Saturday 18 April 2020

Reflections on the fair and egalitarian nature of People's Korea by Dr Dermot Hudson UK KFA chairman


The other day after reading some books for my Day of the Sun ,108th anniversary of the birth of the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG, I reflected deeply on the nature of society in People's Korea . One thought suddenly came into my head ; there are no private schools in People's Korea , all education there including university and post-graduate study is totally free of charge . This is of course a very basic thing and is legally guaranteed by the Socialist Constitution and different laws .
There is a deeper significance , it is more than a benefit bestowed on the people by the socialist system but means that everyone is treated fairly and equally . In People's Korea a child's education is not determined by the bank balance or salary of his or her parents . Yes the DPRK is a truly a society based on real equality of opportunity.
The irony is that those who write in the mainstream media about the "elite' ( it is just a lie ) in the DPRK themselves have stood in a dole queue , never been to a foodbank , never lived a damp mouldy house etc
I remember visiting the DPRK in October 2008 and having lunch with my guides Choe and Han in a hotel in Sariwon , they told me that 'in the countryside you cannot see a big house ' and that everything is socially owned , there are no private companies . This is true in the DPRK there is no stock exchange , no landlords , no big property companies , no loan sharks . Everyone is working for the common good and society is based on single heated unity .
Visiting the DPRK in the past I have seen waitresses and drivers playing snooker with professors and academics. This shows how egalitarian the DPRK is.
People's Korea is the most egalitarian society on the face of the earth

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