Monday 18 May 2020

Contribution of comrade Lucas Rubio of the Brazilian Centre for the Study of Songun Politics to the UK KFA Online meeting on the 40th anniversary of the Kwangju uprising


I would like to begin by thanking Comrade Dr. Dermot Hudson for the invitation to this online meeting.

On this day, we are meeting to remember the terrible actions of the South Korean puppet government during the Kwangju Uprising which will mark 40 years in the next days. This meeting also serves as a memorial to the victims of the massacre, correct people who were fighting against the South Korea's tyranny and submission to the US.

Kwangju Uprising is an obscure episode in the history of South Korea when the puppet government of that state attacked the people in a brutal way, all who was fighting by a new and free order in Korea. The revolt must also be remembered as a heroic act by the Korean people who stood up in arms and in a large-scale popular demonstration against the unacceptable situation in which South Korea is until today.

The scene of the government attacking its own people is unthinkable in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, because the DPRK is a free and democratic nation where the people have power in their hands and where there is a real dictatorship of workers.

This massacre serves to reflect on the legitimacy of the government of the South and North parts of Korea and to critically analyze which of the two states is in fact a terrible dictatorship as the media like to call the DPRK. South Korea is the real dictatorship.

Socialist Korea is the Democratic part Korea and has broad human rights, such as freedom of expression, since a massacre like this has never happened in its long history. In the DPRK, if you disagree with the current actions or have contrary opinions, you can express your worldviews in the discutions that take place in the working masses in the Popular Committees. The DPRK is the true country of plurality and wide-ranging debate, unlike South Korea and other countries in the world where the only voice that is heard is the voice of the capital.

40 years after Kwangju Uprising, we respectfully remember the many victims who died or were injured in those days, and we also commemorate the popular uprising of Koreans whose main cause is the peaceful reunification of the fatherland with the exit of American occupation troops.

We also concluded that the popular democracy of the DPRK, formed by the Korean people under the leadership of the great comrades KIM IL SUNG, KIM JONG IL and KIM JONG UN, is the model of society that is closest to perfection and that must be defended by all the free peoples of the world against the lies and defamation.

Glory to 40 years of people's resistance in South Korea!
Eternal memory for the victims of capitalist and fascist dictatorships!
Long live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea - the legitimate democratic state of Korea!

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