Wednesday 22 November 2023

Message of KFA Germany to the picket of the south Korean puppet embassy 21.11.2023

 Solidaritätsschreiben für die Präsenzveranstaltung gegen Yoons Besuch in Großbritannien

Dear comrade Dr. Dermot Hudson,
Dear comrades of KFA UK and all other participants at this protest,

On 16 September 1948 the US imperialists and the south Korean puppet regime signed the so-called "South Korean-US military agreement" to legalise the US occupation of South Korea. This "agreement" gives the US imperialists legal authority over the army, coast guard and police of South Korea. The US imperialists can mobilise and strengthen them as they want and they can build and use military bases as they want. But this agreement doesn't legitimise the occupation of south korea. President KIM IL SUNG wrote about it:

„The south Korean puppet regime has no legitimacy at all as it is a dummy fabricated and maintained by the US imperialists. Therefore, the south Korean puppet regime is not eligible to sign an agreement or treaty with a foreign government and any such agreement or treaty it does sign is null and void.“

We can now see that South Korea is a neocolony of the USA and the so-called "president" of South Korea is nothing but a puppet of the US imperialists. As President KIM IL SUNG wrote:

„The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, established by the general will of all the south and north Korean people, is the one and only legitimate government of the Korean people, representing their interests and aspirations. The government of our Republic and the people will never approve any of the agreements and treaties that are signed between the south Korean traitors to the nation, who have no right to represent the will of the Korean people, and other countries. The US imperialists must cease striving for permanent occupation of south Korea and withdraw their troops from it at once, as is demanded by all the Korean people.“

We in Germany have to fight again for our fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of assembly. After the current war in Gaza began, a Jewish guide was fired from the Jewish Museum in Berlin for quoting a human rights report calling Israel an apartheid state. Berlin's education senator banned the Palestinian Kufa and Freedom for Palestine pins. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations are often banned, the government's argument being "anti-Semitism". They even used this argument to ban a demonstration by the Jewish Voice for Peace in the Near East. On the few demonstrations that can take place, slogans like "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" and "stop the war, stop the murder" are banned. All Arab culture is equated with terrorism. In a lot of theaters muslim, arabic and palestinian plays get canceled, the same goes for art. 50% of the people in Germany don't dare to express their own opinion outside of a safe space. But the government and the media continue with the dogma "you should be happy to live in such a free country with freedom of speech, unlike North Korea". I have never heard of a case where a person in the DPRK lost his job because of his opinion, nor do the government and media in the DPRK equate Palestine solidarity with terrorism and anti-Semitism, which is very common in Germany.

South Korea is always portrayed in the Western media as a 'human rights paradise'. At the Communism Congress in Berlin this year there was a comrade from the South Korean socialist resistance. I asked him the question: "What do you think of the Juche idea? He replied that he could not answer my question because it was illegal in South Korea to talk about the Juche idea or to support the DPRK. The fact that he can't even talk about it in Germany suggests that the South Korean secret police is politically persecuting South Koreans even in Europe.

It is very honourable for you to take to the streets and express your opposition to this oppressor's visit to your country. Your German comrades support you with full solidarity.

Down with the South Korean fascist puppet regime!
Down with the US occupation of South Korea!
Long live Juche!
Long live Marshal KIM JONG UN!

Jeremy Bieringer, second Chairman of KFA Germany

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