Saturday, 28 February 2009

ASSPUK and JISGE joint statement on Foal Eagle and Key Resolve Exercises


London 27th February 2009
Today the Association For the Study of Songun Politics UK and the Juche Idea Study Group of England issued the following joint statement in connection with the "Foal Eagle" and "Key Resolve "exercises to be staged in Korea from the 3rd of March to 20th of March;

The ASSPUK and JISGE express their deep concern that such exercises will take place.Moroever we stridently and militantly denounce the US imperialists for holding such exercises.The exercises are being held at a time when tension on the Korean peninsula is rising due to the attitude of the Lee Myong Bak puppet clique as well the moves of the US imperialists. Warlike noises are been heard all the time from the south Korean puppets and the US imperialists as well certain other forces.There is wild talk of "no options are ruled out" and " pre emptive strike" on satellite launch facilities.Thus the situation is already at a fever pitch and there can be no guarntee that "Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle" would not turn into a real war very quickly indeed.
"Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle" are simply the old "Team Spirit" exercises under a new
name.They are war provocation exercises plain and simple.The aim of the US imperialists and the bloodstained Lee Myong Bak puppet clique is to overpower the DPRK by force and to stifle people centred socialism.

The new US chief executive spoke of "new relations"," change" and "peace" however the
fact that these exercises are going ahead shows there is no different to the previous
US regime and that the aggressive nature of US imperialism has not changed even if the skin colour has.Obama just represents imperialism with a trendy face."Foal Eagle" and "Key Resolve" show up words like "new relations" and "reaching out" as deception and honey coated lies.If the new US chief executive really desires "peace " then he must cancel these exercises straight away .

The situation on the Korean peninsula has detoriated due to the ceaseless anti reunification moves of the Lee Myong Bak puppet clique which has abrogated inter Korean agreements.Lee Myong Bak intends to use south Korean puppet solidiers as bullet shields for the US imperialists.
We demand that the US imperialists and south Korean puppet warrhawks cancel the
"Key Resolve" and "Foal Eagle" exercises straight away and further that the US
imperialists pull their aggression troops out of south Korea and that the Lee Myong Bak stop forthwith their anti reunification noise.

We reaffirm our support for the statement of the General Staff of the Korean Peoples
Army.We believe that the KPA and Korean people can deliver a towering blow to the
aggressors if they are so foolish to ignite a war.

We call all Juche idea and Songun idea followers as well anyone who values independence
and justice to rally around the DPRK,the land of Juche and bastion of world socialism as the next coming weeks will be a crucial time.
Dermot Hudson
President ASSPUK
Chairman JISGE
Official Delegate UK KFA

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