Tuesday 9 July 2024

Imperialist panic, or a new kind of imperialism - dying imperialism'


The last visit of President Vladimir Putin to the DPRK had an exceptional 

significance not only for the international relations between these countries, 

but also for the situation in which American imperialism finds itself with its 

leading country, the United States.

However, it is worth starting by presenting the never - ending wave of lies 

and distortions created by Western propaganda, which comments on 

international events with a level of lies that one of the experts in falsehood 

and disinformation of the former German Third Reich - Goebbels - would 

not be ashamed of.

After President Putin's visit, all the main media of the mainstream sewage 

began to provide distorted and untrue information about this visit. The BBC 

( British Brainwashing Corporation ) showed in the main editions of the 

news President Putin together with Marshal Kim Jong Un in many aspects 

of this visit, which is true only in the vision that was presented. The 

commentary given about this visit was already a blatant lie. As the official 

BBC television reported in the news, the reason for President Putin's visit to 

the DPRK was... a desperate search for help, including military support, in 

a situation where Russia is losing the war with Ukraine and is in a losing 

situation. I almost sat down laughing when I saw this on the TV screen at 


And what does the situation really look like? It looks completely the 

opposite. Ukraine is losing all the way. And this is not only after the turn of 

events after the Russians took over Avdiivka in Donbas on February 17, 

2024. that somehow after this episode Ukraine is losing - as the Western 

media are trying to convince us. Ukraine was losing from the very 

beginning. In their hurray optimistic battle tactics, the Russians maintained 

moderation and allowed the fascist Ukrainian troops to slowly exhaust their 

forces, attacking with caution and precision. February 17 is the date of the 

breakthrough for a larger offensive by Russian troops, not the beginning of 

the trend of Ukraine losing. The ratio of forces and military means on the 

part of the Russians has always prevailed and still prevails over the 

Bandera Ukrainian troops with low morale and willingness to fight. 

Therefore, the rumor about seeking military support from the DPRK for 

Russia in the war with Ukraine as the reason for President Putin's visit is a 

far-reaching lie

The next lie that was told in the reports of President Putin's visit is the 

reason for Marshal Kim Jong Un seeking an alliance with Russia. As it was 

said, I quote: '... North Korea, suppressed and impoverished, is desperately 

seeking economic aid...' Really?! Stupidity and ignorance of the realities that 

prevail in the DPRK are of enormous proportions, but one can also talk here 

about deliberate distortion of economic facts and deliberate lying and telling 

lies about the economic condition of the DPRK. Currently, in the DPRK, 

Juche socialism has achieved and is achieving enormous successes in the 

development of the economy, and the living conditions of society have never 

been better. The outstanding tasks set by the last 8th Congress of the 

Workers' Party of Korea are being implemented with great speed. Thousands 

of new apartments are being handed over for free, investments are being 

made in rural areas to improve living conditions in all aspects. People's 

Korea is becoming more beautiful and powerful every day ... and British 

television is talking about seeking help from the Russians because of 

poverty. Congratulations on such stupidity.

All British government and private press media serving the liberal system 

also shoutedabout 'threat to world peace and alleged threats from Putin.

The number of lies and idiotic, detached from reality assessments and 

analyses published after President Putin's visit to the DPRK is huge. To 

correct them all, I doubt that one month will be enough ... but just two of 

them are worth mentioning as an example of how stupid the Western media 

are in their assessments.

' ... Putin’s visits to North Korea handed a new challenge to Pyongyang’s top 

ally, China, potentially allowing Kim to hedge his bets and reduce his 

excessive reliance on Beijing...'

( from The Associated Press 'With its new pact with North Korea, Russia 

raises the stakes with the West over Ukraine' Sunday 23rd.)

If these Associated Press idiots knew ( or maybe they do but are deliberately 

lying? ) the specifics of the Juche philosophy and the DPRK's trade 

relations, they would not make such idiotic assessments. The DPRK has 

never been and is not currently dependent on China or anyone else in 

anything. Economic self - sufficiency is the guiding principle of the Juche 

idea to implement independence in the economic field. In line with what was 

said in the one of his speeches the Great Leader comrade Kim Jong Il:

'In order to implement the principle of economic self - sufficiency, 

one must build an independent national economy.

Building an independent national economy 

means building an economy which is free from dependence on others

and which stands on its own feet, 

an economy which serves one’s own people 

and develops on the strength of the resources of one’s own country 

and by the efforts of one’s own people.

In other words, this means to build an independent national economy'

and another:

' ... The fact that Putin did not rule out military - technical cooperation with 

North Korea, which could be a direct violation of the relevant UN Security 

Council resolutions, is a point of serious concern ...'

( from CNN 'Putin threatens to arm North Korea if the West continues to 

supply weapons to Ukraine'Friday 21st of June )

First, the DPRK is already actively supporting the Russian military 

operation in Ukraine with its missile systems, which are proving very 

effective in destroying fascist units. Then there is the well - known bias of 

the UN Security Council. It talks about violations of resolutions on security 

issues. this rhetoric of statements is well - known. For the UN Security 

Council, numerous aggressions of the imperialist United States and its pet 

states such as Israel in Palestine or South Korea's provocations are not a 

violation of security or any security norms and, of course, fall within the 

canons of 'democracy'. Hypocrisy and falsehood. It cannot be different 

Western 'model democracies' are basically characterized by racist and 

neocolonial views, a steady increase in xenophobia, outbursts of aggressive 

nationalism, chauvinism and other forms of racial and religious intolerance. 

The authorities' inaction is justified by hypocritical references to the 

supposedly absolute nature of the right to freedom of speech.

Moreover, in fact, this new 'rash' of slanderous and stupid press articles in 

the Western press serving American imperialism is the result of the 

desperate cry of stifled imperialism itself.

Another third chosen as example of stupidity and one - sided perception of 

global realities is this quote 

' ... What we just saw are two internationally isolated countries 

( DPRK and Russia ), formalizing cooperation across various areas, 

much of which has the potential to violate sanctions ...'

( from Bloomberg'Putin’s Defense Pact With Kim Jong Un,

Alarms US and Allies' Friday 21st of June )

Saying that both Russia and the DPRK are 'isolated countries' is not only 

nonsense that has nothing to do with the actual facts. Neither Russia nor 

the DPRK needs any cooperation with the imperialist West. Mighty Asia with 

its huge potential and markets is an inexhaustible source of mutual 

benefits. The offended West imposes economic sanctions because there are 

countries like the DPRK that do not want to submit to the US hegemony 

that is already falling. But these sanctions are just an empty laugh for both 

Russia and the DPRK, China and Belarus or other countries united in an 

alliance against American imperialism.

Last time Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying firmly put 

the United States in its place:

' ... The G7 does not represent the entire world. These seven countries account 

for only 10 percent of the world’s population. Their share of the global 

economy has been steadily declining year by year...'

Even taken together, they contribute less to global economic growth than 

China, and their combined economic growth in purchasing power parity 

terms has already surpassed that of the BRICS.

The G7 has long since strayed from its original purpose of coordinating 

efforts to ensure stability in the global economic environment, and has 

increasingly become a political tool to perpetuate the superiority of the 

United States and the West. It is high time to put an end to this. Our 

potential and economic growth will put an end to the G7 once and for all.

Besides, in economic matters ( and not only ), all Western media create a 

great mirage and image as if Western countries are 'the world' and without 

them no one can exist and even less develop. History shows it is different. 

Both in the case of DPRK and Russia, as reality shows is proved that this 

statement is false.

Western sanctions have failed completely. Both the DPRK and Russian 

economies continue to grow. They are developing brilliantly. That is true 

which the western propaganda trying to not show us or present in false.

For example, the Russian economy, despite a record number of restrictions, 

has shown incredible resilience. It is expected to grow faster than most of 

the world's developed economies. As for the DPRK, Juche socialism has 

built an Asian powerhouse of enormous strength and independence. For 

Russia and the DPRK, Belarus and other countries united in the coalition of 

the so-called 'collective east', there is no need for any sales markets or 

access to raw materials, technology or knowledge. The DPRK technology is 

already far ahead of the knowledge and technique of the declining United 

States, for example in the field of hypersonic propulsion in military matters.

It has also failed to isolate the Russian Federation from the world economy 

through various attractions and barriers. Trading partners have not turned 

away from Moscow and continue their business and trade relations. 

Washington is trying to put pressure on such countries, but it is 


Western sanctions created mainly by the Yankees were created for the 

purpose that the whole world would join them. There are about 200 

countries in the world. Nobody has joined the 50 or so Western countries in 

terms of economic sanctions. As the balance of power shows, over 160 

countries are on the side of Russia and thus the DPRK, and on the side of 

the West, under the leadership of the USA, there are about 50 or so 

countries. The Yankees did not expect this and miscalculated. This is proof 

that both imperialism and capitalism, which is its domain in its liberal 

ideology, are being rejected and increasingly compromising themselves. The 

imperialists both in the past and now thought that sanctions would bring 

the DPRK to its knees in the past and now Russia. However, this did not 

happen. Neither Africa, nor South and Central America, nor Asia, except for 

small South Korea, Japan and Taiwan, New Zealand and Australia, joined 

these sanctions against Russia. This is a global failure of imperialist 

international policy.

The reality shown by the current state of the imperialist US state is 

shocking. And no matter how hard mass media and image creation 

specialists try, the fall of American imperialism is already very visible. 

Decades of years of US imperialist policy focused on realizing its selfish 

interests, plundering and exploiting other countries through violence and 

wars are now taking their toll. The empire of evil from Washington is a 

complete systemic, moral, economic and technological ruin, holding on to 

the surface of economic life in the world with its billions - dollar debt only 

thanks to the colonies it still maintains, such as Poland.

Other states of the liberal and capitalist West are also not doing well in the 

international arena. Their importance and prestige are rapidly being lost to 

the declining American imperialism.

Last time the Chinese premier has canceled a meeting with German Vice 

Chancellor and Minister of Economy Habeck, who has arrived in Beijing.

German Vice Chancellor and Minister of Economy Robert Habeck has called 

on China to stop exporting to Russia. His words are quoted by the 'Financial 


' ... I looked at the trade data and found that China’s trade with Russia 

increased by more than 40 percent last year. Of course, a significant part of it 

is energy, but about half is dual - use goods ...' - the minister said.

He added that technically these goods could be used on the battlefield and 

'we have to stop this'.

The Fourth Reich, as it is indeed Germany has not been recording any 

diplomatic successes lately. As has the entire regime behind the iron fence. 

No one in the civilized world takes them seriously.

What we observing, and it is worth to stress out, we observe a fundamental 

change in the rhetoric of western imperialist propaganda, the accent of 

panic of imperialist forces after president Putin's visit to DPRK resounds 

with full clarity. In this unleashed process of collapse and failure of 

imperialism in all areas of international activity, in diplomacy, economy and 

social life we observe with irony how imperialism is slowly dying, maybe this 

will create a new kind of it - dying imperialism, as long as it happens as 

soon as possible, as it will be to our satisfaction.

Alan Bolon

Organisation Secretary, 

Chairman of West of England Branch of the KFA UK

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