Tuesday 2 April 2013

ASSPUK, JISGE and UK KFA hail twin track strategy of the DPRK "On tasks of our Party on bringing about a decisive turn in accomplishing revolutionary cause of Juche as required by the present situation and the developing revolution"

http://www.uk-songun.com/index.php  email juche007@yahoo.co.uk
                    London 2nd of April Juche 102 (2013)
        The Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK together with the Juche  Idea Study Group of England  and UK Korean Friendship Association today issued the following statement in support of the  new strategic line for the DPRK ,outlined in the speech of the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un   "On tasks of our Party on bringing about a decisive turn in accomplishing revolutionary cause of Juche as required by the present situation and the developing revolution" made at the March plenary meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.
                                                        We strongly support the revolutionary strategy of simultaneously developing the economy of the DPRK and at the same time building strong nuclear armed forces to defend the DPRK from US imperialist aggression.
The dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un rightly said that the DPRK's nuclear weapons are not a bargaining chip . As dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un says
"The DPRK's nuclear armed forces represent the nation's life which can never be abandoned as long as the imperialists and nuclear threats exist on earth. They are a treasure of a reunified country which can never be traded with billions of dollars. Only when the nuclear shield for self-defence is held fast, will it be possible to shatter the U.S. imperialists' ambition for annexing the Korean Peninsula by force and making the Korean people modern slaves, firmly defend our ideology, social system and all other socialist treasures won at the cost of blood and safeguard the nation's right to existence and its time-honored history and brilliant culture".
     This represents the invariable will and deterimination of Marshal Kim Jong Un and the Workers' Party of Korea to firmly safeguard the sovereignty of the DPRK and defend it socialist system.
                                           By carrying out economic construction in parallel with the building of nuclear armed forces the DPRK will merge as a prosperous and dignified independent socialist country. It will become a paradise of the people where everyone is well off equally. In order to expedite the building of a strong, prosperous economy the self-reliant nuclear power industry will be developed in order to fully meet the increasing demands for energy.
                        Moreover the space industry will be developed and a shift towards a knowledge based economy. Thus the DPRK will soar to the pinnacle of a great scientific and technological power.
 In his address dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un called for foiling the " vicious moves of the imperialist reactionaries and class enemies" who seek to destroy the socialist system by both open and devious means.
 All in all this is a brilliant speech which sets down guidelines for building an even more powerful state of Juche in Korea. We are deeply impressed by the determination of dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un to confront US imperialism the sworn enemy of the Korean people and world progressives by building nuclear armed forces and not entering into unprincipled compromises over the nuclear deterrent.   The strategic line outlined  by dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Unis a modern application of , and higher development, the line of the great leadergeneralissimo Kim Il Sung to develop the economy and defences in parallel. Theline of carrying out economic construction and building nuclear armed forces simultaneously should be studied by all who aspire to anti-imperialist independence and building socialism.


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