Wednesday 12 September 2018

70 years of anti-imperialist fight, revolutionary leadership and defence of socialism and communism-70 years since the founding of the DPRK!- KFA Romania and Communist Party of Romania

At the end of this week, there will be 7 decades since a historical moment, a moment of glory for the Korean communist movement, wisely led by the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung: the foundation of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the 9th of September 1948. The foundation of the DPRK represented not only a powerful blow dealt to the US imperialists, who had occupied the South of the Korean Peninsula and were waging miltary fascist terror against the south Korean people, but also the beginning of a new life for the free Korean people in the North, which was freed from the yoke of Japanese imperialism. From that moment, a new way of development for the Korean people began to take shape, a way that the forerunners of the Korean Revolution did not live enough to see it. The foundation of the DPRK brought the Korean people a bright future, a life full of freedom, justice and dignity. The bourgeoisie and landlords from north Korea received that day the final death sentence from the Korean working class, led by comrade Kim Il Sung. Capitalism was having its days numbered, as socialism was beginning to rise. Socialism helped the DPRK develop a lot, transforming it from a country ravaged by the Japanese imperialists before 1945 and by the US imperialists during the Fatherlanf Liberation War (1950-1953), in a modern and prosperous socialist state, in which the people work with joy and live peacefully and quietly, despite the threats and sanctions of the imperialists that have never ceased. DPRK is a heaven of working people, a country in which every honest human being would find his happiness.
In this article I will make a short history of the founding of the DPRK and of the fight the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung waged for the establishment and consolidation of the people's democracy in the DPRK and for the reunification of the Fatherland.
The first beam of hope for the Korean people appeared in november 1942, when the Soviet Army, led by comrade Stalin, broke the fascist siege of Stalingrad, tha German Nazis being allies with the Japanese imperialists, which suppressed the Korean people. After the glorious victory at Stalingrad, the Berlin-Rome-Tokyo Axis was heading towards its collapse, the Nazis sustaining only defeat after defeat, until 9th of May 1945, when Nazi Germany signed its unconditional surrender, thus ending the war in Europe. On the 8th of August 1945, the heroic Korean People's Revolutionary Army, in close collaboration with the glorious Soviet Army, launched a series of attacks against the Japanese troops at Sonbong and Huichon. The next day, all the units of the KPRA received from comrade Kim Il Sung the order for the final offensive to liberate Korea. Helped by the Soviet Army, the KPRA had a quick advance, smashing all Japanese forces on its way, the day of 15th of August 1945 bringing the Liberation of the Korean people and the defeat of Japanese imperialism in Korea. The enthusiasm of the Koreans, who for years have dreamt of freedom and independence, manifested itself very loudly, people shouting: Long live General Kim Il Sung! Long live Korea's independence!
Unfortunately, the freedom and independence of the Korean people were achieved only in the Northern part of the Peninsula. Immediately after the liberation of Korea from the yoke of Japanese imperialism, Truman, the imperialist US president, gave order to the US troops to land in the South under the guise of "liberators" and of disarming the Japanese troops. However, the purpose of the US was to conquer the whole of Korea and enslave its people once again. Afte the invasion of the South, fascist terror was established. On September 9, 1945, general MacArthur issued Proclamation No.1, in which he mentioned the military administration of South Korea, and John Hodge, commander of the US occupatiom army issued a decree by which he declared that "the ones refusing to obey the military administration or defy it will be harshly punished". As a result of these criminal decrees,a large number of patriotic, pro-reunification figures have been assassinated, for example Ryo Un Hyong or the patriotic-minded nationalist Kim Ku. The years 1945-1950 were marked by horrific massacres against the progressive personalities and people of the South, but the greatest crimes were committed during the Fatherland Liberation War. But the crimes and threats of the US imperialists and its South Korean lackeys could not  break the firm will of the Korean people, as in the North of the Peninsula, after August 15, 1945, the democratic, anti-feudal and anti-imperialist revolution was launched. This represented the first in the founding of the DPRK.
Between 10 and 13th of October 1945, the founding Congress of the Communist Party of North Korea took place. The revolutionary Marxist-Leninist line of this party is explained by Comrade Kim Il Sung in his speech " About the building of a Marxist-Leninist party in our homeland and its immediate tasks", which he presented at this Congress. This speech also mentions the necessity for the creation of a Democratic People's Republic, sovereign, independent and prosperous. The Communist Party of North Korea will merge in 1946 with the New Democratic Party,  thus the Workers Party of North Korea being created. In turn, the Workers Party of North Korea merges with the Workers Party of South Korea in June 1949 to form the Workers Party of Korea, under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung. The Workers Party was, since its inception, and still is until today, a genuine revolutionary, progressive and anti-revisionist party, with Juche, Songun and Marxism-Leninism as its ideologies.
The reforms enacted by the Provisional People's Committee also contributed to the accomplishment of the democratic, anti-imperialist and anti-feudal revolution. The land reform was one one of the greatest reforms enacted by Comrade Kim Il Sung. As a result, all feudal remnants were liquidated, 1.325.000 hectares of  land from traitors and pro-Japanese eleme being confiscated, 724.522 poor peasants receiving free land from  the State. Another important reform was the nationalisation of transport, communications and banks, on August 10, 1946. The same year, Comrade Kim Il Sung also proclaims the Law of Equality between Sexes.
During the year 1947, another important steps were made towards the founding of the DPRK. After the winning of the elections, Comrade Kim Il Sung establishes the People's Assembly of North Korea, which represented the highest organ of state power. We must also say that during these years, in the neighbouring China,  the Chinese PLA, under the leadership of Chairman Mao, had launched the final offensive against the fascist reactionary government of Chiang Kai-shek, which sought to extend into the mainland after the defeat of Japan. Comrade Kim Il Sung proved to be an outstanding proletarian internationalist, providing moral and material support to the Chinese comrades. The People's Liberation Army triumphed, Chairman Mao proclaiming on October 1, 1949, the birth of the People's Republic of China.
The year 1948 represents a year of glory for the Korean people. On February 8, the Korean People's Revolutionary Army transforms into the Korean People's Army, a regular army, with the purpose of defending the revolutionary gains of the people and to fight for the reunification. Unfortunately, on May 10 the same year, the US imperialists and their South Korean lackeys manipulate the result of the general elections, cobbling up a government made up of traitors to the nation, with fascist Syngman Rhee at its head. The August 25 elections were attended by over 99% of the people in North and in the South, despite the fascist reactionary repression, 77.25% of the people attended the vote. With the vote finished, the Supreme People's Assembly was created, with deputies from both the North and the South, holding its First session on September 2, 1948. This represented a historical moment for the Korean people. On the 8th of September, Comrade Kim Il Sung is elected as Prime Minister and Chairman of the Council of Minsters, in accordance with the will of the entire Korean people. In his speech, held in front of the SPA, Comrade Kim Il Sung said: "The democratic reforms and the great strides made in all the spheres-economical, political and cultural, in North Korea, in a span of 3 years after the Liberation, were without exception in the favour of the sovereingnity and independence of our country and for the well-being of the Korean people. Under the leadership of People's Committe of North Korea, our people have consolidated, with its heroic fights and its tireless efforts, North Korea as a solid democratic base in our homeland". On the next day, one of the most glorious days in the entire history of Korea, Comrade Kim Il Sung proclaims in front of all Korean people, the birth of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. After this, the Political Programme of the Government of the Republic was adopted, which contains 8 basic tasks:
1. The Government of the Republic will  mobilize the entire Korean people in the fight for the reunification of the Fatherland
2. The Government of the Republic will take all the necessary measures, in order to liquidate the nefarious consequences of the Japanese imperialist domination in the political, economic and cultural life in our country and will punish, im accordance with the laws of the Republic, all pro-Japanese elements and traitors to the nation, who have betrayed the interests of the Korean people and actively helped Japanese imperialism
3. The Government of the DPRK will declare null and void all the laws created in the past by the Japnese imperialists, and all kinds of anti-democratic and anti-people laws of the puppet government
4. With the purpose of transforming Korea into an independent, democratic, rich an powerful state, the Government of the Republic will liquidate the foreign dependence, will oppose the economic subordination of the foreign imperialists and it will build a national, independent economy, capable of permanently improving the well-being of the Korean people and to contribute to the independence and prosperity of our Fatherland
5. The Government will pay huge attention to the development of education, culture and public health
6. The Government will strenghten and develop, by all means, the organs of the People's power on all levels
7. In the foreign policy, the Government of the Republic will struggle so that our country will be an equal member of the international democratic camp, to establish friendly relations with all peace-loving states, which value freedom and which treat us fom equal to equal
8. The Government will streghten by all means the Korean People's Army, in order to defend our national territory against foreign aggressors and the results of the democratic reforms in the North.
Here we can easily observe the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary character of these objectives put forward by Comrade Kim Il Sung. We can see clearly in these 8 tasks the Songun politics, which stresses the importance of the People's Army in the defence of the Fatherland. The political programme of the Government of the DPRK was the groundwork for the start of the socialist construction, which helped the Republic develop and the people's lives improve.
In the First Session, the Constitution of the DPRK was also adopted, a democratic and revolutionary constitution, like the 1936 USSR one.
Unfortunately, on the day of June 25, 1950, the US imperialists and their South Korean puppets started the war against the young DPRK, a war that would cost the lives of over 1 million Korean people. But the victory in the Fatherland Liberation War was won by the DPRK, headed by Comrade Kim Il Sung, with comrades Mao and Stalin providing useful help. After the Armistice Agreement was signed, on July 27 ,1953, the postwar socialist reconstruction of the DPRK began, which was heavily bombed by the American imperialists. Pyongyang was almost entirely destroyed. But the Korean people, brilliantly led by great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, managed to rebuild the DPRK, transforming it into a powerful socialist state.
The day of September 9, 1948, will forever be recorded in the history as a victory of the Korean woking people, as well as of the working people of the whole world. 9th of September 1948 represented the D-Day of the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal democratic revolution, the day when the Korean people struck a heavy blow at the imperialist forces and started to walk on the road of socialism. All the greatness and prosperity of the DPRK is due to the sacred day of September 9, 1948. For this, we, the ones with the Red soul, must mark this special day with due respect.
Long live the 9th of September! Long live the Democratic People's Republic of Korea! Long live President Kim Il Sung! Long live General Kim Jong Il! Long live Marshall Kim Jong Un!  Long live Juche and Songun!

KFA Romania
Communist Party of Romania

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