Monday 21 October 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support the statement of the Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry,




20th of October Juche 113 (2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI ) and Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK ) issued a joint statement supporting Press Statement by Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry, comrade Kim Son Gyong ,that was issued on Sunday 20th of October;

The UN Secretary General Guterres on the 15th of October poked his nose into the DPRK's business by taking issue with the recent actions of the DPRK to defend its sovereignty by cutting road and rail links with south Korea . Guterres has once again proved that he is nothing but a mouthpiece of US imperialism and that the UN lacks impartiality .

Comrade Kim Son Gyong,Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry correctly says that "I express deep displeasure over and categorically reject the remarks of interfering in the internal affairs of the DPRK unhesitatingly let loose by the UN secretary-general, the supreme official of the UN whose life and soul are objectivity and impartiality, contrary to the UN Charter's principle of respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs".

It is not a matter for the UN or any other country to tell the DPRK which roads or railways that it can or cannot have .The DPRK like any other country has the right to control its own borders .

The UN Secretary General said nothing about the drone intrusion by the south Korean puppets into the DPRK . By remaining silent on this issue but criticising the DPRK over its legitimate ,sovereign actions the UN Secretary General is condoning south Korea and conniving at the conspiracy of the US and south Korea against the DPRK.

The UN Secretary General will be to blame if an untoward event happens on the Korean peninsula.

We say that the UN should not interfere in the sovereign right of the DPRK.


Sunday 20 October 2024

BGSJI and KFA UK support statement of DPRK Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui titled "The countries involved in imposing illegal and outrageous sanctions on the DPRK will have to pay a dear price"




20th of October Juche 113 (2024)

The British Group for the Study of the Juche Idea (BGSJI ) and Korean Friendship Association of the UK (KFA UK ) issued a joint statement supporting the press statement of  DPRK Foreign Minister comrade Choe Son Hui titled "The countries involved in imposing illegal and outrageous sanctions on the DPRK will have to pay a dear price" that was issued on the  19th of October;

Following the failure of the UN Security sanctions , the US decided to unilaterally set up a  "multilateral sanctions monitoring team," to replace the failed "UN Panel on Sanctions " which is now defunct . The creation of a new anti-DPRK sanctions mechanism , this time outside of the UN , is very definitely a hostile act against the DPRK. Of course sanctions are not a new experience for the DPRK , it has had to live under sanctions and blockade for over 70 years.

Comrade  Choe Son Hui points out that  "The emergence of another hostile threatening factor calls for ceaselessly adding new factors to the corresponding counteraction force for deterring it." and adds "Wrong practice is bound to entail an inevitable reaction and corresponding punishment"

The sanctions against the DPRK are simply a device to maintaining and expanding US domination throughout the world.

Those countries joining the ""multilateral sanctions monitoring team" are committing a wrongful and hostile act against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea . They are trying to deny the DPRK's existence and trying to implement what are really illegal sanctions. To our shame Britain is one of the countries joining the so-called "monitoring team ". We call upon the British government to withdraw from the "sanctions monitoring team".

The DPRK will remain steadfast in its determination to defend its independence and will  counter the undisguised sinister and hostile scheme of the U.S. and its satellite countries.

We strongly denounce the creation of the new anti-DPRK sanctions mechanism ,



Travels in the Land of Juche Korea by Dr Dermot Hudson

Great Party of Juche by Dr Dermot Hudson


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Reply Message from Xi Jinping

Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, received a reply message from Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and president of the People's Republic of China, on October 16.

The reply message says:

The respected Comrade General Secretary,

I express my heartfelt thanks to you for sending a message of greeting on the occasion of the 75th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

For 75 years since the founding of the new China, the Communist Party of China has united and led the peoples of different nations throughout the country, performing two miracles of achieving rapid economic development and long-term social stability, and the great prosperity of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

The Chinese people will work tirelessly to push forward with the cause of building a powerful country and achieving national prosperity comprehensively through the modernization of the Chinese style, more firmly united behind the Party Central Committee.

I sincerely hope that the fraternal DPRK people will continue to achieve fresh successes by promoting the cause of socialist construction under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea headed by you, Comrade General Secretary.

China and the DPRK are linked by the same mountain and rivers, and the traditional friendship between the two countries is growing stronger with the passage of time.

I am willing to make greater contributions, together with you, Comrade General Secretary, to leading the traditional China-DPRK friendly and cooperative relations to sustainable and stable development, steadily promoting the well-being of the peoples of the two countries and safeguarding regional and global peace, stability, development and prosperity.

I wish you good health and success in your work.

I wish your country prosperity and your people happiness and well-being. -

Press Statement by Vice-Minister for Int'l Organizations of DPRK Foreign Ministry

Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Son Gyong, vice-minister for International Organizations of the DPRK Foreign Ministry, released the following press statement on Sunday:

As regards a measure taken by the DPRK of physically breaking the roads and railways in the section of its side connected to the ROK completely, UN Secretary-General Guterres on Oct. 15 made seriously improper remarks, emphasizing the importance of restraint, and demanding the restoration of all relevant communication channels as soon as possible.

He successfully played the role of a spokesman for the U.S., repeating like an automatic responder such stereotyped remarks as "abidance by the UNSC resolutions" and "complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean peninsula" which have nothing to do with the above-said issue.

I express deep displeasure over and categorically reject the remarks of interfering in the internal affairs of the DPRK unhesitatingly let loose by the UN secretary-general, the supreme official of the UN whose life and soul are objectivity and impartiality, contrary to the UN Charter's principle of respect for sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs.

Whether we dismantle roads and railway facilities or newly build them in the territory where the sovereignty of the DPRK is exercised, it pertains to the DPRK's sovereign right from A to Z and it is not a matter to be meddled in by the UN secretary-general.

To be rightful, he should have condemned the ROK military for encroaching upon the sovereignty of the DPRK by infiltrating drones, military attack means, into even the sky above its capital city a few days ago.

He is taking issue with the self-defensive measure taken by the DPRK army in its territory, not making even a word about the ROK's wanton infringement upon the DPRK's sovereignty. This is an unpardonable and unfair behavior of double-standards.

The UN secretary-general made the prejudiced remarks, instead of standing at a strictly neutral position in the present situation on the Korean peninsula where the possibility of armed conflict is becoming a reality. It is little short of giving a green light to the U.S. and the ROK army's attempt to ignite a war against the DPRK.

In case an incident which nobody wants occurs on the Korean peninsula due to the reckless military temerity of the ROK with the back of the U.S., the UN secretary-general will never be free from responsibility for it as he incited the warmongers' fever with an undisguised behavior of availing himself of and following them. -0- (Juche113.10.20.)


DPRK Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui Issues Press Statement

Pyongyang, October 20 (KCNA) -- DPRK Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui on October 19 made public the following press statement titled "The countries involved in imposing illegal and outrageous sanctions on the DPRK will have to pay a dear price":

Contrary to the recognized principles of international law with sovereignty equality and noninterference in internal affairs as their core, the U.S. and its vassal countries are working hard to revive the structure of sanctions and pressure on the DPRK, which went bankrupt structurally and is on the verge of collapse.

The "multilateral sanctions monitoring team," which allegedly acts on behalf of the panel of experts, a has-been involved in monitoring the implementation of the UN "sanctions resolutions" for more than 10 years, is utterly unlawful and illegitimate in terms of its justification for existence and purpose, and its existence itself constitutes a denial of the UN Charter.

I express serious concern and regret at the U.S. habitual misconduct of arbitrarily flouting the international order in pursuit of its hegemonic interests, and vehemently condemn and reject it as a challenge to international justice and the most undisguised violation of the DPRK's sovereignty.

The U.S.-led sanctions against the DPRK are by no means a new experience for us.

However, the unilateral behavior of the U.S., obsessed with the suicidal concept of pressure without sound thinking and sense of reality, and of some countries blindly following it has emerged as a threatening entity shaking the international relations to their foundations and seriously polluting the world security environment.

The emergence of another hostile threatening factor calls for ceaselessly adding new factors to the corresponding counteraction force for deterring it.

Wrong practice is bound to entail an inevitable reaction and corresponding punishment.

If the U.S. expected that it can surprise the DPRK and stop its advance with such worn-out means as sanctions and pressure, it is just a fatal misjudgment.

As clarified by the president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, the pain the U.S. has inflicted on our people has provoked a towering rage towards the U.S. and this has become a decisive factor and a strategic opportunity for redoubling our strength.

If the U.S. seeks to control the world by dint of high-handed and arbitrary practices, self-righteousness and prejudice, more countries will become interested in putting an end to the American-style hegemony and it will bring earlier the emergence of the anti-U.S. global solidarity structure.

The DPRK remains steadfast in its will to safeguard its sovereign rights, development and interests, regional and global peace and security to cope with the ever more undisguised sinister and hostile scheme of the U.S. and its satellite countries.

I take this opportunity to recall the criminal act of the ROK which violated the sovereignty and territory of the DPRK and caused the current mishap, and make it clear that the U.S. will be held accountable for it.

We will correctly remember the U.S. and the ROK, which have taken the lead in illegal and outrageous sanctions and pressure on the DPRK, and Japan, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, which actively joined it, and record all their hostile acts.

The forces involved in the smear campaign against the DPRK will have to pay a dear price for it. -0- (Juche113.10.20.)