Friday 12 July 2024

From Voice of Korea-Undying Exploits of President Kim Il Sung Will Shine Forever

 From Voice of Korea

  The great leader Kim Il Sung is the father of socialist Korea.

  He is a peerless patriot acclaimed by the Korean people for the first time in their thousands of-year-long history and a great man of the century who defeated the Japanese and US imperialists in one generation.

  Thanks to him, the Korean people could put an end to their more than 40-year-long slavery and open a new history of socialism.

  In the first half of the 20th century Korea was in danger of extinction on the globe for good and all as she was deprived of her spoken and written language as well as her 5,000-year-long history and national culture under the colonial rule of the Japanese imperialists. Just at that time, Kim Il Sung set out on the road of revolution in his teens, taking the destiny of the country and nation upon himself.

  Without any support of regular armed forces and state rear, he declared a total war against the Japanese imperialists professing themselves to be the "leader of Asia" and led the 20-year-long anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle to victory, thus accomplishing the historic cause of national liberation on August 15, Juche 34(1945).

  After liberation he put forward the three tasks of the party, state and army building, energetically led the work for the building of a new country and founded the people's democratic state, the first of its kind in the East, in September Juche 37(1948).



  In the 1950s, only five years after the liberation of the country and in less than two years after the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, he defeated the US imperialists boasting of being the "strongest" in the world and firmly defended the country and nation with his unusual wisdom and outstanding leadership.

  He carried on the socialist revolution in a unique way according to the specific conditions of the country with independence as his creed and thus built a socialist state of Juche.

  The dignity and prestige of the DPRK founded by him have reached the high stage today thanks to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

  Kim Il Sung strengthened and developed the DPRK into a socialist state independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in national defence and his undying exploits will shine forever under the leadership of Kim Jong Un.

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