Wednesday 14 April 2010

Statement of AUCPB on 98th birth anniversary of the great leader comrade Kim Il Sung


April 15, 1912, the Great Leader Comrade Kim Il Sung was born – a Great commander, founder of the DPRK, founder of WPK (Workers’ Party of Korea) and the KPA (Korean People's Army),.
This day is celebrated as the Day of the Sun. Under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung on August 15, 1945, the country was liberated from Japanese colonial slavery and began construction of a new life. Under Kim Il-Sung, the first Socialist Constitution was adopted (27.12.1972) , guaranteeing citizens of the DPRK the right to work, rest, high-quality free medical care, housing and free education. Korea gained unlimited possibilities for the development of its five thousand years of Korean culture, whereas Japanese-slavery forced Japanese culture upon the Korean population. Everything Korean – including language, culture, and even Korean names was banned.
The socialist state very quickly developed its economy, built much housing for the citizens, opening universities, putting into practice broad health care. In a very short period of time North Korea made a giant step forward in its development as an independent sovereign state able to defend the gains of the Korean revolution, having taught a lesson to the U.S. aggressors during the Fatherland Liberation War (1950-1953), the US aggressors believing that the DPRK could be erased from the face of the Earth within a week. The military adventurism by the Americans with the involvement of the armed forces of 15 foreign imperialist powers ended in disgrace for America. The heroism of Korean soldiers, and the population of the DPRK has shown people around the world the strength of the newly born in 1948, socialist state. During the war, mass heroism was displayed by the soldiers and officers of the Korean People's Army – the successor of the People's Guerrilla Army, founded by Kim Il Sung on 25 April 1932. It became the base of the formation in the future of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army and then, as already mentioned, the Korean People's Army.

The great leader gave much strength to the issues of educating the young generation. On his initiative, the Mangendeskoe revolutionary school for children who lost parents during the struggle against the Japanese in the Fatherland Liberation War was founded. The result of the criminal U.S. policy, Korea liberated under the leadership of Great general Kim Il Sung, was divided on the 38 th parallel into two states. The artificial division of a single nation is of great pain to the Koreans and remains so to this day. The Great Leader made tremendous efforts to unite the nation, but against the wishes of the South Koreans because of the criminal policy of the United States, which is constantly attempting to destroy the DPRK, the issue of unification remains unresolved.
The great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung is very much focused on developing the international and national liberation movement, helping people, especially the African continent, free them selves from the shackles of imperialist countries that are plundering the natural resources of Africa, plunging its people into poverty and powerlessness.
On April 20, 1992 in Pyongyang, the signing of the Pyongyang Declaration took place by the representatives of national liberation and communist movements of the world under the slogan - "Let us defend and advance the cause of socialism" .. The Pyongyang Declaration gave a second breath to the socialist future of civilization in the most complex, darkest pages of history, during the collapse of the Soviet Union during the orgy of anti-Communist hysteria and the overthrow of everything connected with communist ideology. The Pyongyang Declaration became the torch of progressive nations of the world struggle for liberation from imperialist slavery.
This torch lit in April 1992 brighter and brighter flared up in the hands of his successor - Kim Jong Il, who in practice has demonstrated to the entire world the enormous benefits of the socialist system in comparison with the rotten system of imperialism, which has brought civilization to the brink of disaster
The name of the Great Leader has been forever inscribed in the history of world civilization as an outstanding revolutionary, a talented military leader, a wise strategist and practitioner of building a socialist state under siege, as an unyielding champion of the independence and autonomy of people who have chosen their own historical development.
Great credit to Kim Il Sung is the fact that he could prepare himself a worthy replacement in the face of a true successor to the cause of building socialism, a talented statesman, a versatile, educated and highly intellectual politician, thanks to the activities of which little Korea is now known by the whole world. Kim Il Sung, trained the leader of the DPRK not only competently and clearly puts the problems of supercomplexity of accelerated socialist construction, but also successfully resolves them. In the modern world today there is NO politician equal to Kim Jong Il.
On April 9, 1993 The Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il was appointed as the Chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK. The result of this post, was the establishment since the beginning of 1995, of Songun as the state policy of the DPRK. In the most difficult period for the DPRK from 1995-2000, during the repeated from year to year devastating natural disasters and the unprecedented pressure on the DPRK by the embittered imperialist world led by the U.S., Songun politics ensured the rapid growth of the economy, and therefore – the increase in the welfare of the people. Songun significantly raised the prestige of the army not only to defend the Fatherland, but also in socialist construction. Today, in no country of the world has there been such a strong housing construction, recovery in agricultural production, such a rapid development of the industrial energy base, as is the case in the DPRK. Kim Jong Il is able to attract the masses, to raise them to carry out heroic feats in the name of the glory of the motherland and prosperity of the people. He himself works a lot, he knows everything and therefore people are willing to sacrifice for him.
In these difficult days for the DPRK because of the regular military and informational provocation from the U.S., we Bolsheviks firmly believe in the success of the cause of the Korean revolution, the success of building a prosperous socialist state of the DPRK and sincerely wish the friendly people great success in their glorious deeds.

(Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks)

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