Saturday 19 October 2024

Why Juche? By Shaun Pickford-secretary general of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea.


 Some people in academic and political circles may ask, "What is the relevance of studying the Juche Idea?" There have been many philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel, who advanced social sciences. In their turn, Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, and Vladimir Lenin revolutionised philosophy and made it a weapon of the class struggle. Dialectical materialism enhanced the historical role of the proletariat.

The Juche Idea was conceived amidst the battles for Korea’s liberation from Japanese colonialism during the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Kim IL Sung founded the Juche Idea under the conditions that prevailed during the Korean Revolution. The Juche Idea has its origins in the ideological heritage of Marxism-Leninism and in the Korean anti-imperialist traditions of Chi-won  (Aim High). A new more compatible understanding of the processes at work was put forward than by previous progressive ideologies. Juche reflected the growing presence of the masses of people in shaping history, particularly in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Kim Jong IL went on to systematise the Juche Idea into a comprehensive ideological structure. Looking at the powerful role of culture and media in society Kim Jong IL authored many theories on the importance of the arts and cultural life in the revolution and construction. The military's first approach to politics (Songun Politics) was another innovation in Kim Jong IL’s thinking

Kim Jong Un developed the system of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, collecting the principles and theories of Kim IL Sung and Kim Jong IL into a single ideology. Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as stated by Kim Jong Un is an ideology reflecting the tasks and demands of the times and related firmly to practical application.

Due to the Juche Idea, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a truly independent country in every sense and develops for its own needs. The DPRK consistently upholds socialist class principles and never compromises with its sovereignty. Everything in the DPRK is for the needs of the people and serves their interests and demands.

The philosophical structure of the Juche Idea has man (in the non-gender sense) as a social being as the master of the world in other words the motivating force in nature and society. Human Beings throughout their existence have desired independence from natural and social constraints and evolved the attributes of creativity and consciousness as a means of understanding and refashioning their environment The Juche Idea can be translated into the following main attributes, independence, consciousness, ideology, creativity, organisation,collectivism, leadership, grass-roots democracy, respect of national conditions and anti-imperialism and internationalism. Juche regards the historic effort for emancipation, for independence, as achievable through the collective endeavours of human beings building upon the inheritance of previous generations. In three fundamental areas of social activities, people, social wealth and social relations, it is man the social being who gains mastery of these aspects and remould them for the good of society. As the old Trade Union slogan states “Unity Is Strength”, so the power of the collective, whether that be of a class or a nation is an essential precondition for abstaining independence, agency of the social subject, the popular masses. The Juche Idea originated a new definition in its philosophical categories, that is political integrity, which is an individual fight at the risk of their own physical well-being for the attainment of social progress. An individual is well remembered after their demise for their political/scientific/moral deeds made for the advancement of the social community than a person who lives a mean consumerist and hedonist existence. Contained within the Juche Idea are both philosophical and social-historical principles.

It is impossible in such a brief presentation to explore the multi-faceted nature of the Juche Idea. When there are many profound crises in societies around the world and old formulations are not providing an adequate guide to action anymore. The Juche Idea presents a fresh and innovative approach to social-political issues. If one has got access to resource material on Juche, study of the Juche Idea can cost nothing but give many ideological rewards

In Western societies such as Britain which face increased calamities and where the ruling elites are so dysfunctional and disconnected, the case for studying and applying the Juche Idea is ever greater. As well examining the fundamentals of the Juche Idea, we should engage in how to implement it in relation to the historical traditions and social-political conditions of our country, so as to indigenize the Juche Idea

Juche study started in the Central African country of Mali, in April 1969. Groups and associations for the study of the Juche Idea have sprung up around the globe, and there are Juche Idea Study Groups in well over 150 countries. The International Institute of the Juche Idea which was established in 1978, coordinates the study and dissemination of Juche on a worldwide scale. In the past, the Juche Idea has been studied by the likes of the Black Panther Party and the Palestine Liberation Organisation demonstrating the anti-imperialist essence of Juche.

For some time since the Covid pandemic, our Juche Study Group has become rather inactive and displayed signs of lethargy. In the last few years, The Study Group must avoid the pitfalls of sectarianism, leftism and close-doorism agenda. We also overcome a tendency towards unilateral decision-making and involve more of our members and supporters in various kinds of activities. We call upon working-class militants, anti-imperialist activists, students and academics to join us in the mission to study and promote the Juche Idea. We have a historic opportunity to transform the future of Britain, Europe and the World into one of independence, anti-imperialism, peace and socialism!

Presentation given in London on October 12th, 2024 to a meeting of the British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea

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