Tuesday 5 February 2019

Speech by UK KFA Organisation Secretary David -On the Abuses of Socialism Are Intolerable

Dear comrades and friends,
Today we celebrate the importance of the Shinning Star Day when comrade Kim Jong Il was born.
All the Imperialist puppet regimes and the capitalist ruling class accused and try to demonized the importance of this great man for one simple reason. Comrade Kim Jong Il was the man that demonstrate that socialism is not just an idea. Is an strong ideology and movement that unite the popular masses to achieve their liberation of the slavery of the capital and build up a new society toward the final step of communism.
We all here know about this great man that faced the disintegration of the socialist block and united his people to defend with the strength of the ideology an idea that the western world considered a failed regime.
But today I want to speak about a famous work of Comrade Kim Jong Il, The abuses of socialism are intolerable. Which is a work that not only the communists and progressive sectors should study. But also all those who defame the DPRK and accuse it of totalitarian and anti-democratic from pure ignorance and servilism.
Comrade Kim Jong Il was the greatest defender of socialism when the socialist block collapsed due to the lack of ideology in the other socialist countries and the easy influence of capitalist propaganda that sold them ideals of democracy, freedom and human rights when they were not aware that socialism is the most advanced system in these values.
Those who dismiss the DPRK as totalitarian and anti-democratic, where the popular masses own everything and decide everything, is a contradiction without base or fundaments defamed by the continued imperialism propaganda and which made the socialist countries fall.
Imperialism has always used the words democracy, freedom and human rights as its banner of propaganda against the socialist countries. A democracy subjugated to the domination of capital and class inequality, a freedom depending on your economic capacity and human rights that serve the values ​​of the market and private property above the human factor.
When in socialism the popular masses are masters of everything and decide everything is where the true democratic and human rights ​​reside, where the human being is free to forge his destiny in favor of this, is where real freedom resides, when the human factor is the principal and not the material is where the real human rights reside as the right to exist, something that the DPRK has been deprived since its foundation.
None of these values ​​exist in the so-called western democracies that label socialism as tyrannical when they attack these values ​​by being consciously or unconsciously puppets and servants of the imperialism.
However, as Comrade Kim Jong Il said, socialism and its democratic values ​​can not be maintained without a strong ideological consciousness and the prioritization of this so that the masses are aware of the superiority of socialism and then become real masters of their destiny.
Without this ideological consciousness socialism is doomed to an inevitable failure and return to capitalism. Where the values ​​of democracy, freedom and human rights are not more than an instrument of propaganda.
For this reason, the DPRK goes through every day despite sanctions and blockades, while imperialism declines day by day. Nothing can stop the train of the Korean revolution armed with the strength of ideology towards the peaceful reunification of the Korean people without interference of the imperialism and towards the final triumph of socialism.
Long live the legacy of the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il!
David Munoz
UK KFA Organization Secretary.

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