Saturday 27 July 2024

A Victory Against Overwhelming Odds Thanks to the Juche Idea-special article by Dr Dermot Hudson


On the 27th of July 1953 General Mark Clark , the commander of the US forces (falsely claimed to be the UN forces ) signed the Korean Armistice Agreement , an agreement which included a provision that US troops should be withdrawn from Korea(an agreement that the US reneged on) Clark lamented later that “it capped my career, but it was a cap without a feather in it. In carrying out the instructions of my government, I gained the unenviable distinction of being the first commander in the history of the United States Army to sign an armistice without winning a victory” (Clark “From the Danube to the River Amnok). The infamous anti-communist senator JR McCarthy  remarked that “we suffered a serious defeat in Korea”  . The US could not hide their defeat in Korea , the US did not hold victory parades . In fact  the Korean War ,as it is called in the US and the lands of the US empire which include Britain , is often referred to as the “Unknown war “ or “forgotten war “ . Forgotten and unknown because the US imperialists wanted to forget about their defeat and for people not to know about it .Also the US imperialists wanted to hide the horrendous , genocidal atrocities such as massacres of civilians , saturation bombing and the use of biological and chemical weapons.

In People’s Korea the 27th of July is celebrated as a Victory Day and the war is not called the Korean War but the victorious Fatherland Liberation War because it was not a war between Koreans but a war between the Korean people and the US imperialists and their puppets , stooges and lackeys as well as a war to liberate the territory of the DPRK that had been invaded by the US imperialists . The great leader Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG who led the Korean people and commanded the Korean People’s Army said that “The Fatherland Liberation War waged by our people was a fierce ,anti-imperialist , anti-US struggle against the allied forces of world reaction headed by US imperialism and a bitter class struggle against the enemies of the people

Indeed the Fatherland Liberation War was a fierce class struggle  between the Korean people and class enemies such as former capitalists , landlords and usurers in the northern half of Korea and the regime of capitalists and landlords in the south of Korea . It was a war to defend socialism , to defend the socialist camp  against the aggression of US imperialism which aimed to “roll back communism “.

Led by the great leader Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG  the Korean people won a great victory . When the war had started on the 25th of June ,few people expected the DPRK to survive, let alone win the war .The DPRK was only 2 years old at the time. The DPRK’s population was less than1 /15th the size of the US population. The US was the victor of the Second World War. They had emerged as the strongest imperialist power and the king of the capitalist world. Unlike other imperialist countries such as the UK and Germany, the mainland territory of the US had not been bombed. Its armed forces were formidable, having defeated Nazi Germany and imperialist Japan. From 1948 the US had started increasing military expenditure. During the war the DPRK not only faced the war machine of the US empire and the south Korean puppet forces but troops from 15 satellite countries and also Japan participated in the war in secret , in some cases wearing south Korean uniforms. Basically the Fatherland Liberation War was akin to the biblical story of David and Goliath with the DPRK being in the role of the boy David and the US in the role of the giant Goliath.

The KPA and the people of the DPRK led by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG based themselves on the Juche-oriented military theory that the outcome of war is not simply determined by weapons but by those who hold those weapons-humans. This is an application of the core philosophical concept of Juche that people are the masters of everything and decide everything.

The great revolutionary leader Marshal KIM IL SUNG later explained that “We must solve our problems no matter who is helping us and what help we get...... Victory must be won by our strength”.

While giving on-site guidance at a munitions factory late in February 1953, KIM  IL  SUNG   stressed  the  need  for  the  workers  there  to  have  a  Juche-oriented   stand and the revolutionary spirit of self-reliance–that the Korean people should achieve  victory  in  the  war  at  any  cost  by  their  own  efforts.

The KPA commanded by great Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG used original , new and Juche -based tactics such as going over to an immediate counter-offensive , the use of tunnel warfare and using ordinary weapons to shoot down planes.

To cut a long story short , the KPA and Korean people led by Generalissimo KIM IL SUNG fought back hard against the US imperialists displaying unparalleled heroism and sacrifice . The defeat suffered by the US was massive ;The US’s own narrow and curtailed statistics for its losses in the war showed it lost nearly the same number in 3 years in Korea as it did in 10 years in Vietnam . Overall the US imperialists lost over : 1,567,128 men including 405,498 US soldiers, 1,130,965 south Korean puppet troops, and 30,665 soldiers of their satellite states were killed, wounded or captured; 12,224 aeroplanes including "air fortress B-29" were downed, damaged or captured, 7,695 guns, 3,255 tanks and armoured cars were lost; and 564 warships and vessels including the heavy cruiser Baltimore and the flagship of the Seventh Fleet Missouri were sunk or damaged. The loss suffered by the US imperialists was nearly 2.3 times greater than what they had suffered in the four years of the Pacific War during World War II. It was an appalling loss and a serious military defeat unprecedented in the US history of war.

Field Marshal Costa Gomes who had been president of Portugal after the 1974 carnation revolution but more significantly had been a NATO commander and head of Portuguese armed forces in Macau during the 1950s said that the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG thwarted all the plans that had been worked out by the US general and military policy makers.

Thus in the Fatherland Liberation War commanded by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG reactionary bourgeois military theory was smashed by the Juche oriented revolutionary military strategy and theory. The Fatherland Liberation War ended in victory due to the Juche oriented military tactics  of the great leader supreme commander Marshal KIM IL SUNG and the heroism and self-sacrifice of the Korean people . Eternal victory will always belong to the Korean people ! Long may the tradition of victory continue in People’s Korea.

Dr Dermot Hudson

Chairman Korean Friendship Association UK 

Chairman British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

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