Sunday 23 May 2010

Joint statement of ASSPUK and JISGE in support of DPRK NDC statement of 20th May


London 23rd of May 2010 Juche99

Today as the tension on the Korean peninsula instensifies further the Association for the Study of Songun Politics UK and Juche Idea Study Group issued a joint statement in support of the statement issued on the 20th of May 2010 by the National Defence Commission of the DPRK.
We fully support the statement of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK which is the highest organ of state power in the DPRK.
It is obvious that the DPRK has nothing to do with the sinking of the south Korean warship.The sinking of the Cheonan is most likely the result of either a US 'friendly fire' incident(which many UK servicemen have fallen victim to )or an accident caused by incompetence and poor safety of the South Korean puppet navy or a premediated provocation or false flag operation of the US and south Korea.

It is entirely just for the DPRK NDC to request that south Korea accepts a special inspection team of the DPRK NDC to view the evidence offered but so far south Korea has refused to open the evidence for inspection.Frankly speaking so far picture of the evidence looked like something taken from a museum.

We support the revolutionary and militant stance of the DPRK NDC to regard additional sanctions as an act of war and to counter retaliation with retaliation.It is only just that the DPRK should,if attacked,launch a sacred relatiatory war which will sweep away the traitors to the Korean nation for good and establish an reunified Korea without outside domination and interference.
Victory to the DPRK it struggle against US imperialism and all other international reactionaries !

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