Saturday 14 August 2010

Statement on the 65th anniversary of Korea's liberation


The liberation of Korea broke the chains of oppression of Japanese imperialism and Korean
people were no longer slaves of a foreign power.Korea's liberation on August 15th 1945 heralded national resurrection and the beginning of a renaissance of the the Korean nation under the banner of the Juche idea.The oppression of Japanese imperialism and feudalism was ended.The Korean people gained a new independent and creative life.They were able to live and work happily in the new Korea.

Korea's liberation was achieved due to the 20 year old anti Japanese armed struggle waged
by the Korean Peoples Revolutionary Army under the command of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung,gifted military strategist,ever victorious iron willed brilliant commander and great red Sun of Korea.His protean tactics smashed the million strong Kwantung army of Japanese imperialism.Korea's liberation inspired the oppressed and toiling peoples of the East in their liberation struggles against imperialism.The anti Japanese armed struggle waged under the banner of the Juche idea by the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung is a model anti imperialist anti colonial liberation struggles.The 1968 World Cultural Congress in Havana,Cuba hailed the anti Japanese armed struggle of the Korean people as a textbook of struggle.

The ASSPUK and JISGE salute the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Korea and hope one day Korean people will come to live in a reunified homeland free from imperialism.

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