Wednesday 8 November 2023

Statement from supporters of KFA and People's Korea in the 32 Counties of Ireland

Saorise duit a chomrádaí agus caidre.

Freedom's greetings dear friends and comrades.

on the 2nd of this month the so-called Taoiseach (chief or leader in Irish) head of the neo-colonial free state or the so-called Irish republic paid maybe approximately or disgracefully (depending on your side of the class war) paid a visit to the South Korean USA neo-colony. The reason why is this is disgraceful for Irish socialist republicans and progressive peaceful peoples the world over is because Varadkar is siding the imperialists at home and abroad in another nation that was and, in some ways, still is bloodily colonised, enslaved and partitioned by greedy imperialists such as the Japan, England and especially worst of all, the United stated of American. Varadkar will not side with the actual legitimate Government of Korea, that being the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea which like ourselves at here in the Ireland seek to reunite and liberate our land and people from century after century of exploitation, shame and despair from the grips of the most blood and money hungry forces in history, maybe there it is appropriate he sides with them in Korea as he does at home.

He will of course "lament" the partition of Korea and the technically on-going war while never mentioning it was the USA that invaded, suppressed the progressive patriotic forces in Korea after WW2 and then partitioned Korea and installed a fascist dictatorship under direct USA control and bankroll and which lead to the "Korean war" or the "Fatherland liberation war" as it is in known in Socialist Korea. Not unlike the war of "some" independence when petty capitalists and rich farmers made a neo-colonial compromise with the British when the people were ready and willing for complete independence and socialism to safe their own privilege at the people's expense along with the partitioning of Ireland and Ulster as a province against the will of the Irish people, even most unionists with a Loyalist state in the 6 counties and a Blueshirts state in the 26 both fundamentally under the control of England and later USA & EU to various degrees. Furthermore is to win points with the USA that Varadkar is in South Korea, a chance to lick his bosses boots and then of course hope that the South Korean Corporate overlords increase his and his clicks traitors wages as Irish people are more and more impoverished, left homeless, in debt shackles, throwing themselves off bridges or mass-emigrating.  He will then of course ignore the USA's laundry list of crimes against humanity in Korea from their mere presence there to their regular rape spree's by their so-called soldiers just as he will ignore or makes excuses for British crimes at home and his governments direct involvement British government, secret police and loyalist gangs among others to make sure that the Irish people like the Korean working people never take control of our lands and run it for yourselves and not for their money hunger or blood thirst. Especially as the tensions between the Western and Eastern imperialists blocs mount, lead by the dying US and other western Empires and the corporate US lead warhawk in N.A.T.O try to ennair Érin's Isle we in the KFA stand with Socialist Korea in the hope that one day our lands and world can be free of Capitalism, salvery and misery!

Dorn dearg abú

Victory to the red fist

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