Wednesday 9 October 2024

Speech of Dr Dermot Hudson to the online meeting for 79th anniversary of the Workers Party of Korea .

 This month will see the 79th anniversary of the foundation of the great Workers Party of Korea on 10th of October and  the 98th anniversary of the forerunner of the Workers Party of Korea , the Down With Imperialism Union on the 17th of October .Next year 2025 will see the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea which will no doubt be marked by massive celebrations .

The anniversary of the foundation of the Workers Party of Korea is one of great importance because the Workers Party of Korea led by respected Marshal KIM JONG UN  organises and guides all the victories of the Korean people , it is the supreme general staff of the Korean revolution.The importance of the role of the WPK can never be understated or underestimated . Indeed in People’s Korea you will often see the distinctive flag of the WPK , with its hammer , sickle and writing brush , flying from street corners and adorning military vehicles at military parades.

All the achievements of People’s Korea, such as the ones that I witnessed with my own eyes in April of this year when I visited the DPRK  , are the result of the leadership and guidance of the Workers Party of Korea , which is transforming people’s dreams into reality .During my visit I saw a whole new street ,Hwasong street which was the size of a small city  and the new greenhouse vegetable farm at Kangdong . New homes are given to people free of charge .During my visit I saw that there were no beggars or homeless , no lumpens,alcoholics or drug addicts . There was a complete absence of graffiti and vandalism.

Today the WPK has millions of members . Its 8th Congress in January 2021  was attended by 4750 delegates , a figure that exceeded that of the last congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union . However the beginnings of the WPK were very humble and go back a long way.

The Workers Party of Korea , was founded on the 10th of October 1945 by the great leader comrade KIM IL SUNG . Its foundation was not a sudden act but the culmination of a long process which can be traced back to the formation of the Down with Imperialism Union(DIU) by President KIM IL SUNG on the 17th of October 1926 which was the first communist revolutionary organisation with its membership drawn from revolutionary school students and young revolutionaries .The DIU is the historical root of the Workers Party of Korea 

 Later on the 3rd of July 1930 , the first party organisation the Society for Rally Comrades was founded . During the period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle of the Korean People’s Revolutionary Army (KPRA ) , party organisations were formed inside the KPRA and a Homeland Party Working Committee was established .

On 10th of October 1945 the Communist Party of North Korea was formed around a nucleus of communist revolutionaries tempered in the fiery furnace of the anti Japanese armed struggle.Indeed the process did not come to an on October 10th 1945 but a further merger of parties took place in 1946 between the Communist Party of North Korea and the New Democratic Party to form the Workers Party of North Korea.This prevented the forces of the working masses being split .In 1949 the Workers Party of North Korea merged with the Workers Party of South Korea to form a unified party for the whole of Korea the Workers Party of Korea.Indeed the road travelled by the Workers Party of Korea since October 10th 1945 has been one of continuous struggle,development and consolidation.

The Workers Party of Korea is different from other ruling parties in other socialist countries , past and present , because it is based on the Juche idea which stipulates that the popular masses are the masters of the revolution and construction and that everything should serve them . Moreover, the concept of the mother party that takes care of people’s lives was put forward by Chairman KIM JONG IL . Chairman KIM JONG IL said that

 “ We must remember that if a working-class party fails to overcome bureaucratic and administrative tendencies, it will be disqualified from leading the revolution, so we have to continue to wage a stubborn struggle to eliminate the old work method completely. In this way we ought to make our Party a mother party which is always infinitely loyal to the working class and the popular masses, and the standard-bearer of the masses which is united with them and powerfully drives the revolution and construction forward at their head”

Respected Marshal KIM JONG UN , the successor to President KIM IL SUNG and Chairman KIM JONG IL , and general secretary of the Workers Party of Korea , has always stressed the people-first and people -centred policy . At the 7th Congress of the WPK in May respected Marshal KIM JONG UN said that  “Let the whole Party make selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the great people!"–this is the fighting slogan our Party should be holding high at present. We should regard it as an iron rule to respect the people, defend their destiny and give the highest and absolute priority to their interests and comfort.

At the 8th Congress of the WPK held in January  the goal of building 10,000 new flats per year  in Pyongyang and a large number of homes in rural areas was put forward as well improvements to the health service and efforts to boost public transport by stepping up the production of production of trams , trains , trolleybuses and buses.

At the 4th plenary meeting of the 8th  Central Committee of the Workers Party of Korea  held in December 2021 , a programme of rural rejuvenation was put forward  and at the 9th Plenary meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the WPK the "regional development 20×10 policy “ was put forward which envisages the construction of local industry factories as well as cultural facilities in provinces and counties of the DPRK.

Recently , some areas in the far north west of the DPRK bordering China were affected by floods. Marshal KIM JONG UN   ordered leading officials of the Party, government and military to be dispatched rapidly to the affected areas  and helicopters of the Air Force of the Korean People’s Army (KPA) and various kinds of lifeboats of the Navy and a maritime guard formation of the Border Guards were promptly committed to the operation for rescuing the inhabitants.10  helicopters of the KPA Air Force took part in the rescue operation making 20 rounds of shuttle flights .

Marshal KIM JONG UN went to the flood affected area on the 28th of July . He met the KPA pilots who took part in the rescue operation . Significantly no lives were lost despite the serious flooding . Marshal KIM JONG UN met those who had been rescued by the KPA Air Force .


On the 29th of July to the 30th of July , the 22nd Emergency enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Workers Party of Korea was held in the city of Sinuiju, North Phyongan Province. DPRK  with the aim of taking immediate action to rehabilitate the flood affected area . Prior to the meeting, respected Marshal KIM JONG UN inspected the flood damaged areas on board a small rubber dinghy . Subsequently those who had lost their homes in the floods were brought to Pyongyang and housed in the April 25 Hostel .

Thus the WPK is truly a people-oriented party that puts the people first . It is not like political parties in capitalist countries which do not serve the interests of the people . It is also different to the former ruling parties in former socialist countries which had become divorced from the masses of people due to bureaucracy and revisionism. Unlike political parties in capitalist countries which are only for the elite or the so-called “chattering classes “ , ordinary people can join it . Whilst visiting the DPRK I have seen waitresses and drivers with WPK badges .

This is why we celebrate the anniversary of the Workers Party of Korea .

Long live the Workers Party of Korea !
Long Live People’s Korea !
Long live respected Marshal KIM JONG UN !

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