Saturday 25 April 2020

The First Revolutionary Armed Force of Juche Type From Voice of Korea

April 25 is the significant day when the first revolutionary armed force of Juche type was founded.
The great leader Kim Il Sung set out on the road of revolution in his early years. When he was opening a new history of the Korean revolution, he made clear the truth that arms are precisely the life of the nation and the victory of the revolution and put forward a strategic policy on organizing and waging an anti-Japanese armed struggle.
On its basis, he founded the Korean People's Revolutionary Army on April 25, Juche 21(1932).
As a result, the Korean people could have their genuine revolutionary armed force for the first time in the 5,000-year-long history.
The first revolutionary armed force was formed with hot-blooded comrades who committed themselves to devote their all to the sacred cause of national liberation under the leadership of Kim Il Sung and with workers, peasants and patriotic youth hating the Japanese imperialists and loving the country and people.
That day Kim Il Sung said Korea was reduced to a complete colony by the Japanese imperialists and ardently called for waging a vigorous armed struggle.
The Korean People's Revolutionary Army defeated the Japanese imperialists and accomplished the historic cause of national liberation under his outstanding leadership.
Afterwards, it was strengthened and developed into the Korean People's Army, regular revolutionary armed forces, and now has grown to be an invincible revolutionary army.

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