Tuesday 5 March 2024

Book Review of "Socialist Paradise of Juche" by Dr. Dermot Hudson:from the People's Korea Initiative of Poland


In celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in 2023, Dr. Dermot Hudson presents readers with the achievements of the socialist system of the People's Korea in his latest book "Socialist Paradise of Juche". In this publication, the author not only elucidates the genesis of socialism in Korean conditions but also presents the ingrained values that underlie the ideology of Juche.

The most important aspect is the approach that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea adopts towards its citizens, as described in the book. Dr. Hudson remarkably elucidates that all aspects of social life, such as housing, education, healthcare, are provided to citizens regardless of their profession or education. This economic system, based on the principles of Juche Socialism, underscores the central importance of the individual and their needs, which is a clear departure from capitalist concepts.

The conclusion is that the book is absolutely worth reading for those who desire a better understanding of the socialist system in practice, as well as for those interested in deepening their knowledge about the People's Korea. Dr. Dermot Hudson provides readers with a comprehensive view of socialism also in the context of his own insights and observations, gained during his multiple trips to the DPRK, making this book extremely valuable. (English version)


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