Wednesday 29 September 2010

UK KFA statement on the re election of comrade Kim Jong Il as WPK general secretary

The UK Korean Friendship Association heartily congratulates the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il on his re election as general secretary of the Workers
Party of Korea and we also congratule the Workers Party of Korea on the sucessful holding of its conference in Pyongyang.
The re election of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il is the highest manifestation of the absolute trust and loyalty of the Korean
people,army and members of the WPK.
UK KFA is sure that under the Songun revolutionary leadership of the great leader comrade Kim Jong Il fresh and greater victories will
be made in the Juche revolutionary cause.There will be greater successes in the sphere of the national economy and the improvement of the peoples
living standards.The complete victory of socialism and the independent reunification of the country will be achieved.

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