Thursday 30 April 2020

Alejandro Cao de Benós: "North Korea continues without drugs, without prostitution and without Covid-19" -English translation of interview with EL Mundo

Alejandro Cao de Benós: "North Korea continues without drugs, without prostitution and without Covid-19"


Q.What happened to Kim Jong-un? How do you rate the information about your health status?
A.It is something that begins as propaganda, but ends as pure sensationalism. Taking advantage of this gap, speculation is also growing, that people love gossip and that North Korea is always in the news and the audience sticks to the screen, because now it has been used to make cash. But Korea remains stable. The official position is that Kim Jong-un is in good health. There are periods that he does not appear, but it is normal, he will have to rest, he is a human being. You may also have had low back pain, but that is a secret for safety. Of course, he has neither died nor had a heart operation.
Q,What is your greatest commitment to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?
A. For the country continue without drugs, without prostitution, without Covid-19, without all the problems that plague the rest of the world, but without completely closing its doors. But it takes time: it is like asking Spaniards to unite and respect the rules.
Q.How do you see Donald Trump?
A.In capitalism, with the money that Trump has, he can have what he wants: everyone kisses his feet, he can buy the mansion he likes and have the women he wants. Being president is the last trophy. Like most millionaires, he doesn't like to be told what to do. And if he talks about getting a disinfectant injection, well he says so and doesn't care about anything.
Q.And how does the supreme North Korean leader appear before him?
A.Our leader Kim Jong Un is someone who has the respect of the people, but in a very different way. People may or may not like Kim Jong-Un. What is undoubted is that the people love him.
Q.Why do you advocate that North Korea have a nuclear arsenal?
A.In the end, the most important point for any nation is armament, the defense of the nation. Nuclear weapons are what have forced Trump to negotiate. Another thing is that we like it. In Korea we are for world peace, we do not want nuclear weapons, but we are forced to have them to defend people's lives.
Q.But how does that affect people's lives?
A.It allows us to greatly reduce military spending. And have those resources for other activities. You can see in the supermarkets of Pyongyang, that there are many more products than in Spain, you have soft drinks of watermelon, pear, of all flavours ...
Q.What is the coronavirus situation in your adoptive country, the DPRK?
A.Covid-19 has not entered north Korea. There is not a single case, not only of death, but of contagion. And this occurs because while Europe was galore and the Germans traveled to Mallorca to drink beer, in Korea borders have been closed since January 22.
Q.And you knew it ...
A.I have a mask thanks to the fact that no Spaniard or Italian, no one, expected what would happen, unfortunately, to happen. And we knew what was going to happen, we knew how dangerous the Covid-19 was, and how it was going to expand.
 Q.Others say that the country's regime is hiding information
A.When we have a problem, like drug-resistant tuberculosis, we are the first to want help to overcome it. So we have no interest in hiding it.
Q.How do you assess the management of the pandemic by the Government of Spain?
A.For me it is an absolute disaster. It is difficult to make it worse. But I think it would be the same if there were PP, Vox or the party that was. The priority is always given to economic benefit over people's lives. Money is more important than health and in Spain we are seeing it every day. That is why the whole issue of public health in Spain has been screwed up. Be careful, I'm not talking about professionals, those who risk their lives and those without resources have to get up and fight this problem.
Q.What has the government of Spain been afraid of?
A.Of fear. The mania for panic. Well, the panic in the end came with its worst face. It has been an absolute total mismanagement. Quite the contrary to what Korea has done.
Q.In what sense?
A.What kind of confidence can Dr. Fernando Simón give you, who said that masks were worthless and that this was a normal flu? If Korea knew that. Spain could have known perfectly well. I just had to speak to the Chinese authorities. If Spain needed masks it could get them perfectly on time. We continue with 300 dead a day still and everything has been nonsense where there has been no professionalism.
 Q.What have you done for Spain in this problem?
A.I offered myself from the first moment, but they completely passed me by.
Q.How do you assess the attitude of the Spanish communist parties?
A.Podemos is not a communist party , it is posing  As much as Vox insists that they are Bolsheviks. It's a barbarity. And the PSOE has nothing socialist because it has nothing to do with the party either, which was its origin. The first thing is human rights: that people have food on their table, that in Spain they do not have it and the tails of Caritas are full.
Q.How do you see concepts like "capital" and "freedom" in 2020?
A.Capitalism is a false illusion. It is a showcase in the mall. Freedom too. I see it as an interior state of the human being, it is something spiritual and it is always subject to society.
Q In 2016, you was arrested, accused of arms trafficking. For many, this confirms that you are  a 'geek' or a madman.
A.Be very careful to put yourself against the system, as in my case. Do not be a person who lets the people think, who tells people that they are seeing a shop window and tell them the reality so that they realize their real situation. Then you will have the full force of the system against you, as is my case. I have had precautionary measures for four years and I cannot leave Spain because of the nephew of the president of the Constitutional Court.
A.There is a Francoist power, because Spain never freed itself from Francoism, which is entrenched in the Spanish Judiciary, in the Police and which has a very interesting collusion in which it tries to sink anyone who thinks differently.
Q.Are you a robot or is it very determined?
 A.A robot has to be programmed. Imagine who has programmed me as Catalan and Spanish to be an advocate for North Korea. It has no foundation. If it has only brought me difficulties in my life ...
Q.You are of aristocratic ancestry. Is there something 'Freudian' about your ideological journey?
A.I come from a noble family, but in my parents' house there was no silver cutlery, they were normal workers in the working class neighborhood. My father voted for PSOE  and my mother was an anarchist . But neither were  a communists, that is clear.
Q.And why did hit on Korea ?
A.How can I be so close to a culture so different that I feel it as my own? I believe in reincarnation and, in my case, I see an influence from previous lives.
Q.What will happen after the virus?
A.When aid runs out in Spain, especially pensions, which are the ones most of the population live by, when people really suffer from starvation and losing their homes, then there will be a change. People have to suffer first. The Spanish, when things are missing is when he goes out to claim. And here there are going to be a lot of people who are going to lose their jobs.
Q.But can that come together in a country so marked by hatred for the other?
A.Spain is tiresome in that sense. And envious, which is the worst. Which leads you to destroy what the other has. Hence, when they know me, they tell me: "Alejandro, present yourself to the elections that I vote for you."
Q.I would like to ask your opinion about K-pop.
A.It is a merchandising based on kids who have 200 operations on their faces. As always in capitalism, all superficiality is encouraged, all external beauty, even if there is nothing inside or it is rotten. They live in the honeys of glory and at the same time of suffering, because they are slaves. And some end up committing suicide. There are some interesting dances, but the rest are bullshit with silly faces and more makeup than Carmen de Mairena.

(translated by UK KFA with assistance from KFA Spain)

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