaganda campaign to whitewash and prettify the image of the south Korean fascist puppet regime . UK KFA has even been told off for using the term ' puppet ' in relation to south Korea . The 1988 Seoul Olympics were a key turning point in this .It does strange that the Olympics which are meant to symbolise peace and friendship where held in a land where only 8 years before 5,000 people had been killed horribly . The DPRK boycotted the Olympics and was supported in this by Cuba , socialist Albania , Ethiopia , Nicaragua, Madagascar and the Seychelles . Shamefully the so-called 'socialist allies' of the DPRK sent teams to participate . Later worse treachery followed when the Hungarian revisionists recognised the south Korean puppet regime followed by others such as the Soviet revisionists . It was later revealed that Gorbachov had received $100,000 from the south Korean puppet regime and the Hungarians had also been bribed.
In many countries there was a concerted effort to hide the nature of the south Korean puppet regime and present it to the world as some kind of 'utopia ' of 'freedom' and 'human rights ' as well as supposed 'prosperity'. Liberals fell over themselves to praise the south Korean puppets as did some on the Left . It was whispered that some Labour MPs were bribed and from another quarter a finger was pointed at a few British academics whom we wont name but were believed to have had their pockets lined by the south Korean puppets.
For me south Korea was and is a miserable colony of the US , the place were the Kwangju massacre took place and were south Korean revolutionaries comrade Kim Jong Tae and Choi Young Do were martyred by the fascist regime.

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