Wednesday 20 February 2013

Ireland Juche-Songun Ideas Study Group supports DPRK third nuclear test

Ireland Juche-Songun Ideas Study Group supports DPRK third nuclear test

20/02/2013 Juche 102
The Ireland Juche-Songun Ideas Study Group lauds the successful third nuclear test carried out by the DPRK earlier this month. Such an experiment displays, without the slightest ambiguity, the readiness and ability of the DPRK to protect her people from the cancer of imperialism.
The very real threat posed to the DPRK and her people by US imperialism on the Korean Peninsula warrants a solid response from the DPRK. The recent attacks and sanctions on The DPRK, as a punishment for the DPRK pursuing its sovereign right to peaceful space exploration, displays the desperate nature of US hostilities towards the DPRK.
Standing alone as the primary combatant to imperialism today, the DPRK has proven to the world that there is still one nation ready to resist US imperialism. The actions of the DPRK, in carrying out a controlled and scientific nuclear test, inform the rest of the world that The DPRK is not willing to accept illegitimate terms put forward by the US regime. The tests, a reply to the constant intimidation of The DPRK and her people by the US, are a safe experiment on the road to developing a nuclear deterrent.
The DPRK are developing nuclear capabilities as a defensive measure against the subversive, under-handed tricks of the US regime. The puppet leadership in South Korea is happy to facilitate the US war machine. They are quiet happy to invite a US military presence onto the Korean Peninsula and use such a presence as an antagonism towards The DPRK. The actions of the Seoul government has been treacherous, their support for US war criminals and invaders has put the lives of the people of the DPRK in danger. The government in Pyongyang have sent a clear message through developing this nuclear deterrent, that they are willing and prepared to defend their people at any cost.
The Ireland Juche-Songun Ideas Study Group calls for an immediate halt to US intimidation of the DPRK through illegal sanctions and measures. The IJSISG stands firmly with the DPRK and her people in the defence of her nation against US imperialists. We support the nuclear tests carried out this month and support future similar developments which will seek to defend the people of the DPRK against imperialism.

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