Saturday 31 August 2024

The Machinations of the Modern Revisionists Which Opened the Beginning of the Collapse of Socialism from Rodong Sinmun, 30 December 1995- translated by KFA Italy and Milan Juche Idea Study Centre

 The Machinations of the Modern Revisionists Which Opened the Beginning of the Collapse of Socialism

from Rodong Sinmun, 30 December 1995, 

In his immortal classic “It Is a Lofty Moral Obligation for Revolutionaries to Respect Revolutionary Elders”, the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il once again elucidated the process of degradation and collapse of socialism.

The great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il pointed out as follows: “The process of degradation and collapse of socialism set in when modern revisionism made its debut and began to slander the leaders and the revolutionary elders and distort and degenerate the working class and the revolutionary thoughts.”

Inheriting the socialist cause is in itself the act of inheriting the leader’s cause, the inheritance of the leader’s revolutionary thought and revolutionary accomplishments. Being loyal to the leader who pioneered the road to socialism for the first time; protecting, preserving and glorifying his thought and accomplishments; and doggedly safeguarding the revolutionary spoils won with blood — all this is none other than the process of fulfilling the socialist cause. Therefore, the attitude toward and the pride in the leader and his achievements constitute a yardstick for differentiating between revolutionaries and counterrevolutionaries.

The socialist cause demands that a staunch struggle be waged against any attempt to undermine the authority of the leader and obliterate his achievements. Particularly under the circumstances in which the imperialists and the reactionaries are viciously intensifying their machinations against socialism, this requirement becomes an all the more important issue. Unless this issue is settled correctly, the socialist cause would collapse. This truth is corroborated by the process of collapse of the Soviet Union.

The modern revisionists, upon seizing the leading positions of the state in the old Soviet Union by means of intrigue, committed the act of betrayal by debasing the leader and revolutionary elders and stamping out their accomplishments, thereby opening the door to the collapse of socialism.

The modern revisionists began by scheming viciously to debase Stalin and obliterate his accomplishments. Stalin, the heir to Lenin, inheriting Lenin’s cause, built the world’s first socialist state into a world power and defended the socialist fatherland against the fascist aggression by leading the Soviet army and people. In his reign Stalin represented the aspirations and demands of the Soviet people, and the socialist cause in the Soviet Union became inseparable from his name.

The modern revisionists who seized the supreme power in the Soviet Union by all conspiratorial means after the death of Stalin in 1953 cast away their “loyalty” to Stalin like a worn-out pair of shoes and schemed viciously to wipe out this prestige and achievements. During their visit to Yugoslavia in 1955, they criticized Stalin at a formal occasion. This event drew worldwide attention. Some quick Western media vied with each other to come up with reports speculating that there would be a great anti-Stalinist uproar in the Soviet Union in the future.

As a matter of fact, beginning in 1956 there was a large-scale anti-Stalinist racket in the Soviet Union. The report delivered to the 20th CPSU Congress in February 1956 stressed the need for “peaceful coexistence” between socialism and imperialism, contrary to Stalin’s thought that struggle between socialism and imperialism is inevitable in the process of advance of socialism. Another report slandered and vilified Stalin by calling him a “oppressive dictator” and a “tyrant”. The modern revisionists, while belittling Stalin’s achievements in the building of socialism and in the fatherland liberation war, went so far as to defame him preposterously as the “criminal” who stalled the nation’s economic development and harmed the international communist movement, and as an “incompetent military strategist” who did not know how to command military operations. In this way Stalin’s authority, which had been considered absolute until that time, began to deteriorate rapidly.

On the other hand, the modern revisionists resorted to crafty ruses to add fuel to the anti-Stalin sentiment of the subversive forces in order to wage an anti-Stalin campaign. They staged the show of rehabilitating the “honor” of the numerous people who had been executed in the Stalin era as anti-party, counterrevolutionary elements. They also allowed the publication of writings and papers totally negating and criticizing the history of the Stalin era. As a result, Stalin’s activities were distorted systemically and deliberately and their distorted reports began to be disseminated in textbooks, writings, movies, papers, and television and radio broadcasts dealing with the socialist revolution and the building of socialism in the Soviet Union and the history of the fatherland liberation war. By so doing, the modern revisionists caused ideological unrest and confusion among the Soviet people, opening the way for the imperialists and the reactionaries to vilify the socialist cause all the more viciously.

The anti-Stalin machinations of the modern revisionists reached their climax when they took out Stalin’s remains enshrined on the Red Square and cremated them in an act of betrayal.

The modern revisionists also exerted efforts to defame Stalin’s comrades in arms and obliterate their achievements. Sound revolutionary elders had their dignity defiled and their positions taken away by the modern revisionists.

By negating socialist ideology, the modern revisionists distorted and degenerated the revolutionary thought of the working class. They negated socialist, communist ideology in the building of socialism and put materials at the center of attention by emphasizing the importance of material factors alone. In an article a Japanese reporter noted that it was due to communist ideology that the Soviet Union was able to bind more than 100 diverse nationalities into one unified body. He stated that “if communist ideology is lost, chances for the Soviet Union to remain as a unified state will become slim”. The revisionist line of the modern revisionists is a counterrevolutionary one which tore asunder communist ideology, the ideological foundation for the existence of the Soviet Union, and opened the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union.

The modern revisionists maintained that the most important thing to do in time of peace is avoid confrontation and war as much as possible and develop the economy by mobilizing human and material resources to the fullest extent. That, they argued, is the best way to inherit Marxism- Leninism correctly. But it turned out to be nothing more than a vulgarization of Marxism-Leninism. The modern revisionists argued that “Marxism-Leninism will taste better when a lot of butter is spread on it”. Found in these words is the concentrated expression of their domestic and foreign policies.

Advocating “transition from the dictatorship of the proletariat to the state of all the people”, the modern revisionists said they would turn the Soviet Union into a communist society in 20 years or so, in a ploy to win the goodwill of the people. It was out of the question that a policy formulated by an extemporary decision and dogmatism, without any prudent calculation and feasibility, could be put into practice.

With ideological factors ignored by the modern revisionists in the building of socialism while stressing material and economic factors alone, egoism came to grow rapidly among the people of the Soviet Union.

The modern revisionists gradually weakened the leadership role of the party. They clung to the line of unprincipled compromise with imperialism while implementing the policy of “peaceful coexistence”. They thought that any military confrontation with the imperialists was senseless in itself, because, according to them, the aggressive nature of the imperialists had changed. They thus overtly and covertly preached the disarming of socialist countries.

However, the aggressive nature of imperialism is unchangeable. When the Caribbean crisis cropped up in October 1962, the U.S. administration adopted the decision to blockade Cuba. That was the gauntlet flung down to the Soviet Union by the United States before the whole world. The situation was so tense that a war between the Soviet Union and the United States seemed imminent. Under the circumstances, it seemed that the one would become the victor or the loser depending on whether the other would yield or not. The modern revisionists, cowed by the tough stand of the United States, surrendered to it in the end. Seeing the Soviet Union show the white feather, the United States became so emboldened that it came to demand the dismantling of the Soviet missile site in Cuba. The United States got away with this demand. During the Caribbean crisis the Soviet Union was subjected to an unbearable shame and humiliation before the whole world, and its prestige was damaged beyond repair because of the “peaceful coexistence” policy of the modern revisionists. In this way. socialism in the Soviet Union, kept off the right track by the modern revisionists, began to crumble rapidly from within.

Scores of years after that, the Soviet national flag was lowered from above the Kremlin with the collapse of the Soviet Union. The modern revisionists, through their anti-socialist maneuvers, opened the way for the collapse of the Soviet Union, which the armed intervention of the imperialist allied forces could not bring down and which even the millions of fighting men of the regular armed forces of the fascist Germany could not destroy; and in the end the Soviet Union crumbled overnight.

The collapse of the Soviet Union left the dire lesson that it is impossible to preserve socialism unless the authority of the leader is protected staunchly and his achievements are safeguarded thoroughly. If the anti-socialist machinations of the modern revisionists to defame the leader and distort and denigrate his revolutionary thought had been seen through and crushed underfoot on time, socialist ideology would have been preserved in the Soviet Union and the tragedy of the collapse of the Soviet Union would have been averted.

As elucidated by the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, historical experience tells that if the leader is defamed, if his achievements are obliterated, if his revolutionary thought is distorted and degenerated, the revolution will be stymied midway and the socialist gains won with blood will go down the drain.

Kim Chong Ok

Friday 30 August 2024

Happy Time of Korean People in Amusement Park


Below are the Korean people enjoying themselves in the amusement park of the Rungna People’s Recreation Ground in Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The park is visited by a great number of people almost every day.









Gold Kept Buried for Scenery of Mt Myohyang

One July day in 1983 President Kim Il Sung received German writer Luise Rinser.

Listening carefully to what Kim Il Sung said, Rinser suddenly asked him if he thought that air pollution could be prevented when a factory was built.

As a writer and a Green Party member of then West Germany, she had the habit of observing environmental conditions wherever she visited.

But she found no signs of air pollution in the DPRK. Given that she was so eager to know the secret, it was understandable that she asked such a question.

Noting that it is not difficult to prevent air from polluting, Kim Il Sung said: When dealing with every problem, we always think first of the interests of the masses of the people. Once I went to Mt Myohyang and saw a gold mine under development in a valley in pursuit of economic interests, not caring of the scenic beauty of the mountain. I summoned officials concerned to stop gold mining in the scenic spot of the people.

Mt Myohyang, a beautiful and magnificent mountain, is a scenic spot and a world-famous mountain.

He added: I said that we could not barter the scenery of Mt Myohyang for some tons of gold, we can live without gold, and our people would be so happy if they go to the mountain and have a good rest.

As she was from a world of different values, Rinser had difficulty believing, even though she sympathized with him, that a large amount of gold remained buried in the earth for the beautiful scenery of Mt Myohyang.

Kim Il Sung told her that if a gold mine was left as it was in Mt Myohyang, beautiful and rare birds like broad billed roller would be frightened away by the sound of the blasting and all the sweet fish would die if the water from the ore dressing plant spilt into the Chongchon River, and that he had the project of developing the gold mine stopped at once. 

We could not damage the beautiful scenery of the mountain for some tons of gold, he said, adding that now many young people of the country go to the mountain to take a rest and go on sightseeing.

Through his remarks, she realized how the beauty and grandeur of Mt Myohyang came to be preserved and how clean air came to overflow in this country with beautiful mountains, clear rivers and picturesque scenery.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Juche-based Navy of DPRK Greeting Its Golden Age under Leadership of Great Brilliant Commander


Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- August 28 is the Day of the Navy of the Korean People's Army (KPA).

Since declaring its departure in August Juche 38 (1949) with the creation of new Korea's fleet, the KPA Navy has defended the territorial waters and dignity of the DPRK and glorified its victorious and glorious militant course.

The Navy, which now continues creating its sacred history while advancing along the course of loyalty and feats in the sea of the country, has greeted a golden age in bolstering up the Juche-based naval forces under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un.

Through inspecting the naval units, he gave the officers and men of the Navy invincible spirit and strength and put his heart and soul into the development of the naval forces.

He taught seamen the Korean-style naval tactics, sailing with them despite the wild waves. And whenever he visited naval units he showed loving care for the living conditions of the sailors.

In August last year, he inspected Guards 2nd Surface Ship Flotilla of the East Sea Fleet of the KPA Navy and paid a congratulatory visit to the KPA Navy Command on the occasion of the Navy Day, providing important guidelines for developing the KPA Navy into a powerful Juche-based service and bestowing great love, trust and warm affection on the service personnel.

In September, he was present at the ceremony of launching a newly-built submarine, at which he expressed his expectations and belief that the officers and men of the submarine would firmly inherit the great spirit of seaman of the preceding generations so as to create new myths of the heroic Navy in the van.

The noble pictures of the kindred ties between the great brilliant commander and naval officers and men who are sharing intention, feelings and fate on the road for building up a rich country with a strong army were recorded as stories of comradeship to be handed down through generations along with the history of building the revolutionary armed forces.

Thanks to his rare military wisdom, energetic leadership and great trust, all the sailors have grown up to be persons of idea and faith and all-round sailors capable of beating any formidable enemy with one stroke and the naval forces of the DPRK have developed into elite matchless ones. -0- (Juche113.8.28.)

Tuesday 27 August 2024

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Test-firing of 240 mm MRLS in Production

Pyongyang, August 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, oversaw a test-firing of the 240 mm MRLS in production at defence industrial enterprises under the Second Economic Commission on August 27.

The MRLS, technically updated in its maneuverability and concentrated firing capability, was proved to be advantageous in all indices, including newly applied guiding system, controllability and destructive power.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un set forth an important policy to be pursued in producing new artillery pieces and equipping army units with them.

Accompanying him were Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, Jo Chun Ryong, secretary of the C.C., WPK, Ri Yong Gil, chief of the General Staff of the Korean People's Army, Kim Jong Sik, first vice department director of the C.C., WPK, the commanders of KPA large combined units, and Kim Yong Hwan, president of the Academy of Defence Sciences. -0- (Juche113.8.28.)

BGSJI and KFA UK on the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea


                                           27th  of August Juche 113(2024)
The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea  and the  Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK) issued a joint statement on the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea (YCLK) by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG

    Th 28th of August is  the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea , the proud revolutionary forerunner of today's Socialist Patriotic Youth League In the DPRK the 28th of August is proudly celebrated as Youth Day.
   On the 28th of August 1927 the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG formed the Young Communist League of Korea with members of the Anti-Imperialist Youth League of Korea which in turn had been formed with members from the Down -With -Imperialism Union the first communist revolutionary organisation .
   The formation of the YCLK opened a new chapter in the history of the Juche-orientated communist movement in Korea . The great leader comrade KIM JONG IL wrote that "Under the leadership of respected Comrade Kim II Sung during the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle, the young communists and other young patriots blazed the trail for the Korean revolution, defeated Japanese imperialism and accomplished the historic cause of liberating the country. In the course of the noble struggle for national liberation waged under his wise leadership, the Korean communist youth movement originated and its glorious traditions were established. "
  The great leader President KIM IL SUNG thus formed a new communist revolutionary movement in Korea based on youth that was completely from the poison of factionalism and totally committed to anti-imperialist and communist revolutionary ideas .
   The tradition of attaching great importance to youth work was established by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG . In some former socialist countries youth were regarded as a source of trouble as they were frequently the first to succumb to the imperialist ideological and cultural infiltration but in People's Korea youth are the pride of the nation , they are the vanguard and shock brigade of socialist construction .
  We congratulate the Korean people on the 97th anniversary of the foundation of the Young Communist League of Korea.

All Products to Be Made Famous Ones


  The foodstuff industrial sector is increasing the production to provide the people with larger quantities of tasty and nutritious foodstuffs.


  The Pyongyang Wheat Flour Processing Factory set a realistic goal for modernizing the equipment to further improve the quality of the products and works hard to attain it.

  Workshop Head Ryang Kum Chol says:

  "We are modernizing the equipment by relying on our own technical forces with a viewpoint that the main factor deciding the quality of products lies in the technical level of machinery and equipment."

  The factory recently remodelled the bun moulding machine of the bread production process.

  This resulted in further improving the quality of bun while reducing the production time and greatly saving manpower as against before.

  Now the demand for the products of the factory is increasing day by day, including instant noodles which have peculiar tastes for their scientific rate of composition.

  The Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory is also making successes in the production by directing primary efforts to scientific and technological researches and strengthening of talented personnel.

  The factory with modern equipment is known to be a producer of excellent nourishing goods essential for the growth of children.

  It conducts the technical renovation movement on a mass scale while putting efforts into strengthening its own talented personnel. 

  It often organizes exhibition of products among the employees to actively generalize the good experiences and achievements.

  It also learns about the people's demand in close contact with commercial service amenities and positively diversifies the products according to it.

  Their enthusiasm to make all products famous goods and commodities favoured by the people leads to increased production.

Monday 26 August 2024

Rodong Sinmun 1989 article " Ill-Boding Developments’ in Hungary Viewed" (our thanks to KFA Italy and the Milano Juche Idea Study Centre)

Pyongyang, 28 June 1989 (KCNA) — Rodong Sinmun today comes out with a commentary titled “What Does the Situation in Hungary Show,” the full text of which reads:

Very ill-boding developments are noticed in Hungary these days.

According to a report, a “funeral service” was held in that country some time ago for “reburial” of former Prime Minister Imre Nagy, who was executed as the prime mover in the 1956 counter-revolutionary putsch, and his associates. The “funeral service” was participated in by thousands of Hungarian “exiles” who flew there from the West.

Those who caused the counter-revolutionary putsch in 1956 played the leading part in the “funeral service,” openly making an anti-socialist agitation. They portrayed Imre Nagy as a “state activist” and maliciously slandered socialism. There came from them even an “appeal” for destroying the Hungarian Socialist Workers’ Party and the socialist system.

They also attacked other socialist countries. The anti-socialist forces of Hungary invited to the “funeral service” the overthrown exploiter classes and fascist elements of Romania who had taken refuge in Hungary and fled to Western countries as “delegates” of the Romanian people and vilified the policy of the Romanian Communist Party including the systematisation and modernisation of the rural communities which are being promoted in Romania to eliminate the distinctions between town and country and bring the living conditions of the peasants closer to cities.

The foreign press reported that the “funeral service” was dominated by an anti-socialist atmosphere.

Judging from all these facts, the “funeral service” turned, in fact, into an anti-communist, anti-socialist arena of those harbouring hostility against socialism, into a funeral ceremony for burying socialism.

This indicates that the anti-socialist elements are raising their heads in Hungary and going over to an offensive against socialism.

As regards the “funeral service” the socialist countries are expressing serious concern, thinking that the anti-socialist elements in Hungary are resorting to counter-revolutionary schemings under the cloak of “socialist renovation” and there might be a counter-revolution, if the forces faithful to socialism were not mobilised.

How could things come to such a pass where counter-revolutionaries openly manoeuvre to oppose the working-class party, overthrow the socialist system and attack socialism as a whole in Hungary?

Hungary gradually deviates from the principle of socialism and does not deal a decisive blow to the counter-revolutionary and anti-socialist elements, talking about the so-called “political pluralism”.

The socialist system is a precious gain of the revolution won by the working class and other strata of the popular masses through a protracted bloody struggle and their most valuable revolutionary wealth which cannot be bartered for anything. Hungary can never be an exception. It is thanks to the socialist system that the Hungarian people have enjoyed a new life free from exploitation and oppression over the past decades.

Now in Hungary, however, this blessed socialist system is not defended and consolidated and developed but the moves of the counter-revolutionaries to destroy and overthrow it are allowed. The black flag symbolic of anti-communism and anti-socialism and the flag held by the counter-revolutionaries in 1956 are seen and anti-socialist slogans and demands heard in lawful demonstrations. Publications frequently carry articles slandering socialism. Voices calling for the removal of all such words as socialism from the Constitution, insulting the people’s power as a “police state” and demanding the dissolution of the workers guards are ringing out. The counter-revolutionaries are even clamouring about the “bankruptcy” of socialism.

As facts show, anti-socialist elements are running amuck to wrest the power of the party and state and overthrow the socialist system.

The counter-revolutionary and anti-socialist moves are not decisively thwarted and shattered in time, but are allowed and, worse still, such shocking act as singing duet with the anti-socialist forces is reported — the counter-revolutionary putsch in 1956 is “reappraised” as a “popular uprising” and the “honor” of the punished counter-revolutionaries is restored and they are allowed to strut about freely.

The abnormal situation finds expression also in the fact that the leadership role of the party is being paralysed.

The final victory of the cause of socialism and communism, the revolutionary cause of the working class, can be won only under the leadership of a working class party. What is most important for this is to firmly build up the working class party, the vanguard and guiding force of the working masses, and strengthen its leadership of the revolution and construction.

In Hungary, however, the unity and cohesion of the party is not achieved with the factional activities allowed and fostered within the party under the cloak of “display of democracy” and “free activities”, and even the danger of organisational split is ever increasing. And the principle of democratic centralism of the party and its leadership role in the revolution and construction are being weakened systematically under the pretext of “separation” and “non-interference”. In Hungary counter-revolutionary political parties are being organised under the name of “the multi-party system” and a way is opened for anti-socialist elements to be active in the power and army and public organisations. It must be noted that in the country voices are being raised against the monolithic leadership of the working class party over the power, the army and social organisations and for the division of power among different political parties and putting of the army outside the party and many “independent” social organisations outside the leadership of the party have made their appearance.

The developments in Hungary compel the Communists to raise the natural question where it is heading, deviating from the socialist principle.

The ill-boding goings-on in Hungary are timed to coincide with the ever more wanton anti-communist, anti-socialist campaign of the imperialists.

The imperialists, in conspiracy with each other, are now craftily manoeuvring to split and disorganise socialism from within. While maliciously slandering the socialist system, they are strengthening the anti-socialist propaganda with a frantic advertisement of bourgeois “freedom” and “democracy”. Contending that communism has reached the “terminal of history,” they are openly drivelling that the “opportunity created by reforms” in socialist countries must not be missed but be made the maximum use of.

Such moves of the imperialists are aimed at degenerating socialism and defeating the socialist countries one by one by instilling the poison of capitalism into them.

Not without reason did the foreign press said some quarters of the West must have wanted to see the “funeral of socialism” in Hungary with a happy feeling through the “funeral service” of Imre Nagy.

History proves that whenever a commotion of counter-revolutionaries occurred in socialist countries, the dark tentacles of imperialism had always been stretched there.

The present situation in Hungary causes serious concern among the communists and, at the same time, urges them to exercise due caution.

It is as clear as noonday what grave consequence is brought when a working class party fails to increase its leading role and shares the power with anti-socialist elements, fails to shatter the moves of the counter-revolutionaries in time and block the ideological and cultural infiltration of the imperialists.

Hungary once experienced bitter pains by failing to deal a decisive blow in time to the anti-socialist moves of the counter-revolutionaries and imperialists. Such a painful history must not be repeated again.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction of Regional-Industry Factories

He Takes New Crucial Measures to Hasten Epochal Regional Development and Comprehensive Rejuvenation

Pyongyang, August 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave field guidance at various regional-industry factories under construction on August 24 and 25.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Pak Jong Chon, Kim Jae Ryong, Pak Thae Song, O Su Yong, Ju Chang Il, Kim Chol Sam and Kim Hwa Song, leading officials of the Central Committee of the WPK.

He was greeted by commanding officers of the military units involved in the construction of industrial factories in the relevant regions.

Watching the plans for layouts of industrial factories and greenery in the regions, he was briefed on the progress made in construction projects by the commanding officers. Then he inspected the construction sties.

It seems as if I pressed the detonator at a groundbreaking ceremony heralding the arrival of a new era of regional development a few days ago, but factories have already taken shape, he said, expressing great satisfaction over the fact that the overall construction project has been carried out at over 80 percent.

Examining carefully whether the construction of factories was done as specified in the production line designs to ensure smooth operation of equipment and maximum labor productivity, their interior walls were insulated to retain heat and exterior tiling was done impeccably, he estimated the quality level of construction.

Saying that builders should never neglect the improvement of quality in construction, a policy requirement, as they may done so, carried away by the single desire to finish the construction of factories earlier, he called for building the regional-industry factories, which the Party promised to the people and the People's Army pledged to present to them as gift, to be impeccable even in the distant future. To this end, it is necessary to make higher demands on the field commanding officers and construction control organs and further enhance their roles, he added.

Watching the soldier-builders' skilled work for a while, he instructed the accompanying officials to provide them with better working and living conditions and further intensify the frontline-style agit-prop activities to give full play to their mental power.

He underlined the need for the provincial, city and county Party organizations and people's committees at different levels to conduct the preparatory work, such as establishment of raw material supply bases and training of skilled workers, in a responsible manner so as to keep the factories in full-capacity operation after the completion of their buildings so that the regional people would benefit from them.

Setting forth a new policy of accelerating the implementation of the historic cause of regional rejuvenation by pushing ahead the building of public health facilities, sci-tech learning spaces and grain management stations, simultaneously with the on-going construction of regional-industry factories, in order to hasten the accomplishment of the Regional Development 20×10 Policy for bringing about a remarkable improvement in the regional economy and people's living standard, he clarified the decision of the Party Central Committee to make crucial measures to carry it out.

Pointing out that the Party made a crucial decision in such a harsh period as now as it is indispensable to bringing earlier a new era of epochal development and comprehensive development to all regions at the same time, he said that it would be most reasonable to complete the sci-tech learning spaces and finish the framework construction of hospitals and grain management stations, occasioned by the deployment of People's Army units in the relevant regions for construction of their industrial factories, and take state-sponsored measures to inaugurate the hospitals and grain management stations later in yearly order.

It is arising as the most essential task to be fulfilled without fail to successfully build large-scale modern hospitals in cities and counties of the regions, where the modernization level of public health faculties are relatively lower than those of the capital city, so as to promote the health of the regional people, he said, giving detailed instructions that in order to carry out the huge task, it is necessary to take measures to give precedence to the construction of their buildings, in parallel with the regional-industry factories' on schedule, and furnish them with necessary equipment, according to future state plans.

Underlining the need to build sci-tech learning centers, he said our purpose of urbanizing the rural villages is to transform as early as possible the regional people on a working-class pattern and make them progressive and well-versed in science and technology, not merely to model the countryside on urban architectural beauty. As a practical way, it is necessary to set up "sci-tech learning centers" in every city and county and disseminate knowledge needed in various fields, he said, adding it is an important affair conforming to the Party policy to build a country developing with science and technology.

Giving an instruction to commonly call various facilities for processing and storing grain "grain management stations", he said that they should be completely rebuilt under the direct control of the state, not merely in a passive attitude of repairing the existing facilities, in order to properly store and manage grain harvested with much effort without waste, and provide the people with well-processed grain, in particular.

As the construction of regional-industry factories is proceeding on a full scale across the country and the system of construction force, supply of materials and command have been established in relatively good order, it is the best choice in terms of time and profit to push ahead with the simultaneous construction of modern hospitals, sci-tech learning centers and grain management stations in every city and county on that occasion, he affirmed repeatedly, adding that when the regional development policy becomes a comprehensive one of covering public health, science and education, not confined to the construction of only light industry factories, it can make sincere and tangible contributions to the improvement of the material and cultural life of the regional people and drastically raise the efficiency of regional development.

There would be no remaining manpower as it would be too much to build all the new dwelling houses with the rural construction forces in cities and counties only, but if the vital undertakings are neglected, the efforts for regional development will end in vain, he stressed, adding our Party made a bold decision, reposing its trust in our army, the faithful defender, supporter and implementer of the Party policies, the pioneer of high civilization in the new era and the creator of people's happiness. He set forth detailed orientation for the army units mobilized for the construction of regional-industry factories to properly organize and allocate manpower and meticulously draw up the construction timetable to successfully carry out their new tasks.

He said that leading officials of relevant sectors would deeply study detailed plans and ways for implementing the bigger ten-year goal for regional development before discussing, examining, deciding and adopting them at a plenary meeting to be held in December, and successfully carry out them in yearly order.

The tasks are huge and the conditions are difficult, but if we work harder, we can surely realize our ideal, and it is the spirit peculiar to the Korean revolutionaries to assume heavy duties by themselves in hard times, he said, adding the regions and rural villages will get rid of their centuries-old backwardness literally and undergo complete transformation and the appearance of our state be changed beyond recognition 10 years later when the grandiose goals will be attained. Appealing for finding the worth of doing revolution and tiding over the current ordeals, picturing that day, he expressed his conviction that the grand projects, which will serve as a great stride in hastening the regional rejuvenation and transformation, will come to fruition without fail.

His field guidance at the construction sites of regional-industry factories will be etched in history as an important occasion, in which an important guideline and militant banner for enriching the Party's Regional Development 20×10 Policy and developing it onto a new high stage was brought about, and as another political event of epochal significance in the leadership activities of the WPK remaining boundlessly faithful to the original duty it assumed at the time of its foundation to reflect the people's desire and demands in its policies and fulfill them. -0- (Juche113.8.26.)


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Oversees Performance Test of Drones

Pyongyang, August 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, oversaw a performance test of various drones organized by the Drone Institute of the Academy of Defence Sciences on August 24.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won, Ri Pyong Chol, Pak Jong Chon and other senior officials of the C.C., WPK.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un got firsthand information on the drones under development at the Drone Institute.

The mission of the drones to be used within different striking ranges is to attack any enemy targets on the ground and in the sea.

The drones of various types all correctly identified and destroyed the designated targets after flying along different preset routes.

Developing different types of drones and steadily increasing their combat performance take an important share in preparing for a war in view of the trend of world military science and combat experience on battlefields, Kim Jong Un said that it is necessary to develop and produce more suicide drones of various types to be used in tactical infantry and special operation units, as well as strategic reconnaissance and multi-purpose attack drones.

Calling for constantly developing not only underwater strategic weapon systems like nuclear torpedo but also various types of underwater suicide attack drones in conformity with the characteristics of our country as a maritime nation, and opting for proactively introducing artificial intelligence technology into the development of drones, he set forth detailed tasks and ways for doing so.

Expressing satisfaction over the tactical and technical features and data of the newly-developed drones, he stressed the need to more intensively conduct tests for their combat application and equip People's Army units with them as early as possible.

Officials, scientists and researchers of the Drone Institute of the Academy of Defence Sciences hardly repressed their surging emotion, looking up to him who personally guided the test on the spot and indicated the path to be followed by them in enhancing the combat efficiency of drones and developing drone industry, and hardened their determination to thoroughly carry out the important tasks set forth by him and thus make a positive contribution to bolstering up the country's self-defensive military capabilities. -0-

Sunday 25 August 2024

Along with the Historic Day From Voice of Korea.

  August 25 is the day when the great leader Kim Jong Il started his leadership over the revolutionary armed forces of Korea.

  Kim Jong Il visited the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People's Army on August 25, Juche 49(1960).

  That day, he said the People's Army should hasten the final victory of the Korean revolution under the slogan "Let us defend with our very lives the Party Central Committee headed by the respected Comrade Kim Il Sung!".

  He said that defending the Party and the leader with one's life should be the basic mission of the People's Army and the core of the glorious tradition of struggle, which became an important guideline to be consistently maintained in the army building.

  He made an uninterrupted field inspection of the People's Army units, opening a new history of strengthening the revolutionary armed forces

  During the Arduous March in the 1990s, he enforced the original Songun (military-first) politics, defending the destiny of the country and people and extraordinarily bolstering up the defense capabilities of the country.

  Here is Hong Un Ju, Researcher of the Academy of Social Sciences.

  "The great leader Kim Jong Il recollected those arduous days on September 12, 2011, the last period of his great life, saying: The only way to defend the country and make our people live an honourable life as an independent people during the Arduous March was to fight against imperialism and push ahead with the revolution and construction by relying on the People's Army, the revolutionary armed forces.

  And he added that he had lived with a do-or-die will to devote everything to the country and people without hesitation in the whole period of the Arduous March.

  Seeing the miserable reality of different countries which fell victims to the high-handedness and aggressive moves of the imperialists because of their weak arms, the Korean people think deep of the immortal exploits of Kim Jong Il who provided a firm military guarantee for safeguarding the sovereignty of the country and nation."

  The immortal exploits performed by Kim Jong Il for the strengthening of the revolutionary armed forces shine forever along with the historic day August 25.